May 27, 2021 - Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, MO
A Letter from Rev. Courtney Chandler
I want to share with you my excitement for our upcoming Vacation Bible School, “Welcome to the Neighborhood,” which will take place August 2-5 from 9 am-12pm. 

Taking inspiration from Fred Rogers and his show, “Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood,” I have been creating a curriculum that focuses on neighbors near and far. We will be using boxes to “build” a neighborhood. We will have homes, houses of worship, libraries, farms, and maybe even a rainforest or an Eiffel Tower. Who knows? Our children’s imaginations are limitless. We will weave this together with music, games, and stories of faith about people who were good neighbors: helping their friends, showing hospitality, welcoming the stranger, and how the Holy Spirit used the disciples to connect people from all corners of the earth. The fact that we will be back in person for this event makes me even more excited!

If you are interested in helping with VBS in any way, please let me know. I will find a way for you to join in the fun! In the meantime, keep collecting those boxes and feel free to ask any questions you may have. I cannot wait for VBS! Gathering with the children again in this way will definitely make it “A beautiful day in the neighborhood.” 
Join us for worship on
Sunday, May 30th at 10:00 a.m.!

Worship with us in-person!
Reservations are no longer needed; We look forward to seeing you!

Worship with us virtually!

Bulletin for Sunday's Worship:

Scripture texts:

There's no need to have a Facebook account in order to join us for worship just click on the blue "Ladue Chapel Facebook Page" above and scroll down to find this week's video.

During worship we hope you will use the comment section to greet each other, pass the peace and experience the wonderful community of Ladue Chapel!

The worship service will also be available on our YouTube Channel on Tuesday afternoon.

We hope you will join us as we gather for worship!
Music for Sunday:
Soprano Margaret Milligan Kerr will sing “Trinitarian Blessings” by K. Lee Scott.


At this difficult time, when our daily lives continue to be upended and uncertainty is all around, the Stephen Ministers at Ladue Chapel are available to provide one-on-one Christ-centered care to people who need someone to listen. The Stephen Minister can walk alongside you in a covenant relationship as a caring Christian companion, listening, sharing challenges and pain, and praying for you in a confidential relationship.

If you would like to talk with a Stephen Minister, or find out more about Stephen Ministry, please contact John Hensley at 314-346-2010, or Jo Dyroff at 314-852-3958.
If you or someone you know is not receiving the Chapel Bell or other emails from the church, please let us know! Also, be sure to follow our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to stay connected.

Email Schedule: Below is a schedule of when you can expect to hear from us throughout the week. There may be additional emails if need be. We hope this is an easy way to stay connected.
  • Thursday: Chapel Bell

Sunday Morning Worship - 10:00 a.m., on Facebook (no need to have a Facebook account - just go to, click on the button at the top.) Worship will also be available on our YouTube channel the following Monday. Share our services with your friends on social media! We love meeting new people and growing our online community.