Our vision is to have a community where no kittens are born wild on the street, no cat  capable of living in a home is lacking one, and no feral cats are wanting for food, water,  and appropriate care and concern.

Another great Global Cat Day celebration for volunteers   

SAFCC celebrated Global Cat Day by inviting core volunteers to an appreciation luncheon. Without these people, we could not run our programs and the organization could not function. Volunteers received a certificate of appreciation for their help and support. Program volunteers included: TNR Class Presenters and their support staff, Helpline, Trap Loan Team, Trapper Team, Fosters and Petco workers.  We have almost a hundred core volunteers and all we achieve for our community cats is thanks to them! 

Each year on Global Cat Day, SAFCC gives an award to the volunteer who has done the most to support our mission in caring for community cats. This year our Volunteer of the Year went to Courtney Arispe! Thank you, Courtney, for all you have done for us and will continue to do! 
Feral Cat Condo Project

Sara Morgan is the CEO, Founder of Frenchie's Kitchen human grade dog food. They ship frozen dog food across the country and are in the process of setting up a non-profit that will take their styrofoam coolers and reuse them for housing for feral cats that have been spayed and neutered. Their project is called the Feral Cat Condo Project. Since they are based in SA, they thought it would only make sense to start our pilot program here in our own community. The Feral Cat Condo project will be hosting classes to demonstrate how to turn their coolers into cat condos for feral cats. If you're interested in attending a class, fill out this form HERE.
Order from and SAFCC will get a $20 donation!

First-time Chewy customers can order pet food at and San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition will get a $20 donation! For every new Chewy customer purchase* made after clicking the Chewy  banner directly on this page HERE, Chewy will then donate $20 to the San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition.
*This offer is valid for first-time customers only, one per household.

Tshirt fundraiser results

Thanks to everyone who ordered a Bonfire tee shirt in support of our Global Cat Day fundraiser. The cool design featured to the left was an immediate favorite with many. We made $875.31 from the proceeds of the shirt fundraiser. Monies earned from this fundraiser will go toward our TNR Program and our Community Cat Adoption Program. 

Again many thanks to all who bought a shirt! 
And remember "When adoption is not an option, there's TNR!"

Thanks to all who dined at our spirit night at Willies!  

Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by and dined at Willies Grill and Icehouse this month for our spirit night fundraiser. The fundraiser was held at four Willie's locations and the proceeds brought in were amazing! Thanks to you, we raised $246.52 for our Feral Food Program through this fundraiser! Willie's was very happy with our success as this is almost twice as much as most organizations raise. We know we have our wonderful supporters to thank for this. 

All proceeds from the Willie's Spirit Night fundraiser go to support our Feral Food Program which provides food for colony caretakers in San Antonio who are otherwise financially unable to provide for their colony cats. Thank you so much and stay tuned for more restaurant fundraisers! 

It's time for our Feral Food Drive again! 

Last year was our first Feral Food Drive that made so many of our colony feeders and their cats so happy! If you would like to make a donation of cat food to our Feral Food Program, please consider doing so! We do this before Thanksgiving so that cats in all of our managed FFP colonies can enjoy a full meal at this time of year where we can be grateful for all we have and enjoy sharing our gratitude with others. 

If you are able, please make plans to drop off food (dry or can) at our office on the below dates. We thank you and we know the cats will thank you!
November 9th  and 16th 
10 AM - 12 PM
11411 Rendezvous, San Antonio TX 78216.

Can't stop by to donate food? You can always make a monetary donation to the FFP HERE or make get a donated food item from our Amazon Wishlist. Thank you! 

Welcome new trap loan volunteer

Welcome Esther Dean to the  SAFCC Trap Loan Team! She is covering southwest San Antonio for trap loans. This has been an area of great need and we are so appreciative of Esther's help! 

If you have attended our TNR Class and need a trap, please call our Helpline at 210-877-9067.

In other trap news, our Trucatch trap order has arrived! If you are looking to buy traps, we have 50 regular traps to sell and 15 Big Boys (BB). Cost is $75 for the 30LTD (regular) and $90 for the BB. Please call our helpline to get in contact with a trap loan volunteer to buy a trap. 

Local author pays tribute to community cats in book 

Janet Dumas is a friend of SAFCC and a cat owner for 43 years and an advocate of TNR and improving the lives of community cats for 14 years. Her recent book "Blessings From My Cats" is a collection of short stories about the rescued cats that share the author's home and the feral cats that depend on her in the wild. Janet shares her experiences as a feral cat colony caretaker in San Antonio, how she came to understand the individual cats, and the relationships they built together. "Blessings from My Cats" provides a window into the secret lives of cats in the wild, and the surprising ways these cats demonstrate their profound appreciation for their humans on a daily basis, delighting and resonating with cat lovers of all ages.

If you'd like to get the book, click HERE

SAFCC Cat of the Month: Nemo

Nemo came to SAFCC as a tiny baby with a severely injured leg.  We don't know what happened to his leg, but thankfully the person who found him, paid for him to be hospitalized for a week before he came into foster care. Initially, it was unclear whether or not Nemo would ever walk again his injury was so severe. Nonetheless, with lots of love and care, Nemo has made a full recovery. He is now neutered, vaccinated, combo tested negative, and microchipped and ready for his forever home. For more information about Nemo contact his foster HERE

Grant updates

We are happy to announce we have finished both grants early and thank all trappers who made this happen!

Our Trapper Team Grant from the San Antonio Area Foundation paid the SAFCC Trapper Team to trap 1,750 cats that had no one else to trap and fix them! 

Our Zip Code Grant from the Petco Foundation funded the spay/neuter of 300 cats in 8 zip codes that registered high cat numbers with our Helpline data.

We are so thankful to both of these foundations who have recognized the important work we do within the community in saving lives by awarding us grant funds so we can do more.  Thank you! 
Help us continue to do this important work for our city! Please donate  HERE .
Helpful Links:

San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition | (210) 877-9067 |