April 8, 2020
Amid the consternation of the coronavirus, let’s not forget that this is the week of Easter (12 April). This is a day on the church calendar for rejoicing and hope. It is the supreme reminder that death and sin have been vanquished in the resurrection of Jesus and that hope reigns. It is a reminder that even though we are separated from one another due to social distancing, nothing is “able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom 8:39).

Easter Prayer:
Almighty God, who for our redemption gave your only begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection delivered us from the power of our enemy: grant us to die daily to sin, that we may evermore live with him in the joy of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.  

May God continue to bless you,

Frank A. James III, DPhil, PhD
President, Missio Seminary
Prayer Call Invitation
Friday Mornings at 9:00 AM
Zoom information for the prayer call:
Meeting ID: 712 684 948

Knowing that prayer is the primary work of the people of God, Dr. Frank James will be hosting this call to cover in prayer the ministries, churches, and communities represented and served by our students, alumni, supporters, and partner organizations.
Faculty Webinar Offerings This Week
Our faculty has been exemplary in finding creative ways to teach our students and serve the world through dialogue, information sharing, and collective action. You are invited to join these webinars:

Affiliate Faculty member J. R. Briggs, DMin, is offering   Light in Dark Times: Healing Souls During the Pandemic and Beyond – Sign up for a Free Webinar on April 8 th hosted by Fresh Expressions. r of Doctor of Ministry Program
Faculty member Kyuboem Lee, DMin, Assistant Professor of Missiology and Director of the DMin program is offering   The Great Pruning – Remissioning the Church in Disruptive Times – Sign up for a Free Webinar on April 9 th hosted by the V3 Movement.

GSOC Co-Director Hannah Wildasin is working with Missio grads to provide free self-care support groups twice a week during the Coronavirus Crisis.
Missio Job Opportunities
Missio Seminary is seeking two  part-time Admissions Counselors . Under the general supervision of the Interim Director of Admissions, the admissions counselors will develop and implement strategies to meet the enrollment goals of the seminary .
Classes will continue meeting virtually through April 27th.
Stay Connected For Up-to-Date Resources
Missio Seminary
421 N. 7th St., Suite 700
Philadelphia, PA 19123
We are a Christian seminary located in Philadelphia, PA. Our focus on missional theology and missional training will help prepare you for ministry no matter where you serve.