House of Prayer 
is a gathering of God's people who value:
Compassionate Community, 
and Relationships

Here is an update of what is happening at
House of Prayer this week!
Worship This Sunday 
I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth. John 16:12-13

This Sunday our focus is on the Trinity. In the Christian faith we understand God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is one in three and three in one. This concept of God is both beautiful and mysterious. The relationship of God within the Trinity suggests mutuality and interdependence, which informs how we ought to live with one together. On another level, talking about the nature of God must be done with humility. Our talk about God does not define or limit God. We must acknowledge our own need to understand the divine and our complete inability to do so. Join us Sunday (rain or shine) as we think deeply about God.
Summer Outdoor Worship & Picnic at HOP-10am THIS SUNDAY
Join us on Sunday, June 16th at 10:00 am for a combined liturgical and ReFuel worship service; there will only be one service this Sunday. We'll enjoy worship outside on the Chicago Avenue lawn. In case of bad weather, we'll move inside. Children with stay with their parents for the Outdoor service this week and Summer Sundays With Mindy will be back on June 23.  Indoor picnic lunch will follow in the Parish Hall. 
Listening Campaign Dinner
Over the past few months, Pastor Ben, Pastor Kelly, and Ben Whalen have conducted a listening campaign with 40 members of HOP. The goal was to find out how people were doing connecting to one another within the congregation, connecting to God in their spiritual life, and connecting to our community as a congregation. This listening campaign has been and will be incredibly helpful in our discernment of next steps in our mission and ministry. We invite everyone to join us (whether you were interviewed or not) to hear the results of the listening campaign and be part of shaping our direction moving forward. We will have a Listening Campaign Dinner on June 19th at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. This will be a catered meal so please RSVP to Pastor Ben [email protected] or on the attendance card.
New Member Bulletin Board
If you haven't noticed our new member bulletin board, with pictures and names, please take a moment to check it out. It's located by the green awning entrance near the large screen monitor. Our newest members would love for you to greet them!
Urban Wildland Race
Each summer, Richfield hosts the Urban Wildland half marathon and 5k race - this year on Saturday, July 27th starting at 7am. It's a fun event that funds the opportunity for students of Richfield schools to get hands-on education through the Wood Lake Nature Center. House of Prayer is helping sponsor the event and already have 7 folks committed to run! There are also many volunteer opportunities to hand out snacks/water, help runners check in, and more. If you'd like to run, volunteer, or just cheer folks on please reach out to Ben Whalen ( [email protected] or 612-500-9523). More information is available at
Fourth of July Parade-Sign Up by Sunday
Believe it or not, we're already planning for this year's parade and we hope you can come march with us! Richfield's "Red, White, & Blue Days" celebration is 3 full days leading up to the Fourth of July and we're excited to be part of it. Our parade group will march, greet folks, hand out information about House of Prayer, and of course give out candy - about 4,000 pieces of it to be exact. If you'd like to join us, please sign up on the attendance card or let Ben Whalen know by June 16th ([email protected] or 612-500-9523). If you don't yet have a burgundy House of Prayer shirt, we will get a free one to everyone who marches with us!
The Veggie Table
Once again this summer we'll be handing out FREE produce at our "Veggie Table" events! Join us from 4:30-6:30pm on the first and third Tuesday of July, August, and September at Season's Park Apartments. In addition to the produce, we'll have yard games, snacks, and a chance to meet neighbors and spend time together. Many thanks to VEAP, one of our mission partners, for providing the food this year! If you'd like to volunteer to make this event happen, please contact Brent King ([email protected]).
Summer Youth Group
The high school youth group decided once again they want to keep meeting in the summer so we'll have a few youth night activities each month. They picked out activities like Skyzone, capture the flag, movie night, and a lock in. All summer activities will be free and open to friends. If you'd like more information, please contact Ben Whalen ([email protected] or 612-500-9523).
Incredible Race VBS
Registration is open for this year's Vacation Bible School July 29 - Aug 1. Family Dinner: 5:15-5:50 pm & Program: 6:00-8:15pm. Our theme is "The Incredible Race" which will take us around the world to different continents each night to learn that people all around the world are all part of God's big human family. Activities include music, crafts, drama, and more! Register at or reach out to Heidi Thomas with questions ([email protected]). 
Thanks from LSS Group Homes
The residents and staff at the Lutheran Social Service group homes are very thankful for HOPs kindness, gifts, and visits. The group homes have purchased items with the special offering collected last fall.  Mi Casa at 70th and Park purchased pots and pans, bakeware, and dishes.  They love to cook and bake.  My House at 76th and Park purchased a grill and a fire pit.  They are looking forward to roasting marshmallows. Thanks again for helping with this outreach ministry. Contact Jean Robbins at [email protected].
Unity in Diversity Sermon Series at Woodlake Matins Services
The Bible is a multicultural. Jesus is multicultural. But how are we allowing the Spirit to move us towards different people, bringing us to new life? In this sermon series, we will examine the kingdom of God especially as it relates to unity without uniformity, and diversity without fragmentation. Join us each Wednesday in June in Woodlake Lutheran Church's chapel at 8am for the Matins worship services.
Women's Summer Bible Study at Oak Grove
All women of Oak Grove, Woodlake and House of Prayer are invited to attend our summer Bible Study sponsored by Lydia Ruth Circle of Oak Grove. The study, For such a time as this: Lessons from Esther, will be on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the lower lever of the church. Light refreshments will be served. No preparation is required. The Bible Study is published in the Gather magazine, a publication of the ELCA for women. Copies of the study will be available at each session.
July 9: Esther saves the Jews
August 13: Using our voices
Vintage Baseball- 1860's Style
June 22nd, 1:00pm - Lyndale Fields, 6901 Lyndale Ave S
Take your peanuts and cracker jacks to 1860 as the Quicksteps team plays baseball with the old-time rules. No gloves, no sliding, no bunting. Join the History Center and the team as we watch (or play) as they would in 1860! 
Let's Visit!
Would you like a visitor from one of our pastoral staff members? While we often hear of needs within the congregation, sometimes we are unaware of the needs within our family of faith. Pastor Ben or Pastor Kelly would be happy to visit any of our members or friends who would like a pastoral visit. These visits could be health related but could be for any reason. Contact the church office via telephone 612-866-8471 or Pastor Ben via email [email protected].
House of Prayer Lutheran Church of Richfield, MN
 ELCA | (61 2) 866-8471