MARC APRIL 9, 2020 H 26, 2020
Some Payroll Reminders
In preparation for the upcoming April payroll, the payroll team would like to remind everyone of a few things.

  •  All hourly employees should still use Workday to enter hours and report their timecards.
  • Supervisors, please ensure that all of your employees’ hours are entered in Workday and approved as soon as possible. For part-time employees, this must be done as soon as possible after the period closes on the 10th of each month.
  • All paper forms and documents should be emailed to payroll staff by the 10th of each month. These forms include special projects, notice of absences, hire letters, and substitute timesheets. Contact your payroll technician if you have questions or need clarification.
  • Payroll staff will be checking emails and voicemail messages offsite. If you call, please leave a message that includes a phone number so we can contact you.
  • If you have trouble logging into Workday, please contact the IT Help Desk. Payroll staff cannot reset Workday passwords.
  • Directions to add direct deposit to your Workday profile are in the attachment.
My home office: Tate Hurvitz
  Today’s home office: Grossmont College English Department Co-chair Tate Hurvitz

1. Describe your home office.
Carree (my wife) and I share an office space that is actually part of a hallway at one end of our house between our kitchen and our bedroom. We have an overflow spot in our bedroom for when one of us has a Zoom meeting. And sometimes I just set up a lap desk in my recliner, especially when I'm grading papers.
2. What is a typical day for you working from home?
My typical day now is an exercise in "managed chaos." With two people working from home and two elementary school kids (Sadie and Harper) who love/hate each other in 20-minute increments, it is tough. Each night we look at the next day's schedule which we put a on a white board. Of course, the reality is never as smooth as the plan - and some of my colleagues have already met my wife and kids in Zoom meetings - and my dogs.
3. What tip would you pass on to other GCCCD employees?
Get outside. I try to exercise and/or stretch in the mornings. I have been getting out with the kids to walk the dogs or go for a bike ride in the afternoons. It makes a huge difference.

Share your new working conditions with your fellow employees and we'll feature them in the Remote Report. Take a photo of you in your home office and answer the three questions above. Send them to Anne Krueger . Submissions may be edited for length and clarity.
In the News
In the Remote Report, you’ll see important updates, get your questions answered, and learn ways to help us all navigate this new world of mass telecommuting. Issues of the Remote Report will be archived on the District Remote Report page

If you have news to share or discovered a tip that helps you work better remotely, pass it on. Please send your items to Anne Krueger , Christianne Penunuri (Cuyamaca College) or Lorena Ruggero (Grossmont College).