St. Emily and St. Thomas Becket Parishes
November 26, 2018
Our Bishop for Confirmation

We have received word that Bishop Ron Hicks will join us as the bishop who will confirm our candidates this year. Bishop Hicks was recently ordained in September, 2018.  He is the Vicar General for the Archdiocese.
January 12 from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Please plan to join us for the Confirmation retreat on January 12.

Things to know:
  • It will be in Hajdu Hall at St. Emily.
  • It is a mandatory event. If a candidate cannot attend the entire event, it is the responsibility of the family to find an alternative retreat.  (Since many retreats in other parishes have already occurred, this might be difficult.  Our advice is to make this a priority event in your family scheduling.)
  • The retreat will include snacks, but please eat lunch before arriving.
  • The retreat will feature witness talks by high school leaders, discussions, activities, confession, Eucharistic adoration, and mass.
  • Before the retreat,  each candidate should be ready to design symbols that make a coat of arms for them and their patron saint . These might include symbols for events in the life of the saint, symbols for qualities or virtues of the saint, as well as ways that this saint connects with the candidate. This is a time to be creative.  

    We'll supply materials the day of the retreat. We ask that the candidate do the research and some of the imagining beforehand. 
  • Please also bring the blue prayer book that candidates received ( The Catholic Youth Prayer Book)   to the retreat.
  • The retreat will conclude with the 5:00 PM mass, which will fulfill the Sunday mass obligation. Families are warmly encouraged to attend with their candidate.
If you have any questions about the retreat, please  contact Cathy Crino.

sponsorA letter to give your sponsor

Many of you have decided on the name of your sponsor. H ere is the letter of recommendation they need to have.

This letter should be sent back to the Religious Education office by January 20.  We'll certainly take it earlier than that!

The requirements for a sponsor are:
  • A baptized, confirmed, practicing Catholic in good standing.
  • They must be at least 16 years of age.
  • Can  not  be your parent, step-parent, adoptive or foster parent.
If you have questions, contact Cathy Crino to discuss your options.

Moving closer to Christmas - Works of Mercy

Thank you to all who have journaled recently. I really enjoyed reading your entries.

If you have not started journaling about the Works of Mercy,
we will be in touch shortly.  It isn't too late to begin, but you need to catch up!

You can find ideas on these lists for things to do in your everyday life.
Here are some organized group events for you to take part in:
Besides these special events,  look for other opportunities to help in your family, your school and your neighborhood . Also,  the spiritual works of mercy   are just things that might happen in the course of a day. 

If you have any other questions,  please contact Cathy Crino.

Makes a Wonderful Confirmation Gift

We have commissioned rosaries for the parish of St. Emily.  Available with either blue or brown beads, these were crafted in Italy.  The crucifix is modeled on the one that hangs in the church and St. Emily is on the center medal.

This would make a great confirmation gift for any candidate confirmed here in our church.

These are available at the St. Emily parish office for $25.00 each.
Quick Links
St. Emily Parish
Catherine Crino, DRE
St. Thomas Becket Parish
Renata Sosin, CRE