The Minnesota Organization for Habilitation and Rehabilitation - To Advocate and support members in providing meaningful services to persons with disabilities and communities served.
MOHR impact
December 2018
Impacting others positively in Anoka
Office support assistant Charles Weaver is carrying on a family legacy of public service, and he does it with the same name and workplace as his father, and his grandfather. Both were attorneys for Anoka County.

The youngest Charles, who has Down’s syndrome, went by Chaz for many years. Then he saw a portrait of his grandfather, who is honored in a county law library quiet room. From that point on he was “Charles,” explains his father, Charlie Weaver. Things got more interesting from here. -MORE-
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ALLY leader: minimum wage hikes limit options for people with disabilities
When the minimum wage is raised, people with disabilities are "among the first to lose jobs or have work hours reduced, thus affecting their quality of life," said Bob Brick, CEO of ALLY People Solutions, in a recent Access Press article. ALLY is a member of MOHR.
3M Fall Protection named outstanding disability employer - Red Wing Republican Eagle | Farmington Independent

Polk County hosts regional training session, consults with lobbyists - Crookston Times

Outstanding disability employer (Kowalski's) - Shoreview Press

MOHR Employer Awards, Senators support disability employment - Access Press

AmericInn hotel in Roseau named Outstanding Disability Employer - Roseau Times-Region

Sammy's Pizza owner earns award - Pine Journal

Udac Honors Sir Ben's for Employing People with Disabilities - WDIO TV- Duluth

Minnesota Manager Recognized for Hiring Workers with Disabilities - WCCO Channel 4
Other voices and news:

Project SEARCH helps Students with Disabilities connect with employers

2018 CFO of the year: Marv Hannon, Minnesota Diversified Industries (MDI)

Group provides those with disabilities hunting opportunities Fergus Falls Daily Journal

Vouchers to help those with disabilities- Mankato Free Press

UMN members advocate for disability training
Urgent: Attend Gov-elect listening tour in your town

The incoming Minnesota administration is coming to a city near you starting today, and Governor-elect Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor-elect Peggy Flanagan need to hear from people with disabilities, their families and the MOHR members who serve them. View the cities, dates and times.
A new year and new optimism for our mission
The election is behind us and now we look to 2019 with focus and commitment to our mission of supporting individuals with disabilities. We have an opportunity to build new relationships and strengthen longstanding ties with lawmakers and other leaders at the state, and we offer our congratulations to the candidates who prevailed.

It goes without saying that this year had its ups and downs for the disability service industry, but I hope you share my optimism that our efforts will ultimately prevail. The workforce crisis continued, and new employment service options were implemented. There were rate cuts and changes made for regulatory compliance. We were fortunate to have bipartisan support at the State Legislature for a plan to restore funds lost due to the 7 percent cut to our reimbursement rates, but the overall bill was vetoed. We look forward to finding a way to restore these funds and continue to drive services forward.

Despite the challenges we face, let’s make sure and not lose sight of the impact our work has on so many people each day. It is imperative that we preserve the past investments that have been made to help attract and retain quality staff. They are the lifeblood of our work to provide the services and supports that people need.

I’d like to wish everyone the best over the holiday season. Let’s relish our time with family and look forward to interacting early and often with the new Minnesota Legislature and the governor. Building positive relationships is key to our mission to create long-term sustainable funding for disability services.

Julie Johnson , President of MOHR
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