FRWA eNews
January 16, 2020
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Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
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Water Distribution Certification/ Parker

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B/D/C Driniking Water Certification Review/Ocala
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Department of Homeland Security Issues
Critical Microsoft Vulnerabilities Directive 
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released an Emergency Directive and Activity Alert addressing critical vulnerabilities affecting Windows CryptoAPI, Windows Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway), and Windows Remote Desktop Client. A remote attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to decrypt, modify, or inject data on user connections.

Although Emergency Directive 20-02 applies only to certain Executive Branch departments and agencies, CISA strongly recommends state and local governments, the private sector, and others also patch these critical vulnerabilities as soon as possible.


Can you believe that the first session of the 2020 Focus on Change sessions is less than two weeks away?  Be sure to sign up at the session you want to attend by clicking on the links below.

For a complete agenda, click here.  For more complete information, click here.
National News
EPA PFAS Actions Aggressively addressing per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is an active and ongoing priority for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  more

NRWA Asked for Comments on Senator Gillibrand's Clean Water Act PFAs Bill To amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to require the Administrator of the Enviromental Protection Agency to set maximum contaminant levels for certain chemicals and for other purposes. more

New Hampshire Fights Suit Against New State PFAs Rules The New Hampshire Safe Water Alliance and its two co-founders filed a motion to intervene in the state's fight with chemical giant 3M to impose more protective PFAS standards. more

White House Issues Veto Threat Over House-Passed PFAs Bill The Administration strongly opposes passage of HR 535 the PFAS Action Act of 2019. more

NRWA and National Water Association Caution House of Representatives on PFAs legislation On January 8, the group of national water associations signed a joint statement to the House of Representatives expressing opposition to HR 535 because the legislation fails to protect water system customers from liability for PFAS cleanup costs. more

House Passes Comprehensive PFAS Legislation Over NRWA Objections On Friday the House of Representatives passed HR 535 on a 247-159 vote. more

NRWA Joins PFAs Reciever's Advocacy Group NRWA recently joined a coalition of PFAs "Recevers" in an effort ot educate the public and policymakers on our perspective on PFAs issues. more

How US sewage plants can remove medicines from wastewater  A study of seven wastewater treatment plants in the Eastern United States reveals a mixed record when it comes to removing medicines such as antibiotics and antidepressants. more
State News
SJRWMD to convert 79 septic tanks to sewer on Doctors Lake | Clay Today  The St. Johns River Water Management District Governing Board today approved an agreement with Clay County Utility Authority to convert as many as 79 septic tanks to central sewer on properties adjacent to Doctors Lake.  more 

Governor Ron DeSantis Moves Forward On Envrionmental Agenda | WFSU  Governor Ron DeSantis appears well on his way to securing more money for Everglades restoration and water quality improvements.  more

DeSantis announces $5.4 million for Northwest Florida | My Panhandle  Governor Ron DeSantis announced more than $5.4 million in funding for infrastructure projects in 15 rural communities in Northwest Florida that were affected by Hurricane Michael.  more

Indiantown wants its own water utility, but can the village pull it off? | TCPalm  Residents, elected officials, village staff and contracted workers all acknowledge concern over the water in town.  more

Water dispute between Georgia and Florida heads to Supreme Court  For three decades, Georgia and Florida have been battling over how to share a precious resource: water.  more

Water Utilities Department to perform temporary modification to water disinfection process | Okeechobee News  In order to maintain compliance with regulatory water quality requirements in the water distribution system, the Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department (PBCWUD) will temporarily modify its water disinfection process between Saturday, Jan. 11 and Friday, Jan. 31  more
This Week in Water History
Thomas Crapper Invents the Flush Toilet

January 13, 1863:  Thomas Crapper Invents the Flush Toilet. "It's almost too perfect. A man named Thomas Crapper invents the world's first indoor one-piece flushing toilet on this day in history, and the world rejoices. The problem is, it's not true, particularly that "first" part. Crapper was instrumental in drawing the public's attention to the product in his London store, which was the world's first sink, toilet and bath showroom; but his role was more as a salesman, not inventor in this case. An article in "Plumbing and Mechanical Magazine" said Crapper "should best be remembered as a merchant of plumbing products, a terrific salesman and advertising genius."  more
For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309