Do you want to know about the winds, tide, or water temperature before heading out on the water? Are you an educator or scientist looking to explore the relationships between water chemistry, physics, and biology?  The Chesapeake Biological Laboratory has launched a new monitoring system to measure chemical, physical, and biological properties in the Patuxent River. Deployed off of the campus' research pier on Solomons Island, the system of sensors provides real-time information on water temperature, salinity, tide heights, current velocity, wind speeds, dissolved oxygen, and other environmental measurements.

Open House: Horn Point Laboratory
Saturday, October 13, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Join us to discover  "Sustainable Solutions through Science." Learn about the cutting-edge research Horn Point Laboratory faculty and graduate students conduct in the Chesapeake Bay and across the world's oceans. Explore environmental science through exhibits, presentations, and hands-on activities. Board the research vessel  Rachel Carson, explore aquaculture, and more at the boat ramp, andvisit one of the East Coast's largest oyster hatcheries.
Watershed Moments: Restoring the American Chestnut
October 18, 6:30-8 p.m.
Appalachian Laboratory

The forests of the eastern United States were once dominated by American chestnut trees that grew to towering heights.  Around the turn of the 20th century, a blight destroyed billions of these trees and to this day prevents new shoots from reaching previous heights. Katia Engelhardt will share research efforts to restore the American chestnut, and volunteers from the Citizens Restoring American Chestnuts  will share their experiences. Free and open to public.

Brian Duke honored by USM Board of Regents for sustainable impact on Chesapeake Biological Laboratory campus 
Brian Duke was awarded the University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents Staff Award for Effectiveness and Efficiency.  Duke has had a remarkable impact at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory in his five years as facilities manager,  helping to create a facilities team that operates a complex, sophisticated, and sustainable campus.This is the first time that an UMCES staff member has received this prestigious system-wide award.

Scientists search for elusive mysid shrimp with sound

A favorite meal for some of the Chesapeake Bay's most economically important fish may also be the Bay's best-kept secret. While juveniles of summer flounder, white perch, and weakfish dine on mysid shrimp, scientists on shore know very little about this tiny but critical part of the food web.  Now, with funding help from Maryland Sea Grant , Ryan Woodland and Hongsheng Bi hope to answer questions about the local abundance and ecological role of mysid shrimp. Imaging sonar can help scientists echolocate the shrimp, like dolphins, without having to enter the water. The results could help fishery managers when they set harvesting regulations.

France-Merrick Professor Kenny Rose awarded for paper by American Fisheries Society  
The American Fisheries Society named a paper by Professor Kenny Rose as the best paper published in the Marine and Coastal Fisheries journal at its annual meeting. The study was called "Recommendations on the use of ecosystem modeling for informing ecosystem-based fisheries management and restoration outcomes in the Gulf of Mexico."

Next Generation: Daniela Tizabi on marine drug discovery 
" My research focuses on marine natural products and drug discovery. I am studying the microbial community associated with a giant barrel sponge from the Caribbean, looking for compounds produced by these bacteria with anti-tubercular properties. Specifically, I am interested in a group of bacteria known as actinomycetes, that are known to produce many potent compounds with therapeutic potential, such as anti-cancer, antibacterial, and anti-fungal."

SPEAKER SERIES: Science of Citizens
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
Tuesdays, 7-8 p.m.

Learn about innovative research being pioneered by our researchers at this free, public lecture series:

Are biofuels worth the costs in Brazil?
October 9, 7 p.m.
W hich has a greater environmental impact: drilling for oil and gas or farming sugarcane to make ethanol, a renewable "biofuel" that releases less greenhouse gas than fossil fuels? Solange Filoso will discuss how best management practices and other methods can help mitigate problems and create a win-win situation.

Are sunscreens killing our coral reefs?
October 16, 7 p.m.
Is your sunscreen poisoning the ocean and killing the coral reefs? Legislation has been introduced in Hawaii to ban two common sunscreen chemicals; oxybenzone and octinoxate. Carys Mitchelmore recently measured the concentrations of these chemicals in seawater. Learn about what she found. 

High-tech in the high sea
October 23, 7 p.m.
Hongsheng Bi  and his team are deploying high-resolution sonar and advanced optical imaging systems in the open ocean of the Bering Sea to understand how interactions between plankton, fish, and jellyfish and changes in their food web impact important U.S. fisheries. 

Your tax-deductible gift will help us continue to foster a  more healthy and prosperous environment through unbiased scientific research and the education of the next generation of science leaders.  GIVE
Appalachian Laboratory - Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
Horn Point Laboratory - 
Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology
Integration and Application Network - Maryland Sea Grant