Go Tell It on the Mountain
Skyland Community Church
Monthly Newsletter
10:30 Sunday Service
July 2013
Minister: Stephen Glauz-Todrank
Church phone: 408-353-1310

Altar Flowers


still life withflowers  

the first day of spring 

a wooly caterpillar 

wears a pink bonnet


-- Amos White



Open Sundays for donating flowers are July 7 (outdoors) and July 14. Please sign up in Whitaker Hall or send an email to <heyes2@gmail.com>.


- John Heyes



Time to Jam


A clarion call for pickles, jams, flavored vinegars, chutneys, jellies and other yummy comestibles for the Harvest Festival has gone out from Mary Ellen McTamaney and Julie Victorine. Also needed are small jars. Former jam-and-jelly honcho Alice Shank has contributed some, and more are needed. Please bring them to the church and put them in the shed, which will be open on Sunday.


There is plenty of beautiful fruit available now.  We look forward

to your contributions and a delectable array of your efforts to stack our shelves on Sept 21.



-- Julie Victorine & Mary Ellen McTamaney




Run at a Glance


Where: Radonich Ranch, 25140 Highland Way, Los Gatos, CA 95033


When: Saturday, July 6, 2013



7:15 a.m., 




8:30 a.m.: 10K run, 5K run/walk 


9:45 a.m.: Kids 10 & under 1K Fun Run 



Pancake breakfast! 
Live music!

Another Chance 

to Declutter 


Thanks to our enthusiastic participants and their amazing community spirit, the "Declutter Your Life" workshops at the Skyland Church were a great success! We had lots of fun and raised $375 for our wonderful church. 


Our raffles for two hours' worth of free consultation on decluttering, organizing and incorporating mindful design for the home or workspace resulted in two motivated winners! Since some of you could not make it but asked if we could offer the workshop again, I am delighted to announce that "Declutter Your Life" will be offered again on Saturday, Aug. 3, from 10 a.m. to noon. To register, please email ellie@lavenderdesign.net or call 408.858.8947 by July 15.   


-- Ellie Lavender




Proverbs 3:5-6


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding;


In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight."



-- Board of Religious Education


Skyland Community Church
Minister's Column


Dear Skyland Friends,


The 21st  Annual Skyland Run, coming up on the sixth of this month, marks a long and very fruitful mission project originally imagined by former Skyland member Karen Izzo 21 years ago.


It has been a great "run" both literally and metaphorically. Since this is probably the last one, I especially want to thank all the people over these past two decades who have put heart and soul into its success. Every year people tell me, "This is the best run I have ever participated in: nicest people, best course, best breakfast, best raffle"... you get the idea.


Furthermore, we have funneled thousands of dollars to worthy causes near and far, some charitable organizations set up by others, but also mission efforts from our own people. I believe the Kingdom of God is present in this work and that every level of participation gives an opportunity to share and to work and play together. I want to give my deepest thanks and blessings to all of you who have helped to make it happen. The world is a better place thanks to this long project. Shortly it will be over. We will take a deep breath and launch into Harvest Festival preparations but I hope at some point we will use the free mental space to imagine new possibilities for outreach and service. It will be fun to see what happens. Until then, we'll work hard and rest well and stay open to the promptings of the Spirit.


With deep admiration and appreciation,


-- Stephen


PS - Thank you all so much for the great stack of books you gave me for my birthday. I bet you'll hear some references in upcoming sermons. The chocolate cake was delicious! Thanks for everything!



This Could Be the Last Time!  

Always a family affair!


For two decades, the Skyland Community Church has been staging a charity run through the rolling hills of the Summit area of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Over the years, the number of runners - attracted by the beautiful course through the hills, and the special events accompanying the run (a pancake, sausage, and egg breakfast on the ranch grounds, live music, prizes for men and women in nine age groups, and a raffle of goods and services contributed by local merchants) - has grown from about thirty in the original run in 1992 to nearly three hundred in last year's race.


The 21st Skyland Mountain Run will be held July 6, as always from the grounds of the Radonich Ranch at 25140 Highland Way in Los Gatos, and with the usual breakfast, music, prizes and the raffle, for which registered entrants receive two free tickets. There will be 10K and 5K runs, a 5K walk, and a short fun run for kids under 10. All registrants will also receive this year's prized Skyland-designed T-shirt.  Skyland members are asked to encourage family and friends to join us via their social media connections (Facebook, Twitter, Linked In,  etc.).


The breakfast, music, raffles, and other extras have made the event so popular that producing it is beginning to tax our own resources and those of the host site. The process of staging such a large event employs almost all of our members, plus volunteers from the community. And run coordinator Terry Leary says that he can always use more help from members "and their able-bodied children."


The Radonich Ranch, whose facilities are stretched to accommodate many cars and a large crowd picnicking on breakfast, has asked that the run grow no bigger. The permit process and fees for using county roads are complicated and add to expenses.  Overall, the event has become so complex that Skyland has formed a transitional committee to consider looking for a new home and sponsor. That group is still weighing options, but opinion seems to favor shifting responsibility for the run.


"It has been a great "run" both literally and metaphorically," says Stephen in this month's minister's column above.


Skyland contributes all proceeds of the run to charities, including the Loma Prieta Volunteer Firefighters, Girls on the Run, the Heifer project, and 19 other community, local, and international groups. Last year the run netted some $7,000 for charity.


Pre-registration for the run, before 11 p.m. July 2, costs $25 for adults and $13 for the children's run; on July 6, registration opens at 7:15 a.m. and costs $35 for the 10K and 5K events and $13 for the 1K. Races start at 8:30, and the kids' run at 9:45. A link for online pre-reg, plus complete run information, and directions to the Radonich Ranch, can be found at www.skylandrun.com .



Invite friends via Facebook and Twitter

Financial Report June 2013


Note from our treasurer:


$1880 has been donated and sent to Matthew Colbran-Patterson to support his medical work in Baobab.


$435 was received to help the people in Moore, OK who suffered severe losses from tornadoes. $110 was donated specifically to help Joel Lynn; the remainder will be sent to our conference to be distributed directly to Moore, OK relief.


Thanks again for your generosity to help those in need.


At this time 39 pledges have been received for a total of $119,640. If members who have not yet pledged do pledge the same as last year, the total will be $123,240. We need $127,400 to balance our spending plan. If you have not pledged, please send in your pledge cards, with an increase if possible.


Here is a summary of our operating finances for June 2013. 




June 2013


Jun 1, 2013 to 

June 30, 2013







$ 22,246

$ 22,844

$ 22,246

$ 22,844


$ 22,489

$ 22,528

$ 22,489 

$ 22,528


$  (-243)

$     316

$  (-243) 

$     316






--Gerald J. Alonzo