November 29, 2018

Commodity Updates
Demand and markets are down after holiday slowdown

Mexico's harvest has resumed after a prolonged strike. Fruit is crossing into the US daily as shippers race to restock and replenish inventories. The main issue right now is having to wait for fruit to ripen and precondition (it takes about 5-7 days to stage it before actually distributing the fruit). We will see fruit to be a bit firmer than normal this week and next week. Overall quality is good.
These markets are extremely tight. Demand exceeds supply. California finished up, and sizing in Yuma has been extremely slow due to colder weather. Grower-shippers are beginning to pro-rate orders.
The romaine situation caused extreme demand of other lettuces, baby greens, and salad blends. Industry-wide, these markets are extremely volatile.
California Navels are moving along with good supplies across the board; great quality.
 Bartlett, Bosc, and Red Pear quality is excellent.
There is a national shortage of tomatoes of which Roma tomatoes are most affected. As growing regions in Florida transition and Mexico farms struggle against crop loss from weather related setbacks, demand continues to drive the market upward.

Nectarines, Peaches, and Plums finished domestically. They will not be available until Chilean becomes available around the beginning of January.
Weather forecasts are calling for rain in all growing regions (California, Mexico, and Florida). Expect higher markets.

Romaine Situation
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lifted its advisory for romaine grown outside of the Central Coast growing region (northern and central California). This is the primary region March through November.
Seashore will begin shipping romaine again today. We will only be shipping romaine from Yuma, Arizona and Mexico.
NOTE: Grower-shippers are in the process of executing new labeling standards that stipulate where the product is grown. The product that we are going to be shipping out will NOT be from California. The label may say, "produce of USA - shipping from CA/AZ" however, it is from Yuma, AZ or Mexico. This indicates that the product was pack prior to CDC's updated advisory. We purchase direct from national growers and you can be assured that the product we ship is the safest possible product.
For the most up-to-date information, click here for the CDC advisory. If you have any questions, please reach out to your account manager or contact Customer Service at 609-345-3229 or [email protected]

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Customer Service:  609-345-3229 or [email protected]
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