06 December 2019

Brought to you by  Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story

A prolonged slump in olive oil prices is whipping up discontent among farmers in southern Europe and North Africa. After growing steadily higher for several years, wholesale prices of extra-virgin olive oil - the purest kind, typically in demand from high-end restaurants - have fallen in 2019 by a quarter in Spain and by almost a third in Italy. A rich olive harvest in Spain, the world’s dominant producer, has left the market flooded.
Colin Houston, who came out of retirement to start a (horticultural) business with his son, says the cuts are "the worst news in 20 years". (ABC News: Kylie Rollins)
Hobart could soon face water restrictions and farmers are being asked to slash their water usage in half as the state's south supply buckles under demand.

Taxing backpackers higher than other staff is bad for business. That's the message from the agriculture industry after the Federal Court found the Federal Government's Backpacker Tax couldn't be applied to certain nationalities as it broke international agreements.

Systems and solutions that manage agricultural activities have been instrumental in helping Australian farmers to improve productivity, increase operating efficiency and reduce costs. Across Australia, producers are embracing technologies such as global positioning systems and farm management software that utilise the Internet of Things technology to manage livestock and crop production, harvesting, irrigation and record-keeping.
Peter and Jenny are holding a MASSIVE OLIVE EQUIPMENT AUCTION and may have something you need. They’re letting olive growers and producers know through the OliveBiz Classifieds
Your circumstances have changed and you’ve got equipment you no longer need but there’s undoubtedly another producer out there for whom it would be ideal. Let them know about it through the Olivebiz Classifieds – THE intra-industry way to sell, buy and source. 
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertise your unwanted equipment, extra oil or even your grove. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry. 
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at – and check out the Gwydir Grove auction details here. It’s on 9-11 December, so check out the catalogue now and make your bid.
Bórn by Tapavino is a new gen Spanish tapas restaurant located on the beautiful restaurant strip by the water in Barangaroo. A meal here isn’t going to be friendly to your wallet, but the interesting menu will allow you to experience some new flavours and ingredients.

Why are we including a restaurant review in FOE? Read through to the section on charging for bread …
A bushfire burns in the distance in Victoria.
When a climate extreme event with notable impacts comes along, a natural question arises – “did anthropogenic climate change have a hand in this?” The current drought in eastern Australia and extreme spring bushfires are very high-profile cases. Other questions may also arise such as “did factors that cause climate variability such as El Niño play a role?” 

Delving into the science of climate event attribution, this is fascinating reading about the great work being done by the CSIRO. 
Water for Fodder program opens next week

For FOE readers with mixed farm businesses:
Farmers in the southern connected Murray-Darling Basin will soon be able to apply to purchase water at a discounted rate through the Water for Fodder program. Guidelines have been published prior to the opening for applications next week.
Eligible farmers will be able to apply to purchase 50ML of water for $5,000, which must be used to grow fodder or pasture in the water year it is allocated. 
Read more and download the guidelines here.

And while we’re on water …
Water Rebate Scheme extended to horticulture

Horticulture farmers with permanent plantings are now eligible for rebates under the $50 million On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme. All states are now delivering the expanded scheme, which was previously only open to livestock farmers.
Eligible horticulture farmers can claim 25% of expenses, up to a maximum of $25,000, on projects started after 30 June 2019.
More information here.
Webinar: Pathway to the Indian Food and Beverage market

Austrade is holding an interactive webinar providing an overview of the changing landscape and opportunities in the growing food and beverage sector in India. Information will be provided on market dynamics, trends and opportunities, as well as market entry models, product registration guidelines and import regulations, and Australia India Business Exchange mission (AIBX) to India and Sri Lanka in February 2020.
The webinar will be held on December 9 from 4-5pm AEDT and participation is free. More information and register here
Hone your pruning skills and help restore an industry treasure
There’s been great progress to date but there’s still a bunch of trees in need of TLC, so Olives SA are holding another pruning day at the National Olive Variety Assessment Collection (NOVA) site, part of the University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy campus.
The pruning days are a great opportunity to learn a bit more about olive tree pruning or for the pros among us, to spend a few hours with like-minded olive people helping with the restoration of the National Olive Collection grove. 
The date is Saturday, 14 December, starting at 10am and going until 3pm, or until you’re tuckered out. The grove is located on Mudla Wirra Road, Wasleys, around 50kms north of Adelaide.
If you’re keen to take part, please call OSA President Michael Johnson on 0419 815 839 so he knows you’re coming. BYO hat, gloves, a chainsaw and/or pruners and your lunch, and you’re sure of a great welcome.

Dietary fats are highly controversial, with debates about animal fats, seed oils, and everything in between in full force. That said, most people agree that extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy. 
Part of the Mediterranean diet, this traditional oil has been a dietary staple for some of the world's healthiest populations.

The headline says it all …

Olive Oil. We humans have used this fragrant translucent liquid of a pale green-yellow shade for thousands of years, to fuel lamps, in cosmetics, as medicine and of course in food. Now two research professors at the Yale School of Public Health want to create an Institute for Olive Science and Health in New Haven. Their goal is to get everyone, everywhere to use olive oil. 
Producers in Corsica are at the mercy of policy measures to contain Xylella fastidiosa on the island. Some fear these new policies are damaging the island's olive-producing culture.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
With 2019 now well underway Friday Olive Extracts  (FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,  you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

As millions of new olive trees are planted, another poor harvest is predicted after a cold winter and hot growing season.

The Regional Council of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima (CRT-TTA) has recently approved a project to set up an olive oil waste treatment unit in the rural province of Ouezzane. The objective is to avoid water pollution of the region's rivers by toxic discharges. 
The country has more land suitable for olive cultivation than Spain.
Pakistan had ambitious plans for increasing its olive production and it had the potential to take over Spain as the biggest producer of olives in the years to come Under a project in Chakwal, the agriculture department of Punjab had almost planted more than one million trees on an area of 3200 hectares and 750 farmers of the district benefited from it.

The comments about the environmental impact are particularly interesting.

Italy's third annual “Walk through the olive trees” combines heart-healthy exercise with the chance to learn about production and taste local extra virgin olive oils.

Another great idea to build the EVOO community.
What's On

10 January 10
Entries close, Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition – LA, USA

20-24 January
Olive Oil Sommelier Certification Program – London, UK

7-8 February 
Sensory Masterclass – Geelong, Vic

9-12 February
World Congress on Oils & Fats – Sydney, Australia

29 February 
TasteBook™/OliveCare® workshop – Campbell Town TAS

6 March 
TasteBook™/OliveCare® workshop – University Adelaide Waite Campus SA

14-15 April 
Olives NZ Processing Practices Course – Auckland, NZ

15 April 
Olives NZ Judging EVOO and Flavoured Oils Course – Auckland, NZ 

23-25 April
2020 London International Olive oil Competitions – London, UK

2020 NYIOOC – New York, USA

15-17 June
Hort Connections – Brisbane, Qld

20 June 20
Winners announced, Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition – LA, USA

September TBA
World Team Tasting Championship

11 September 
Entries close, 2020 Hunter Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

22 October
Awards Presentation, 2020 Hunter Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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 Olivegrower Communications:
Olivegrower & Processor 
September Issue
Australian and New Zealand
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