September 20 - November 17, 2018
Hood Seminary campus (room 302)
Session 1: Thursdays from 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.
Session 2: Saturdays from 8:45 - 10:00 a.m.
For clergy and other church leadership as well as any individuals interested in offering wellness related activities to their congregation and family. This FREE 9-week class connects healthy eating and physical activity to religious or spiritual beliefs. Presented by Cabarrus Health Alliance's
Lifestyle Medicine for Your Wellness Ministry
. Free registration is now open!
Read more
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Candlelight Vigil:
Monday, October 1 at 7:00p.m. on the Rowan County Courthouse steps, hosted by the Family Crisis of Rowan County in memory of those died because of domestic violence and in honor of those who have survived.
Gun Violence and Domestic Violence presentation:
October 20, 2018 @ 12:00 noon in the Hurley Room, Rowan Public Library by Susan Kirby Broward , North Carolina Everytown Survivor Fellow, sponsored by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.
October 23, 2018 at 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Aymer Center
Hope and Justice in the Midst of Crisis
Presenters: A panel representing Breast Cancer, Child Abuse Prevention, and Domestic/Intimate-Partner Violence and Abuse.
October Chapel Offerings
For the whole month of October the offering will be given to The Terrie Hess House that takes care of abused children in Rowan County.
Bins are in the Aymer center for donation collections.
Friday and Saturday, October 5 and 6, 2018
Ruben L. Speaks Memorial Lecture Series
"Africa, Asia, and African America in the Study of World Christianity"
This year’s featured presenter is the distinguished professor and author,
The Reverend Dr. Arun W. Jones
, the Dan and Lillian Hankey Associate Professor of World Evangelism, and Director of the Master of Theology Program at Candler School of Divinity at Emory University.
The lectures, which are free of charge and open to the public, will be held at 7 pm on Friday, October 5 and 10:10 a.m. on Saturday, October 6.
Please note the location has been changed to the Aymer Center.
Mental Health First Aid Training
October 15, 2018, from 8 am - 5 pm
HTS, in conjunction with Carolinas HealthCare System, will host this mental health training session which will give you the know-how you need to identify signs of mental illness and respond to someone experiencing a mental health crisis.
Registration is free!
To register, please contact Rev. Dr. Lamont Foster at
Opening Convocation
Opening Convocation has been rescheduled due to inclement weather and
will take place on
October 19, 2018 at 6:00pm
in the Aymer Center. The service will be preceded by a heavy hors d'oeuvre reception in the Aymer Center from 5:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. No registration is required for the reception.
On Campus Book Signing
Rev. Dale Swofford
, M.Div.'04 will be will be at Hood Theological Seminary on Friday, October 19 at 5:00p.m. for a book signing.
Rev. Dale M. Swofford is a native of Cleveland County, NC, where he has returned to live. He served in the US Navy, lived in Bermuda, hiked the Appalachian Trail, sailed across the Atlantic on a 100-year-old 82' schooner, acted and directed in over 300 plays, dove in almost every ocean on the planet and worked as a professional scuba diver. He worked for 15 years as a yacht broker operating out of Wilmington NC. Dale was an avid outdoorsman and scout leader where he started five Boy Scout Troops with three for underprivileged boys. Dale suffers from severe dyslexia and read his first book at the age of 25. He struggled through three years in college, majoring in biology and physics, before he joined the Navy. Following the Navy, he attended UNCC and received his Bachelor's in Business Administration with a minor in Law. in 1998, he was called by God to enter the pulpit ministry and graduated from Hood Theological Seminary, receiving his MDiv. in 2004, cum laude. He served five churches in the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. Since Dale retired, he has combined his love of history and storytelling to become a published author of historical fiction.
About Dale's Books:
Goin’ South: In Search of Equality
is the story of a boy growing up during a turbulent time in America (1963), where he witnesses both racism and grace during a family vacation to Birmingham, Alabama. While there, he meets Dr. King, when his life is forever changed. Nominated for Best Historical Fiction of 2018 by the North Carolina Historical Society. This is a great book for all ages.
Colonial Patriot: Turning Point
(The first in a series of three) This is the story of a boy growing into manhood during the colonial period. He becomes a gunsmith, kills a bear, lives with the Cherokee, fights the Redcoats and becomes a father, all by the time he is 20. This is a must read for lovers of historical fiction.(Expected release date October 5th, 2018)
UMC Hood Events
Oct 1, 6-8pm
HTS will host the Uwharrie District of the WNC annual conference of The UMC for "The Overdue Church Conversation: Race, History, and Justice" for the district's laity council, missional network leaders, district team, and committee leaders.
Oct 3, 8:30am-4pm
, HTS will host the Western North Carolina annual conference of The UMC as representatives meet with our UMC students to discuss ordination and seminary education.
Oct. 23 from 7-8:30pm
, Myers Park UMC will host Johnathan Wilson-Hartgrove, pastor, writer, and prominent voice in the Poor People's Campaign to speak on his latest book,
Reconstructing the Gospel: Finding Freedom from Slaveholder Religion.
" HTS friends and family are invited to attend the event at Myers Park UMC in Charlotte, NC.
Chaplain, Lieutenant Colonel Ruth N. Segres to Visit Campus
The Center for Chaplaincy will be sponsoring Chaplain, Lt. Col. Ruth N. Segres of the US Air Force, the week of October 29
- Nov. 3rd. She oversees the recruitment of all Air Force Chaplains. Chaplain Segres will be presenting in both Supervised Ministry classes, as well as Pastoral Care and Counseling classes; and she will be available for chapel and lunch during her time at Hood Theological Seminary.
Save the Date
Open House-Onsite Admissions and Enrollment
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Campus Tour
Onsite Admissions Interviews
Items Needed for Consideration:
One-Letter of Recommendation
College Transcripts
The Aymer Center
1810 Lutheran Synod Dr., Salisbury, NC
Annual 1885 Society Banquet
The Annual 1885 Society Banquet will be Friday, November 16, 2018 in the Aymer Center, starting at 7:00 p.m. The theme will be "The Journey Continues" with guest speaker Rev. Dr. Grant Harrison, Jr., M.Div.'98 and D.Min.'05.
The 1885 Society Banquet is the "Signature Fundraiser" for the Hood Theological Seminary National Alumni Association and all proceeds benefit the HTSNAA Endowed Student Scholarship.
Community Blood Drive
Hood will be sponsoring a blood drive on November 17. Stay tuned for more details!
Christmas Gathering
at Hood Seminary will be Thursday, December 6th from 6-7:30 pm (Collecting Hats & Gloves to donate to an organization in Rowan County) Contact Carmen Harper for details.
Save the Date!
All Hood Symposium
The All Hood Symposium will be held on March 15, 2019. Stay turned for more information!
Social Justice as Evangelism Event featuring Rev. Dr.Otis Moss III
This event is presented by the United Methodist Foundation of Western North Carolina in collaboration with Justice and Reconciliation Ministries of the Western North Carolina Conference. The program is scheduled from 10:00am-4:00pm on Saturday, October 27, 2018 at University City UMC in Charlotte, NC. The event is free but registration is required.
Below scenes from
Hood Day at Stewards Chapel, AME Zion Church
on September 9 in Rural Hall, NC. Hood Alum
Dr. Gloria Thomas
M.Div.'06 and
Rev. Johnny Sellers
Rev. Antoinette Joiner,
M.Div.'18 all participated in Hood Day.
Rev. Antoinette Joiner
stands with
Marie Jamerson
Winston Salem District Director CED (Above)
Hood Students to Attend National Conference
Nathaniel Cox and
Sheila Wall-Hill are planning to attend the National Council of Churches (NCC) 5th annual Christian Unity Gathering October 15-16, 2018. The theme this year is
"A.C.T. to End Racism: Hard Truths in Beloved Community."
Dr. Ashley Dreff Travels to England
Dr. Ashley Dreff had the opportunity to travel to England on August 11-19. While in England she attended the 14th Oxford Institute for Methodist Theological Studies. Dr. Dreff discusses her experience about the conference:
Attending the 14th Oxford Institute for Methodist Theological Studies was such an exciting opportunity! I spent the week engaging with Methodist theologians, historians, pastors, agency presidents, and students on the Institute's theme, "'Thy Grace Restore, Thy Work Revive': Revival, Reform, and Revolution in Global Methodism." As part of the Methodist History working group, I learned from fellow scholars about Methodist concepts of revival and holiness in Latin America, Britain, Hong Kong, and here in the United States. We explored how different regions of Methodism define holiness-- and even define Methodism-- differently.
My own paper was entitled, "Sexual Revolution and Methodist Sexual Ethics." It explored American Methodism during the 1960s Sexual Revolutions and argued that due to the Methodist embrace of the "new morality" as its core sexual ethic, the 1960s was the most radical decade for Methodist sexual ethics. One of my colleagues, who is both a lawyer and a minister in Zimbabwe, instead of writing a traditional paper, shared with us how Methodists in Zimbabwe were working to ensure a secure, fair, and honest election in their country. It's these types of lessons that can only happen at international gatherings such as the OIMTS. The breadth of knowledge exhibited and the sources examined throughout this week-long Institute will keep me pondering what it means to be "Methodist," to study "Methodism," and to teach "Methodism."
Lifting Children Initiative Continues
The partnership of Hood Seminary Faculty (
Dr. Mary Love and Dr. Sharon Grant
), Hood Alumni (
ev. Kevin Griffin,
Rev. Dr. Sheldon Shipman, Rev. Lisa Moore, Rev. Dr. Kenneth Q. James
), plus SouthBrook Church and community agencies grows and continues to impact children in the Charlotte, NC Dillehay Community. These partners sponsored a Back-to-School Bash on August 18th and provided workshops for children, youth and parents. After the educational lifting, participants were granted the opportunity to shop for book bags, school supplies, hygiene items and clothes at no cost. Approximately 400 participated and over 300 children/youth received books bags and other items to prepare for the beginning of the school term.
Impact is greater when it is consistent. This cross-denominational and community partnership has committed itself to be engaged with this community three times a year. The Back-to-School Bash was the fifth major lifting event and the team witnessed growth, need meeting and trust building. To God be the glory!
Congratulations to
Tangela Linn Cameron
, M.Div.'16 who completed her Chaplain residency at Carolinas Healthcare System-NorthEast in Concord, NC in August. Cameron accepted a position to serve as Chaplain and Bereavement Staff at Hospice and Palliative Care of Iredell County in July.
Dr. M. Andrew Davis
, M.Div.'12 will present at the upcoming 2019 All Hood Symposium Celebration on March 15, 2019.
He also
recently released his first book entitled
Church Without Limits: Connecting to the Millennial Generation.
Rev. Dale Swofford
, M.Div.'04, has a new book out -
Goin' South: in search of equality.
He will be on campus for a book signing on Friday, October 19 at 5:00p.m.
Fred Jordan
has chaired a three church steering committee to build a Habitat for Humanity house on Martin Luther King Drive in Salisbury. The volunteers include members from Salisbury First, Christ, and Milford Hills United Methodist Churches. Construction began on September 8
and will continue each Saturday through November. The client family should move into their brand new home prior to Christmas.
Dr. Lattimore leads the first Holy Communion Chapel Worship of the year at HTS. The meditation topic was “Hope Dealers.”
Dr. Vergel Lattimore
will attend the 5th annual Kannapolis African American Museum and Cultural Center Hall of Fame Induction Celebration in Kannapolis, NC on October 6, 2018.
On October 14, 2018, President Lattimore will be the keynote speaker for the Annual Homecoming Celebration at Marable Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church, Kannapolis, NC.
On October 22, 2018, President Lattimore will offer the greeting and invocation for the "Community Welcome Program" sponsored by the St. Johns Lutheran Church, Salisbury, NC at the Aymer Center.
The Hood community joins together in prayer for and offers
sincere condolences to the families and friends of:
Donna Butler's Father
July 25, 2018, New Orleans, LA
Rev. Albert Carl "A.C." Winfield
Get your Hood gear
online! Shirts, jackets, hats, etc. available.
Create Your Legacy with a Planned Gift
Do you have an IRA?
Are you at least 70 1/2 years of age?
Would you like to help HTS in its mission to
prepare women and men for bold and creative leadership for the Christian church for a diverse world
If you answered ''Yes" to all three questions, please consider an IRA Charitable Rollover.
In an IRA Charitable Rollover, the distribution of up to $100,000 annually made directly from the IRA custodian to a qualifying public charity, such as HTS, is excluded from gross income and counts toward the required minimum distribution.
For more information, contact John Everett at or (704) 636-6545, or visit our
Planned Giving
website for lots of helpful information.
Hood's Herald - Vol.XVI
If you would like to be on our mailing list, please contact Carol Palmer at
It's so easy to
donate securely online
! Or mail your check to the Seminary at 1810 Lutheran Synod Dr., Salisbury, NC 28144. Your gift to the Annual Fund is essential in promoting the mission of the Seminary and in helping keep tuition as low as possible for our students.
gift, small and large, is greatly appreciated and stewarded responsibly.
Create your legacy through a planned gift by remembering Hood Theological Seminary in a bequest or will with gifts of stocks and bonds, gifts of real estate or personal property, life insurance, charitable trust, retirement funds/IRA or life income gifts. By making a planned gift, you will become a member of the
Hood Legacy Society.
Visit the new
Planned Giving website for helpful information and valuable resources to help you determine the ideal planned giving option for you. For more information contact John C. Everett, Director, Institutional Advancement, at 704-636-6545.
Hood Theological Seminary
1810 Lutheran Synod Drive
Salisbury, NC 28144