Spring 2019 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Competition
The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) is now accepting applications for a Spring 2019 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship competition. There are separate competitions for undergraduate students, and graduate and professional students. The FLAS Fellowship supports students who wish to pursue advanced language and area studies.
For more information aboutthe fellowship and application process, please visit: https://clas.osu.edu/FLAScompetition/spring-2019-flas-competition.
An information session will take place on Wednesday, September 26, 3:00 - 4:00 PM in Enarson Classroom Building, Room 100.
Save the Date: CLAS Autumn Reception
Wednesday, October 10, 2018 from 4:00 - 6:00 PM Sullivant Hall Rotunda, 1813 N. High Street - 1st floor
Please join us to welcome faculty and students back to campus, recognize our Tinker and FLAS Fellows for 2018-19, and celebrate recent CLAS accomplishments.
We will also be debuting our new traveling pop-up exhibit, "The Hidden Life of Things: Andean and Amazonian Cultural Artifacts and the Stories They Tell". This nineteen-panel exhibit features Andean and Amazonian cultural artifacts as historical and literary texts in their own right providing insight into alternative literacies and historiographies.
Light refreshments will be provided. |
Travel the world through the experiences of Latinx Returned Volunteers and hear about life as a Peace Corps Volunteer. Learn about Peace Corps Volunteers, where they go, and what they do and hear directly from Hispanic Volunteers about their experiences abroad!
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
4:00 - 5:00 PM Central
BMPA Culture and Conversation Event Celebrating Hispanic/Latino Heritage
September 25th, 6:00 - 8:00 PM Bexley Public Library - 2411 E. Main
Join us for small plates of food and a multi-cultural conversation about American history. Learn how Hispanic-Americans have influenced our community:
Facilitator, Dr. Michelle Wibbelsman Ohio Habla, Adriana Ponce de Leon and Dr. Elena Foulis, OSU Digital Storytelling, Osmari Novoa and Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros, OSU Panelists: Ramona Reyes from the Columbus School Board of Education, Frank Fernandez from Capital University (Police Chief), Alvaro Campuzano from Nationwide Finance, and Joanna Martinez from Nationwide Underwriting Consultant
Upcoming Education Abroad Opportunities
Santiago: Culture and City
Spring Break 2019
This short-term study abroad program will immerse students in the culture, history, urban, landscape and architectural environment of Santiago, Chile.
Contact Aimee Moore (
) for more information!
Information Session: 9/25:
176 Knowlton
ISA Spanish GE Language & Culture Program in Barranquilla, Colombia
Participants will experience the unique culture of Barranquilla by living with host families. In addition to having an opportunity to be immersed in the Spanish language, participants will observe and experience aspects of the Colombian lifestyle that are inaccessible to most visitors. Contact Jenny Kraft (kraft.51@osu.edu) for more information!
BuckIDream Ally Trainings, FA18
Sponsored by the OSU BuckIDream Working Group, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and the Office of Student Life
September 26th, 2018 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm;
Arps Hall 388
November 27, 2018 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm;
Location TBD
What challenges do DACA & undocumented students face nationwide? What are the financial, psychological, and educational repercussions of living with undocumented status? What OSU resources are available for DACA and undocumented students? What can I do to support these students? Where can I find more information or resources about this topic? Know your rights - Role-playing for instructors, staff, and students - Bystander training - Raise awareness in your social network - Become a member of the OSU BuckIDream Working Group!
Tinker Fellow Highlight: Justin Pinta
Justin Pinta, doing field research in Loreto, Corrientes, Argentina |
Tinker Fellow, Justin Pinta, received funds to travel to Loreto, Corrientes, Argentina to carry out fieldwork on Correntinean Guarani, an indigenous language spoken in rural northeastern Argentina. He pursued research regarding the link between this language and local identity, why some speakers are actively maintaining the language while others are abandoning it, and the extent to which these sociolinguistic factors manifest themselves in the degree of language mixture seen between this language and Spanish.
Justin said of his experience, "Overall this trip was highly successful in that it focused the scope of my dissertation and overall PhD progress, expanded Ohio State's international academic presence, increased academic knowledge of this understudied language, and benefited the community of speakers in which I worked by demonstrating international interest in the language and encouraging its role in the local education system."
Justin is a graduate student in the Hispanic Linguistics Ph.D. program at Ohio State.
Tinker Field Research Grants are awarded to graduate students to support pre-dissertation research travel to and within Latin America.
CLAS affiliates will be invited to attend "Tinker Talk" round table events throughout the year that feature the research progress of our Tinker Fellows.
Holyoke College searching for Assistant Professor of Latin American Literatures and Cultures
The Department of Spanish, Latina/o, and Latin American Studies at Mount Holyoke College invites applications for a tenure-track position in Latin American literatures and cultures at the assistant professor rank to begin fall 2019.
Volunteers Needed: 2018 Symposium on Indigenous Languages and Cultures of Latin America
CLAS is looking for undergraduate and graduate student volunteers for the 2018 ILCLA Symposium, October 25-28, 2018. Volunteer activities included: helping with participant registration, serving as session moderators, and helping guests navigate campus. All volunteers will receive free entry into participant-only symposium activities, including the Opening Reception, film showing, evening dinner, and Closing Luncheon. For all inquiries, please contact
Megan Hasting, CLAS Assistant Director and symposium organizer.
Registration is open for the 2018 Symposium on Indigenous Languages and Cultures of Latin America, to be held October 25-28, 2018.
Confirmed keynote speakers include:
- Daniel Everett, Dean of Arts and Sciences at Bentley University
- María Coca Chavarría, Professor, San Marcos University
- Gaspar Pedro González, Guatemalan Author
For more information about keynote addresses, please visit: clas.osu.edu/ilcla.
Matanock to discuss research on post-conflict elections
Aila Matanock, assistant professor of political science at University of California-Berkeley, will speak about her book,
Electing Peace: From Civil Conflict to Political Participation,
on Tuesday (9/25) at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, 1501 Neil Ave. Drawing on draws on worldwide cross-national data, case studies in Central America, and interviews with representatives of all sides of the conflicts, the book examines how former combatants transition to political parties in post-conflict elections.
2018 International Photography Competition
All students, faculty, staff, visiting scholars and alumni of The Ohio State University are invited to submit their photos to the 2018 International Photography Competition. Entries will be accepted through October 8. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your original photographs from around the world. In addition to honoring the Best in Show, first, second and third place winners will be selected in the following categories: People, Places and Arts & Culture. There will also be People's Choice awards for the photos that receive the highest votes via the Facebook voting phase.