WORD for the Week for December 2, 2018
First Sunday of Advent
Sabbath Beginnings - Sacred Journey - Traditional Worship
WORD for Sabbath Beginnings 8am
Scripture Text: Luke 21:25-36 (NRSV)

Worship Leader:  Rev. Dwight Haberman

Holy Communion : Are there words we would rather not hear?
WORD for Sacred Journey 8:30am
Scripture Text:   Luke 21:25-36 (NRSV)

The Story:   The Community

Reflection:   Advent Blessings and welcome, the new Christian year begins this week. The 2018 Advent theme draws from the familiar carol, “Do You Hear What I Hear?” Now a popular Christmas playlist staple, the song began its life as a pop music response to the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. The lyrical conversations between the natural world and the animal world; the inverted movement of authority from the cradle to the monarch; the resultant instruction to pray for peace instead of readying for war, are all still powerful concepts to consider as we grapple with the issues of our time. The community will share The Story as we consider the power of images—how they shape us and how we are shaped by them. All are welcome to bring open eyes and eager hearts! 
WORD for Traditional Worship 10am
Scripture Text: Luke 21:25-36 (NRSV)

Preaching:  Rev. Nate Melcher

The Message

Reflection: Advent is upon us! The season of waiting and anticipation, the time of preparation and gathering. Yet despite all of our preparations, there will always be surprises. Some people enjoy a good surprise, and as for others, well, surprises are inconvenient at best and earth-shattering at worst. If we cannot anticipate what or when surprises will spring up, we can at the very least be prepared to know surprises will enter our lives. Prayerfully building our stamina, our support networks, and our faith will carry us through surprise. What have been the major surprises in your life? If they were jubilant, how did you embrace that feeling? If they were tragic, how did you manage (or just plain survive)? Who do you know that deals well with surprise? What is your response to the Spirit when something new happens? 

For the Children and the Adults in Their Lives: Mary and Joseph are about to take their journey to Bethlehem and it's time to get ready! First step, they've got to pack. It's going to be a long road and they want to be as prepared as possible. If you were going on a trip, what would you pack? Now pretend you can only take what you can carry, now what would you take? When we get ready for a trip, we do our best to be prepared but we sometimes get surprised along the way. Is it truly possible to be fully prepared?


The Bible In Your Hands

You're invited to "dig deeper." Here are a handful of resources:

Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church resources:
Worship Bulletins   | online archive of HAUMC worship bulletins
Sermon Recordings  | HAUMC Sacred Journey and Traditional Worship sermon recordings
Devotional Ministry  | HAUMC seasonal daily devotional ministry

Scripture exegesis and commentary resources:
Bible Gateway  | the Bible in hundreds of translations (NRSV, CEB, The Message, etc.)
BibleHub  | parse out the original Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT)
Enter the Bible  | historical/cultural context for each book of the Bible from Luther Seminary
Oxford Biblical Studies  | historical/cultural context for each book of the Bible from Oxford
Working Preacher  | read and listen to lectionary commentary from Luther Seminary faculty

Art and Music resources:
Art in the Christian Tradition  | The Jean and Alexander Heard Divinity Library at Vanderbilt
Hymnary  | a resource for both modern and traditional worship music and hymns
Sing for Joy  | a worship music and hymn resource from St. Olaf College
511 Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis MN, 55403 | 612-871-5303
WORD for the Week offers people an opportunity to prepare their hearts and minds 
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WORD for the Week is a ministry of Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church.