December 2018
Year-End Reflections from the
Early Learning Network
Season's Greetings!

For the past three years, the Early Learning Network has focused on building knowledge around ways to close the achievement gap and maintain early learning success as children transition from pre-K to elementary school – and beyond. Thank you for your continued interest in the network and support of our mission.

We are pleased to share a new video that introduces seven cross-cutting themes that have emerged from our nationwide research studies. These themes are important in understanding children’s learning and development, and will be examined more fully in future newsletters.

Additionally, we invite you to explore some of the resources outlined below that you may have missed in recent months. 

On behalf of the Early Learning Network, I wish you a wonderful holiday season.
Susan M. Sheridan, Ph.D.
George Holmes University Professor of Educational Psychology 
Director, Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families & Schools
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Early Learning Network
Social Media
Engage with us on Facebook and Twitter. Search the hashtag #EarlyLearning to follow the broader conversation happening online.

Newsletter Archive
Did you miss an email from us? Past newsletters are archived on our website.

A list of publications drawn from ELN's ongoing research studies is available on our website. Several more papers are expected to be published in 2019.

News & Blogs
Take a look at ELN's news updates and blogs from recent months.

Conference Presentations
ELN researchers have shared network findings with stakeholders at various conferences. Review a list of ELN research posters and presentations.

Slides and other online resources are available from ELN's Fall 2018 webinar focused on communicating research to policy audiences.
Painting a picture of today's pre-K - Early Learning Network

By Dana Ludvik, Communications & Media Specialist Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families & Schools, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Publicly funded pre-K education is a widely accepted strategy to address opportunity and...

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Through our nationwide studies, we’re uncovering information around several cross-cutting themes that are important in understanding children’s learning and development.

Our teams look forward to sharing more about each of these themes, and their implications for U.S. education policy and practice, in the coming year.
The Early Learning Network, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences , leverages its expertise, resources and geographic diversity to help close the achievement gap and maintain early learning success as children transition from preschool to third grade. Together, network researchers from universities and organizations across the U.S. are examining current policies and practices, identifying malleable factors associated with early learning and achievement and developing tools to assess early learning instruction, interactions and environments. Learn more at
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