BIGGER Ideas in Storage
TSSA Annual Conference
October 13, 2020
We're excited to present BIGGER Ideas in Storage annual conference, the can't-miss self-storage event of the year—now delivered online for only $99! Make plans to sign up and plug in October 13 for an innovative and interactive NEW EXPERIENCE.
What's new and different about Bigger Ideas in Storage?

Almost everything is unique (because let's face it, 2020 has been unlike any other year), but you can expect to get the same high-quality education and networking opportunities that we thoughtfully design for our members each year.

Whether you're an avid conference attendee or someone who has never been before, you'll benefit from the unexpected, yet exciting perks of attending conference online this year.

At only $99 to attend, the value of Bigger Ideas greatly outweighs the cost. Premier education and networking for a nominal fee.

You'll get an all-access pass to education. This year, you don't have to choose; engage live and watch recorded sessions later.

Join us from the comfort of your home or office (shoes optional). Bigger Ideas 2020 is coming to straight to you.

No Man is an Island: The Importance of Networking

Don't get stranded on your (self-storage) island all alone. Building your network is key in growing your business, relationships and keeping a pulse on the latest industry trends.

TSSA Director of Membership & Engagement Holly Barr spoke with TSSA board members JD Blacklock and JoLea Conn about how networking and education at TSSA events has been an invaluable resource for professional and personal growth. Watch the video below to learn more.
Charitable Fundraising Efforts
Each year at conference, we host a poker tournament and auction with 100% of the proceeds benefitting Shriners Hospitals for Children—Galveston, and this year we are going online to raise funds. More information coming soon.

We are continuing the $1 Per Unit Challenge, and invite you to join. Donate $1 per unit, per year—that's it! Click here to watch a video to learn more.

We're taking donations for our silent auction, so if you have something you'd like to donate, please click here.
Not Quite a Repeat of 2008
by Taressa Dominguez,
Director of Education & Marketing
With so much uncertainty permeating every industry right now, we want to highlight the resilience of the self-storage industry by looking at the 2008 recession and how self storage weathered that storm. We’ve heard it said and written before that this industry is recession-resistant, so let’s consider why...
TSSA 2020-2021 Board of Directors

We are pleased to welcome two new directors to serve three-year terms, Konrad Johnson with The Attic Corporation, and Michael Meylor of Neutron Corporation. Re-elected to the board is Robb DeJean with Advantage Self Storage, to serve an additional three-year term, while Dave Morgan of SBS Construction will serve another year as the vendor representative.
Ask the Experts Legal Q&A
Question: We recently had a burglary at our facility and later discovered that one of our security cameras was inoperable. Now the tenant wants to review the tape. Since we advertise that we have security cameras, are we liable?

Answer: The extent of your potential liability will depend to a large extent on the language of your lease. If you have video cameras on a property, it is important that you use a lease like the TSSA lease that puts your tenants on notice regarding the video cameras and general non-liability. Paragraph 15 of the TSSA lease states, "No express or implied warranties are given by lessor. Lessor disclaims and tenant waives any implied warranties of suitability, merchantability, security, safety, or fitness for a particular purpose." This paragraph also states that "video cameras may be non-operational or unmonitored." So, this should provide the tenant with legal notice that you are by no means guaranteeing that video cameras are constantly operable or monitored, or that you will be able to provide surveillance video for their use.

Please note: You must log in to your account at to view hundreds of questions and answers in the Ask the Experts database.