North MO Fellowship of Christian Athletes
September - October Newsletter

A new season of sports and FCA activities abound this Fall.  See our pictures and read the captions to see how the our ministry to coaches and athletes reaches to all parts of North Missouri.

Missouri FCA Coach and Spouse Marriage Retreat
Coaches and spouses relax around the fire pit at Old Kinderhook Resort after the evening marriage retreat session on communication and understanding your spous's language.  28 coaching couples attended the retreat.

See You At The Pole -  Prayer Rally

The local FCA huddle at Brookfield gathers around the flag pole at the High School with students, teachers, and community members to pray for our leaders at every level in the United States.  

Fields of Faith 

This is a student led event. Students invited, prayed for, shared with, and challenged their peers to read the Bible and follow Jesus Christ.  An athletic field provided a neutral rally point where communities came together. 

On a chilly night, October 10, over 500 Fields of Faith events were held nationwide.  Shown here are the Kirksville and Truman State youth and adults gathered at KHS stadium for their closing prayer.  

North MO FCA held it's annual banquet on October 23.
Darwin Pennye, KC Royals Urban Youth Academy Director, shown in the top picture was our banquet keynote speaker.  He and Coach Rachael Wheeler, both talked about their identity in sports and how sports can be a beast.  The main challenge from them was how can you tame the beast and not have sports as your identity, but have Jesus as the foundation of your life and your identity.  Malachi McBee and Cale Whitt of Hamilton, Penney High School, shared of their FCA leadership camp experience and how it was important to know that other athletes just like them struggle in life and sports but also place their trust in Jesus Christ.  

All FCA huddles need a booster club!  FCA adult chapter's consist of adults who can give guidance and financial backing!  Please consider approaching your local huddle group to start an adult chapter today! 
For FCA Adult Chapter info contact Todd.

Todd Mathew  
North MO Area Director

600 Washington St., Suite 201
Chillicothe, MO 64601
Ph: 660-247-1674

Pam Gabel

Admin. Assistant

Ph: 660-646-8167

 "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."  1 Peter 4:10