September 16, 2020
Turner Falls
What's Inside...
  • Registration Is Now Open 2020 Municipal Education Series
  • OMJA Fall Conference
  • NOI Webinar
  • Notice of Annual Business Meeting
  • Municipal Health Solutions (MHS) announces three insurance plans are approved by Insure Oklahoma
  • Introducing the Oklahoma Route 66 Passport
  • Full Census Count in Danger! Oklahoma Could Lose Millions!
Registration Is Now Open
2020 Municipal Education Series
September 30th - October 2nd
The 2020 Municipal Education Series is set to be held virtually, September 30 - October 2. The virtual series, which is taking the place of the OML annual conference, will offer approximately fourteen sessions over the 3-day event, ranging in topics from municipal audits, budgets, ethics, planning and zoning to social media trends and much more.
Each session will be approximately fifty (50) minutes in length and will be presented by state experts in each field. Please be watching your inbox this week, as you will be receiving your session overview information and registration information. Remember, all sessions are free to our members, compliments of our Corporate Partners. More Information
OMJA Fall Virtual Conference
October 22, 2020
Have you signed up?
New Officials Institute: October 29th Webinar
Due to Covid-19, OML has decided to have the New Officials Institute (NOI) via GoToWebinar. 

Space is limited so, if you haven't already, sign up today! More Information
Notice of Annual Business Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the annual business meeting of the Oklahoma Municipal League, Inc., a non-profit corporation, will be held on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 beginning at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will be held via GoToMeeting. Notice now includes Legislative Priorities. More Information
Municipal Health Solutions (MHS) announces three insurance plans are approved by Insure Oklahoma
Municipal Health Solutions (MHS) is pleased to announce that three of our insurance plans have been approved by Insure Oklahoma, which will allow our participating municipalities the ability to utilize the benefits they can offer employees.
“We are very excited about this announcement and are hopeful that our cities and towns will continue to contact us for additional information regarding our municipal health insurance program. We have a great team put together that has already been meeting with dozens of our municipalities and are looking forward to meeting with others,” Nancee Morris, MHS Plan Administrator said.
Introducing the Oklahoma Route 66 Passport
Come explore Oklahoma with more than 400 drivable miles of America's favorite highway. The brand new Oklahoma Route 66 Passport is an extra incentive to take the road less traveled and uncover hidden gems. This complimentary passport showcases 66 locations along the Mother Road. Order your free passport and start planning your Route 66 road trip today! More Information
Full Census Count in Danger!
Oklahoma Could Lose Millions!
Contact Members of Congress
and the U.S. Senate to urge them
to extend the Census deadline!

Last month, the U.S. Department of Commerce abandoned its request to Congress to push back the 2020 Census statutory reporting deadlines. 
This will force the Census Bureau to rush through remaining counting operations and curtail vital quality check and data processing activities—even though the national self-response rate at the start of the door knocking operation was the lowest ever, and the number of homes to visit in person the highest ever. More Information
Thank You To Our Corporate Partners
For Their Continued Support