The Covid-19 virus has had a widespread impact on all of us.
Here is an up date on how it is affecting the CWHBA and our activities and how we are dealing with it.
National AGM
scheduled for March 22 in Quebec was cancelled and the Board is considering optional dates and methods.
- Holding the meeting in October is the favoured option.
- Holding the meeting via video conference is a second option that is being tested by the Board.
Member services
- The online helpdesk remains open and is functioning as normal.
- The registration and DNA testing process will be slowed considerably. The CLRC has closed its office for two weeks beginning March 24 and depending on the situation in Ontario may be closed longer. In the meantime some work will be continued by staff from home.
- Mare inspections will hopefully be able to go ahead as normal in each of the chapters, but conditions vary across the country so scheduling is on hold for now.
- National Inspection Tour planning and consultation with chapters and members will continue as normal. The tour usually takes place in the fall so conditions may have normalized by then, however nothing can be confirmed now.
For each of us there are three issues that we must deal with:
- Caring for our horses and continuing with our breeding season. Equestrian Canada (EC) has been very good about providing information about show cancellations, border crossing and other practical advice. Click here for the statement on Covid 19 with links to many resources. In most cases semen transportation will take place as normal however cross border shipments may be affected so everyone should check the situation with your semen provider early.
- Financial stress is going to be a huge factor. Once again EC is actively engaged in making sure the government is including the horse industry in support programs. In the meantime make sure that you check the government relief programs to see which one might apply to you, including the small business no interest loan.
- Your personal health is critical, but it is difficult to maintain social distance or isolation if your operation requires additional staff that do not live on farm. Being outside is a plus, but we strongly encourage you to follow the recommended protocols as closely as possible when dealing with clients or staff. Remember hand washing and social distance are the keys.
Horses do not transmit Covid-19. We are so fortunate that we can spend time with them, many people do not have that advantage.