This will be our final Enews of the summer. Look for our next Enews coming after Labor Day. Enjoy your summer, be safe and stay well!!
A Message from Bishop San
Difference: The Power of Faith in a Conflicted World
The Diocese of Easton is partnering with the
Reconciling Leaders Network (RLN)
to engage in the work of the Difference Movement and make the course accessible to our leadership, parishioners and communities. We are currently in the first phase of the partnership, identifying and enrolling individuals who would like to become certified trainers. These trainers will offer both a pilot course this winter and train additional people to become hosts (course leaders for the movement in their area). We hope to fully deploy the Difference Course around our Diocese
beginning in Spring of 2021.
Three Pillars of the Difference Movement -
Be Curious! Be Present! Reimagine!
The Fundamental message promulgated in this movement is the overwhelming acknowledgement that all comes from God, who has settled the relationship between us and him and then calls us to settle our relationships with each other.
This call is at the center of our faith. The cross is the story of God's reconciling us to himself, healing what's breaking and calling us to be caught up in this work as well. And it's for this reason that both Archbishop Justin Welby and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry have made reconciliation one of their priorities. They both have a vision for the Church to be a reconciling presence in the midst of conflict. Justin Welby said, “to see this vision realized, we want to mobilize a generation to live out their calling as peacemakers and reconcilers so that we might see a just and flourishing society. There's nothing more personally exciting to me than seeing a movement of Christians flourish in this call to reconcile”. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry defines it as the work embodied in the
Habits of Grace.
Reconciling work of Jesus isn't just something that needs to be left to the experts; it's something that we can all step into in our everyday encounters. Difference is a movement that is based around our everyday discipleship, in a world that has become increasingly polarized. Instead of merely choosing to practice indifference or coexist in conflict with one another, we believe that a different way is possible. We want to explore what it means to follow Jesus in the face of conflict, and to invite God to be at work in our relationships on every level. It's our hope, through Difference, to share a framework and a language that helps us consider the practices that make this possible. As part of this movement, we will be offering the Difference course. This is for church-based groups to go a bit deeper in learning how we cross divides, disagree well, and practice forgiveness in our relationships. We'll be offering some training events in the late Fall/early Winter for those who
Bishop's Spotlight
Bishop Santosh celebrates Holy Eucharist every Sunday with the parishioners of Augustine Parish, Chesapeake City. Augustine Parish does not have clergy leadership at this time. The Bishop is enjoying his time with members in worship and he plans to continue this until the end of August. The Rev. Robert Smith will take over the services for August 2nd & 9th while the Bishop is on vacation.
Bishop San will be taking a short vacation over the next few weeks before heading into a busy Fall. He continues to keep all of you in his prayers as we navigate new waters.
Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
More from the Office of the Bishop
Bishop San at St. Andrew’s Church Food Ministry, Hurlock
The bishop received a report two weeks ago that the air conditioning unit serving the parish hall that houses the Food Ministry at St. Andrew’s Church, Hurlock, had stopped working. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the unit, on account of age, weather condition and over 20 years in existence, needed to be replaced. The matter needed urgent attention because volunteers were working under extreme conditions, and the recipients of the ministry work were very uncomfortable in the summer heat.
Efforts were made to provide the necessary funds for immediate replacement. The bishop in consultation with Chair of Finance Committee, Myron Richardson and Diocesan Treasurer, Charlie Bohn, was authorized to use some funds assigned to the bishop and earmarked for mission.
St. Andrew’s Food Ministry serves critical food supplies to over 600 people on a weekly basis. It has engaged this ministry for over ten years led by The Rev. Bryan Glancey, his wife, Babs and the faithful members and volunteers.
It was recently recognized by the State of Maryland Food Bank with a state grant of $4,000.00 in food supplies through Maryland Food Bank at Salisbury. It was the only food ministry to receive this grant on the Eastern Shore. The diocese is extremely proud of the caring ministry of the small congregation and thankful for this recognition and generous grant.
This distinction was given because it was one of the very few food ministries that remained open and continues to do so in the state of Maryland all through the COVID-19 pandemic. In this selfless act, the volunteers are providing an essential lifeline for one of the most vulnerable, deprived, and depressed counties on the Eastern Shore. Hurlock is a community that is drastically diminishing in population and quality of life.
It costs St. Andrew's church $150.00 every week to purchase food items from the Food Bank in Salisbury. Much of the funding comes from generous supporters of the ministry. The bishop has a standing order with the Diocesan Finance Office for a monthly donation to the ministry of $150.00 from his Discretionary Fund.
It was a priority of the diocese to ensure the ministry is sustained so that it could continue this life-giving work among the most vulnerable. It is in essence living into the gospel mandate, “When I was hungry you gave me food…”(Matthew 25: 35).
The cost of the project was $7,345.97, shared between the Food Ministry and the diocese. The diocese contributed $5,845.97 and the ministry $1,500.00.
The boiler and AC unit to the sanctuary blew up over three years ago and Church Insurance refused to compensate the church claiming the boiler was too old. The sanctuary was without heating for that period until a generous benefactor donated $5,000.00 to replace the AC unit to provide heat and cold. It was installed over two months ago at a cost of $5,525.00. The bishop covered the $525.00 from his Discretionary Fund.
Last year the roof suffered some leakages and at the request of the bishop, Sean Fahey, Peninsula Roofing, generously donated his time and materials to effect some much needed repair work. Sean is a faithful member of St. Peter’s Parish, Salisbury and son-in-law of Dee Rinehart, Director of the Bishop’s Institute.
We continue to give God thanks for the numerous generous hearts across the diocese willing to render invaluable assistance to the work of mission and ministry kingdom building in this part of the Lord’s vineyard.
Photo left: The Bishop is seen above presenting the check of the diocese’s contribution to Mr. William Grimes, the contractor.
Photo right: Bishop with Father Bryan Glancey.
Diocese of Easton
Collaboration with the Iona Collaborative
A Program of Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest
Austin, TX
The Rev. Dr. John Lewis, Director of the Iona Center & Lecturer was invited to Diocesan Convention on March 7, 2020. He gave a very informative and engaging presentation on the pioneering and seminal work of the Iona Center in training lay people in ministry formation and forming lay people for bi-vocational ordained ministry – deacon and priest.
Iona is a program that has been in existence for over 20 years; developed by the Diocese of Texas in order to augment clergy shortage for rural and small congregations and offer second clergy in parishes that may need one but couldn’t afford the cost of financially funding a two-clergy staff. And, form lay people for effective lay ministry. The diocese insightfully developed the program to address the needs of a growing diocese; a recognition that it viewed as an imminent need but, in different tract and model in order to effectively served the church.
Several dioceses across the Episcopal Church have since noticed the quality of work it does in formation and transformation of lay people who discern a genuine call to serve the church in lay leadership or ordained leadership. In total 29 dioceses are currently enrolled in the program, allowing the formation and training of leaders who have a call to ordained ministry but, due to other life commitments such as family needs, financial obligations and committed employment situations, may not be able to fulfill a full-time academic study program at a 3-year residential seminary.
This program was designed to afford these gifted people the opportunity to fulfill their lifelong dream to serve Jesus as an ordained clergyperson. It is designed for individuals who would serve the church on a part-time basis while holding their substantive secular work.
Read more here.
Interested individuals are encouraged to contact your parish clergy or the bishop’s office to begin a conversation and to fill out the
attached application form.
“…to equip the saints for the work of ministry…”
Ephesians 4:12
Worship Leader Training Announcement
The Executive Committee of the Bishop’s Institute met to discuss how best to move forward with the courses we had planned for 2020. By necessity, due to the pandemic and resulting closures, we were unable to offer our spring offerings. Consequently, we have designed our first course to be conducted via Zoom.
We feel that licensed Lay Ministers should be comfortable with The Book of Common Prayer and the wealth of resources it contains. The Worship Leader course will require two weeks of preparatory work and two 1½ hour sessions via Zoom. Those completing this course would be licensed to lead regular public worship under the direction of a Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other community of faith. A Worship Leader may publicly and lead the Daily Offices of Morning Prayer, Order of Service for Noonday, Evening Prayer, and Compline. A Worship Leader may also lead other occasional services provided in
The Book of Common Prayer
By the completion of the class the participants will be familiar with the Daily Office and other parts of the BCP that can be included in the service, be able to plan and lead any of the services, and develop a community of Licensed Worship Leaders in our Diocese.
These two sessions would be offered between 7:00 and 8:30 on the evenings of September 1 and 8 with two weeks of preparation and reflection prior to each session and then to be shared with the members of the class. The preparation will include a brief spiritual biography as well as reading and reflection of Jeffrey Lee’s book,
Opening the Prayer Book
Enriching Our Worship 1
The cost of the Jeffrey Lee’s book is $13.45, and we ask a registration fee of $15.00 to cover the cost. The book and course requirements will be mailed to each participant upon receipt of registration.
The Deadline for receipt of registrations is August 7, 2020
Registration Form Here
Agape's "Camp in a Box" a Rousing Success!
During this time of time of pandemic, the world seems so upside-down. So many things to deal with, so many stresses on our lives. What a welcome respite to enter the "Zoomisphere" and see the smiling faces of the Agape children. Our time together brought laughs and learnings, and although we did not share a physical space, we shared something special -- time. It proved so special that we have talked about making a time monthly to join together -- not as another burden put on the calendar, but as time to look forward to. The pandemic has hidden within it some blessings and camp-in-the-box is one of them!
Read full article.
Churches Encouraged to Partner with Schools
Last week's Formation Ministry Zoom Event was attended by ministry leaders around the country and was very fruitful. Among the plethora of ideas offered (
register for the next Zoom event) was the opportunity for churches to "rent" their space to schools for either use as extended classrooms (making social distancing possible) or as a location for students to do distance learning (who otherwise do not have access to the internet). For other ideas or to view a recording of the zoom please send an email to
Online Giving Resource
To facilitate stewardship, the Diocese has launched an online giving resource.
click here
, select your church, and set up your one-time or recurring gift.
If the church you select already offers online giving, you will be sent directly to their giving page. Otherwise, you’ll be directed to a secure giving page sponsored by the Diocese and we will transfer the funds you give to your church.
Online Auction to Benefit Camp
Silent Auction to benefit Camp Wright as we work to meet our financial needs during the ongoing pandemic. Our auction is full of great items and experiences made by CW Staff, Alumni, and Friends. Check our social media streams and our website often for more information. Expect to see Camp Wright experiences, handmade crafts, a fabulous Camp Wright chicken dinner and other tasty treats. Contact
for more information!
Bid early and often! And, as always, thanks for your support!
Lap Swimming Available!
We are excited to announce that we are opening the Camp Wright Pool for Lap Swimming four mornings a week! Lap swimming will be offered from 5:30-8:30am Monday through Thursday for adults and children 12 and older. All swimmers must purchase a pass, sign a waiver, and follow social distancing guidelines. For more information and to purchase a swim pass,
visit our website
. Lap swimming is open to the community, so feel free to share with friends and family!
Please Give Generously to Camp Wright
Camp Wright has been a key ministry in the Diocese of Easton for 90 years. Just last summer alone, Camp Wright ministered to over 1700 children, youth, and young adults of various faith backgrounds and experiences. The good work of Camp Wright is well known across Episcopal Camp and Conference Centers. In this diocese, we love Camp Wright and are highly complementary of the evangelism, formation and transformation that happens there. Please support Camp Wright financially at this unprecedented time in history. Please give as you are able to support them through this crisis. Your generous gift is tax exempt. A link to give is here:
. You can also mail a check to them directly 400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville, MD 21666.
St. Paul's, Trappe
On Wednesday, July 15, George Meyer was baptized by immersion in the Tred Avon river in Oxford. The Baptism was performed by the Rev. Nathaniel Pierce who also blessed the Tred Avon as part of the ceremony. Witnesses included Chrissy Marth, nephew, Michael Nair, and wife, Charlotte Meyer. George is now a member of St. Paul's, Trappe, White Marsh Parish.
St. Paul's By-the-Sea, Ocean City
Effective on Monday August 17
, 2020 The Rev. Dr. Matthew D’Amario, OP will resign his Rectorship at St. Paul’s by-the-Sea, Ocean City. We wish Matthew all of God’s grace as he once again picks up his ministry as teacher.
St. Peters, Salisbury St. Peter's Card Ministry bringing hope and encouragement during pandemic
Under the direction of St. Peter's Outreach Committee the Card Ministry continues to send cards of hope and encouragement to those in need. We are finding that there are many opportunities to send cards to them, not only at St. Peter's, but throughout our Diocese. We have expanded the program to include those who are sick, homeless, those on our Comforter's list and to those who are experiencing times of trouble. To date we have sent out over 136 cards since the program started in May. Cards have been sent to the homeless at HALO in Salisbury, those helped by Shepherd's Crook in Ocean City and to others that are in need of some hope.
Thank you very much to our youth and those who have provided wonderful cards to this ministry. We continue to have needs and requests for cards, so if you would like to make some or want to send blank ones, please feel free to send them to: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 115 St. Peter's Street, Salisbury, MD 21801 Attn: Card Ministry. For more information contact our Deacon Intern Steph Clayville at
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to
Churches are also encouraged to add to their local enews.
"We are happy to share the beauty of the land, the quiet of the church, the warmth of the Retreat House spaces with everyone, regardless of religion or spiritual practice."
Come and visit anytime to experience this peaceful place where God is always present.
Here's what's coming up at the Retreat House. Click the button's below for dates and times.
Labyrinth help needed!
During the summer, the labyrinth needs lots of attention. We could use some help pulling weeds that are growing through the labyrinth stones. If you can help while you're here next time, look for a box with gloves under the nearby bench. Every little bit helps and we would greatly appreciate it!
Summer Meditations
- RH Spiritual Director Debra Donnelly-Barton invites you to participate in a daily meditation series.
Day's End
Evening Meditation
Listen, breathe, be still. A peaceful way to move into your evening.
Contemplative Photography
Let us move through the world with the eyes of our hearts enlightened so that we may know hope.
Wisdom Circles
Join a summer Wisdom Circle
and benefit from the shared wisdom of others.
Our ancestors gathered in circles around the fire to tell stories, solve problems, seek the common good and celebrate the joys of life.
Making Peace with Money
In this online group, we will inspire and support each other as we look within for a better understanding of money as a God-given tool.
Weekly AA Meetings
are now on Zoom.
A Peaceful Walk:
The Retreat House gates are always open. Please come for a visit soon! Throughout the COVID crisis, the Retreat House property has remained open to individual visitors. Now, small groups of up to 10 people are welcome to enjoy the beauty of the grounds for outdoor meetings, walks, meditations, or even to have a picnic.
Check out our "tree rooms!" Gather under the Lindens, Magnolia, Pin Oak or Crape Myrtle. We'll supply the seating! (Stadium chairs are in the gazebo.)
As always, please wear masks when you are near others, and help yourself to hand sanitizer, wipes and bug spray provided in the gazebo.
Late summer offerings...
Stay tuned for more details about these new programs!
For more information, call (410) 364-7069,
click the button below
or contact
Francie Thayer
Pastoral Concerns
We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families:
The Bishop would like to report that his sister Sandra received a good report from her doctors that says that her cancer is in remission and he asks for continued prayers for her.
The Bishop's daughter-in-law received a good report from her doctor that her ankle is improving and the prognosis looks good.
Your prayers are also asked for Father Bryan Glancey, who was hospitalized last week and is being treated for some medical issues. Your continued prayers are encouraged for his recovery.
The Rev. Kevin Cross, Rector, Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford. Sandra Marray, Sister of Bishop Santosh Marray. The Rev. Pete Stanton. Art Leiby. Becky Richardson. Jean Rickards.
We pray for the repose of the soul of the following people and for comfort, courage and strength to their families:
Barbara Longest, wife of Bishop Charles Longest.
Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost (August 2nd)
We give thanks for all who serve on diocesan committees and ministries supporting Christ’s mission in the world. We give thanks for the lay persons of our 40 parishes and missions in the Diocese of Easton, and pray for God’s continued guidance of their
wardens, vestry members, and all congregational leaders.
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost (August 9th) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at the La Iglesia de
la Sagrada Familia de Jesus (The Church of the Holy Family of
Jesus), a mission of the Diocese of Easton & Shrewsbury Parish, and
their Vicar, the Rev. Thomas Sinnott, and his spouse, Ileana.
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (August 16th) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Mary the
Virgin Church, Pocomoke City, and for their Wardens and Lay
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost (August 23rd) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Old Green Hill
Church for its annual St. Bartholomew’s day.
Thirtennth Sunday after Pentecost (August 30th) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul’s
Episcopal Center, and for its Vicar, the Rev. Laura Dorsey, and for
its Director, Mrs. Dee Rinehart.
For additional weeks, please visit our
Communication from the
Office of the Presiding Bishop
Season of Creation, September 1 – October 4, 2020
Devotions offered by four leaders
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry and the leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada have prepared a series of devotions to observe the
Season of Creation 2020
, September 1–October 4.
The season, which begins on September 1 with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, is a time to join with the global Christian community in renewing, repairing and restoring commitments to God, to one another and to all of creation. For the four churches, it is also a time for strengthening relationships with one another. Through Scripture, hymns, advocacy and action, the weekly devotions, which are designed to be bulletin inserts for each of the five Sundays during the Season of Creation, begin Sunday, September 6, and invite people to live out their vocation as stewards of creation.
Read more here.
The Way of Love is a way of life.
More than a program or curriculum, it is an intentional commitment to a set of practices. It's a commitment to follow Jesus: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest.
It is designed to be spare and spacious, so that individuals, ministry groups, congregations, and networks can flesh it out in unique ways and build a church-wide treasure trove of stories and resources. There is no specific order you need to follow. If you already keep a Rule or spiritual disciplines, you might reflect and discover how that path intersects with this one. By entering into reflection, discernment and commitment around the practices of Turn - Learn - Pray - Worship - Bless - Go - Rest, I pray we will grow as communities following the loving, liberating, life-giving way of Jesus. His way has the power to change each of our lives and to change this world."
- Presiding Bishop Curry
Habits of Grace: Prayer Into Action
“As we learn how to adjust our lives given the reality of the coronavirus and the request to do our part to slow its spread by practicing physical distancing, I invite you to join me each week to take a moment to cultivate a ‘habit of grace.’ A new meditation will be posted each week.” — Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
Podcast below.
July 2
, 2020:
"Earlier this week, I was preparing a very brief meditation for a kind of public service announcement on prayer in the time of pandemic. And as I was preparing, something dawned on me that I wanted to share with you. There are two instances and there may be others to be sure, in both the Hebrew scriptures and in the New Testament where you see prayer linked directly with action.
One example is found in First Kings where the prophet Elijah is fleeing for his life. He, in Chapter 19, says he ends up at a cave near Mount Horeb, which is Mount Sinai in other places. And there for 40 days, he's in prayer, fasting and struggling. And after that time of prayer, when he kind of senses what God wants him to do, he then goes out and leads a reformation in Israel that was really significant."
- Presiding Bishop Curry
Church Pension Group Releases 2020 Annual Report
The Church Pension Group
CPG), a financial services organization that serves The Episcopal Church, released its 2020 Annual Report (
) earlier this month. Through a series of videos, articles, photographs, and graphics, the Annual Report highlights CPG’s commitment to stability—to professional, compassionate, and trustworthy support of The Episcopal Church, its people and institutions, which depend on CPG in both certain and uncertain times.
“During these challenging times, we have remained steadfast in our values, ensuring that we remain a stable and supportive presence, not only for Episcopal institutions, clergy, and lay employees, but also for our employees,” said
Mary Kate Wold
, Chief Executive Officer and President of CPG. “Despite recent market volatility, The Church Pension Fund remains strong and is well positioned for the future.”
Read more here.
Episcopal Church House of Bishops to meet virtually July 28-29, 2020
House of Bishops
of The Episcopal Church will convene a virtual meeting July 28-29, 2020, from noon to 3:00pm EST, with a third day of meeting planned for September 16. The theme for the gathering is “Communion, Divine and Human: Holy Eucharist and Racial Reconciliation”, and the bishops will spend time in plenary sessions and table groups discussing issues related to this topic. The meeting will be held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure the health and safety of all involved.
Read more here.
Register now for Becoming Beloved Community NOW, gathering leaders for action July 28-30
Racial justice and healing leaders and practitioners across The Episcopal Church will gather to build community, craft strategy and equip each other for action during a series of “Becoming Beloved Community NOW” online gatherings at 4:00-6:00 p.m. EST on July 28-30.
Read more here.
Episcopal Relief & Development launches new COVID-19 response web section
Episcopal Relief & Development has added a new section to the website focusing on the organization’s response to the
COVID-19 Pandemic
in countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean and in the United States. These pages contain specific information about how Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting partners in the United States and around the world.
Read more here
Episcopal Relief & Development and Trinity Church Wall Street Announce Partnership in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
Episcopal Relief & Development and
Trinity Church Wall Street
are partnering on a response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The partnership, supported by a $1,021,683 grant from Trinity Church Wall Street, will reach an estimated two million individuals with expanded relief efforts and strengthened resilience activities.
Read more here
How love shows us the way during difficult times, according to Bishop Curry
Bishop Michael Curry asks "what would love do" in a world upended by racial protests and the coronavirus "Today, like Peter and the disciples, we must discern a new normal. The continued rise in cases of COVID-19 and the raising of voices in the streets following the deaths of
George Floyd
Breonna Taylor
, and
Ahmaud Arbery
have left us disoriented, uncertain, and confused, afraid of what we know and anxious about what we do not know. Our old normal has been upended, and we hunger for its return."
Read more here.
The Newbigin Fellowship for Faith, Peace, and Justice
We are living in turbulent times. Many are hungering and thirsting for spiritual wisdom as we see a nation crying out for peace and justice. The Newbigin Fellowship for Faith, Peace and Justice is a nine-month journey of theological formation to equip you to embody the way of Jesus, answer the call to peace and pursue the work of justice. Apply by July 31st.
Read more here.
United Thank Offering 2021 Annual Grants, Two grant cycles offered
Application deadlines: August 14, 2020 and February 26, 2021
The United Thank Offering (UTO) Board is pleased to announce the availability of their 2021 United Thank Offering Annual Grants. These grants are awarded for projects in The Episcopal Church and throughout the Anglican Communion, each year with a different focus. For 2021, the focus is Recovering with Love and Gratitude: An Episcopal Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Local Contexts.
The United Thank Offering will accept applications in two categories, Sustaining Ministries and Innovative Ministries, at two different funding levels through two granting cycles. The criteria for each category are different. Applicants must demonstrate concisely how the project directly supports the recovery effort.
Read more here.
Virtual Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency course -- August 10-14, 2020
Registration is now open for a special Virtual Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course (VELMC), an innovative five-day intensive course designed for diocesan staff, clergy, lay leaders, and seminarians to gain practical knowledge and cultural competency for Latino/Hispanic ministry. Originally offered in person at the School of Theology in Sewanee, Tennessee, the course will be conducted online in English, August 10-14, 2020.
The five-day VELMC includes 20 hours of online classroom presentations, worship services, and group dialogue, with comfortable breaks and an ample lunch time factored in from 11:00am to 5:30pm (EDT) each day. Regular registration of $300 has a deadline of August 3rd.
Read more here.
Introducing For People, a conversation about finding and holding on to faith in the midst of the challenges of an ever-changing world.
Join Bishop Rob Wright – spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta – each week at the crossroads of faith and life as he draws inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions. For People is Faith for Real Life. New episodes released each Friday.
Listen Now
Applications accepted for Episcopal Church Chief Legal Officer
The Episcopal Church is accepting applications for the position of Chief Legal Officer.
Major, Lindsey, & Africa
has been engaged as the search firm for this position.
The Chief Legal Officer will be responsible for assuring the reliable and timely provision of high-quality legal advice and services on secular legal matters to the Presiding Bishop, the President of the House of Deputies, the Executive Office of the General Convention, the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, and Executive Council.
Read more here.