Your plates and bowls have arrived and are available for pickup in the Children's Room!
The Like-New Holiday Remainder Book Sale will continue until December 17 th , with all prices REDUCED! Don't forget to pick up raffle tickets for one of the fabulous gift baskets... Read More...
The Health & Wellness Resource Center will help you find current information about important health topics for FREE, with your library card! An easy to use search bar and subject lists make this a very user friendly database to explore.

To place an item on hold from one of the libraries in the Catamount Network:
  1. Log in to your library account
  2. Search for the item you want to place on hold
  3. Click: Place Hold
  4. Click the Confirm Hold button
Need a pointer? Check out this brief tutorial , or ask for help in person at the circulation desk!
Don't forget to pick up raffle tickets for one of the fabulous gift baskets that have been so kindly donated! The Raffle Drawing will be held on December 17th. Read more...