Autumn Gold
It is amazing what sunshine & warmer weather does to inspire hope & anticipation for growth & new fruitfulness. I pray that as you see the new spring green growth your heart jumps for joy with anticipation of what the Lord is about to do in & through you.
Many Blessings,
Opportunities to Partner
Health Update
Good news ...

For the 1st time since my mom passed my blood work came back in the normal range (thyroid, cholesterol). I have found the key to maintaining my blood pressure (exercise & good sleep).

I'm actually sleeping more solidly then I have since my Mom got sick.

I continue to go for Physical Therapy every week.

I lost 10 pounds. Now to maintain the levels & continue the weight reduction.

I will still need hip surgery sometime in the not so distant future. I may need to have a hysterectomy, its being monitored.

Unfortunately, getting & maintaining health is costly.
Eagle by the tree
2018 Budget
Annual goal
Goal Actual
Jan $3200 $3346
Feb $3200 $3100
Mar $3200 $2300
Apr $3200 $3500
May $3200 $3500
Jun $3200 $2100
Jul $3200 $2800
Aug $3200 $2800
Sept $3200 $2600
Oct $3200 $2600
Totl $32,000 $28,646

Deficit to date$3,354
* Due to an increase in medical costs & travel needs I'm going to have to increase my $1600/month. Please pray as I'm not meeting budget now.

Thank you for helping me to soar!
Secret Garden

Property Purchase
Goal To Date
$100,000 $19,000

Renovation Budget

Temporary Location

Total Rental costs:
Help Wanted!

I have 3 concrete opportunities to help.

  1. I need an Assistant. Someone who would be willing to help with household tasks, office tasks, media, etc. May also include planning & executing outreach events.
Term: TBN
  1. My other hip is continuing to deteriorate, which means I will need a second surgery & I will need help (cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring) for at least 6-8 wks. MUST BE ABLE TO DRIVE STICK. Term:All or part of those 6-8 weeks
  2. I'm looking for individuals, groups, Bible studies, Churches, pro athletes, etc. who are willing to do a fundraiser for The Secret Garden.
Small Acts - Great Impact
"Never underestimate the power of one act of kindness, one act of courage, one act of generosity."
Mark Batterson
Chase the Lion
Autumn Gold: Warm days, Cold nights & a Time of Transition
How Did I Get Here? Part 1
Once upon a time, long ago in a land far from here but not so far from you, a lost 9th grade girl, who struggled to find her place among her peers & battled the undiagnosed learning disabilities that made school hard, found hope in her History class where she began to dream of a land of Czars, castles & palaces. Places behind Iron Curtains and high walls.
"A dream is implanted in your spirit by the Spirit of God, and the rest of your life is the ripple effect. It changes the plot line of your life forever." Mark Batterson Chase the Lion
One of her favorite escapes was going to work with her Dad. There she was useful (helping the tellers) and at the beginning of every new year the bank got calendars from many places but the best was the mini flip calendars from American Express. Every month had a picture from somewhere in the world. This escape artist teen cut out & saved all the photos of the places she longed to see.
Though school was not easy, High School proved to be the best & worst of times. Sophomore year was not only a struggle academically but her best friend & confident, her Swedish Grandfather died suddenly. Leaving her alone (at least that's how she felt) to make sure Grandma was cared for & navigate life without his support. It was at this time that this lost teen saw a sign for Young Life meetings. She knew it was too far from her home to go but she determined in her heart that when she could drive she would go.
The summer before her Junior year she got her driver's license just in time to host her Grandmother's siblings who came to comfort her in her grief. This new driver became the chauffer for the 5 Swedish speaking family members. Oh, how she loved being with them, learning about their culture and serving them. Despite the fact that she didn't understand a word they said, and sometimes Grandma's driving directions, but there was no misunderstanding their love, acceptance, that were of great comfort to her.
True to her decision, this unnoticed young woman drove to YL faithfully every week, there she found a place in her world where she was seen. The leaders modeled what an authentic relationship with Jesus looked like: hope, love, acceptance, The Word of God, Power of the Holy Spirit. She wanted it all! Though the commitment was real, decisive there were no fireworks. Yet the transformation was visibly evident immediately...The leader within her was released from prison and everyone saw it.
This decision changed everything as her life was no longer her own. Her dream of being a forest ranger so that she could avoid the pain of being near people was scrapped for uncertainty but a confident trust in the One who knew her best.
"There are genesis moments in every dream journey that radically change the plot line of our lives. It is impossible to predict when or where or how they will occur. But once the door to the future opens, the door to the past slams shut. There is no turning back." Mark Batterson Chase the Lion
Graduation brought excitement & humility. Trading the dream of escaping to WSU for commuting to Shoreline community with Dad. But it opened the door to serving as a Junior High YL leader. She soon embraced the many blessings & leadership development opportunities that presented themselves. The profound awareness in the depth of my soul, that I Am a daughter of the King of Kings & Lord of Lords and He sees me!The heart for distant lands was always within her. Even a childhood neighbor "prophesied" that she was a missionary, though she had no idea what that was or meant.
Many lessons of faith, faithfulness, service, the ways of the King, who I am and the authority I have in Christ. But let's jump ahead a bit. Upon graduation with my Masters in 1985, I had a full-time employment with the Bellevue SD, my student loans were paid off and my graduation gift to myself was a European tour, Eurail pass, Rick Steves backpack the works. It started in London, then 3 weeks with the family followed by the 12 hour train to Malmö Sweden. It was there that I experience "homesickness" for the 1st time. But what surprised me was that I longed to return to my family in Sweden. The practical, frugal me together with the childhood dream battled this desire to return to the family. Then that still small voice I have come to depend on said, "Trust me. I will fulfill your desires & so much more. Trust me." To this day I have never regretted returning. It was not practical. There was a risk that I may never return to Europe. But what I got was relationship with family that I enjoy to today. I learned how they live not just how they entertain guests. I picked berries, stacked hay, went to country dances (I don't dance), baked Swedish sweets. I became apart of their lives & they mine. I began to learn what it is to live among the people as a who is "BE" the incarnate representation of Jesus.
Some reflections: The story of my life that I desired to write was one of isolation & self protection, merely "dreaming" of something greater. But as I have chosen to make definitive decisions toward God and follow through on those decisions regardless of the challenges, hardships, apparent risk, lack of fulfillment He is Faithful. To fulfill my deepest desires, accomplish His promises, lead & guide me in quite confidence in times of uncertainty.

As I close part 1 of this story I encourage you to think about your story line. Are you open to Jesus changing the plot line of your life? Even if it means closing a door to a long time dream...and wait for Him to fulfill it in His way.

The Secret Garden
Is moving forward...
Project goals for 2018
Purchase $100,000
Renovation $100,000

Thanks for praying for the steering committee. One of the key people who left in March with the intend on living permanently in the USA, has returned. God is so good! Secondly, a dear friend of mine from a neighboring town has agreed to help. She will be a huge assist as she is single, near retirement age, a therapist who has been working with retired people. Continue to pray for us as we want to not lose momentum.

The non-profit paperwork is going before the fellowship of pastors November 1st & then on to Warsaw for approval. Pray for a quick & smooth resolve. This will allow us to raise money in Poland under a separate ministry then the church.

A temporary home to begin making a consistent presence & impact in the community has been located & we have made contact...Please continue to pray as the manager seems to be stalling. Also I will need to increase my budget by about $500 a month. Or if I actually met my published budget monthly I should be able to get things going. This is the space (on the right) It has a large meeting room with 2 office spaces, a sink area, and 2 toilets. From those windows you can almost see the building for the Secret Garden.

As of today we have raised $19,000
Nowy Targ 1996
front view
Contact Info
Address: Os. Witosa 4/8
34-400 Nowy Targ
Skype: denisejohnsonpoland
US Cell: 1-425-273-8767
PL Cell: +48-889-201-335
*I can be reached on "What's Ap" on both numbers

Financial Support:
"Denise Johnson"
c/o Mission Dispatch, Inc
P.O. Box 641
Edmonds, WA 98020-0641
*Please indicate for
"Denise Johnson"

Electronic Giving:

  • Became apart of Foursquare UP North
  • Co-hosted UP North Family camp
  • Taught Workshop
  • Working w/ Travis Mielonen to bring Pure Desire Ministries to Poland
  • Taught the 1st Church Safety & Security workshop
  • Joined a Foursquare Europe Learning Community for transforming our cities
  • Working to unify the other small fellowships in the area
  • Will be hosting team/church planting training in February
  • Hosting fluent English speakers game night
  • 60 Bday Seahawks game in London

Being The Touchable Jesus
Denise Johnson
Missionary to Poland

Dedicated to inviting the Word of God to transform my humanness into His likeness, as I make my home among the Polish people in unfailing love & faithfulness, so that the glory of The Father is seen.