The Script 

Welcome to Caring Partners International's 
January 2018 Edition
In This Issue:
:: Partnership Guatemala
:: April 12th Banquet
:: Congratulations Dr. Chuck & Dr. Jack!
:: Prayers & Praises
Guatemala Collage
Clockwise, from Top Left: 1) Nurse Alison Grant with one of the team's youngest patients, 2) Tom Pernik operating the autorefractor in the eyeglass station 3) Norma sharing the hope of Christ in the Clinic of the Soul, 4) Dr. Adam Reed working with Life Chiropractic student clinician Kelli Froats, 5) Dr. Marv Almquist, his son Andy, and translator Jenni 
Reaching A Community for Christ
The mission of Caring Partners is to equip local churches to utilize health care to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our ministry is blessed beyond measure to serve with so many strong national church partners whose heartbeat for missions mirrors Caring Partners' vision of '"Evangelism Through Medicine"

One of those special church partners is Sembradores de Vida Church in Guatemala. Dr. & Pastor Fernando Marroquin and his church family have a passion to share Christ throughout their nation. Caring Partners has worked with Sembradores De Vida & their church planting ministries in regions throughout Guatemala, but in December 2017, our medical ministry was able to partner with Sembradores to conduct a clinic at their home church in Guatemala City. 

What a thrill to see so many of the young people of Sembradores having the opportunity to serve in the clinic - escorting patients, translating with the doctors and nurses, and even working in the Clinic of the Soul. Many physical healings took place, including fitting many young children with the eyeglasses they so desperately needed to see properly. The Chiropractic station, staffed by Dr. Adam Reed, Dr. Jerry Conway, and Life Chiropractic Student Kelli Froats, treated numerous patients, including a young boy who was non-verbal, but left the clinic shouting to his mom & dad as he played! 

All toll, almost 500 patients were treated, and 27 of those precious souls made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ - to God be the glory, great things He has done!
CPI U.S. Team
Caring Partners' U.S. Medical Mission Team at Sembradores de Vida Church

"And He sent them to preach the kingdom of God, 
and to heal the sick." 
Luke 9:2

Let Your Light Shine
The theme of this year's Caring Partners Banquet & Silent Auction is "Let Your Light Shine", focusing on how God is using the ministry and its national church partners to impact our world through medical missions. 

Our Banquet speaker will be one of Caring Partners' national church leaders from Thailand, Pastor Jay Orata from the northern city of Chiang Rai. And to highlight Caring Partners' medical ministry work in Thailand, our Silent Auction will have the look and feel of Chiang Rai's "Night Market." 
This will also be the second year for our Silent Auction to be "digital" - through a special website, you can bid early, and also use your smartphone that evening to continue to bid. We are also blessed with a beautiful venue in the Savannah Center, located in West Chester, Ohio - so come out on Thursday, April 12th and be a part of a Spirit-filled evening of fellowship and fun.

Tickets are $50.00 each, but those willing to be a Table Sponsor will receive 10 tickets for only $450.00, a savings of $50 per table! 

Doors will open at 5:30 PM for the Silent Auction, and Dinner, Dessert & Program will start at 7:00 PM. Corporate & Individual Sponsorships for the Banquet are also still available

Please Click on the red text directly below to purchase your Tickets by:

or reserve via email for payment by:

For Detailed Event Information & Directions, or to pay by Credit Card over the phone, Contact: 
937-743-2744  or

Event Level Sponsor
Russell Total Wealth

Bethesda Hospital Foundation Recognizes Two of CPI's Board of Directors 

CPI is blessed to have a Board of Directors filled with Godly men and women, who are leaders in their churches, in their communities, and in their professions.

Two of our Directors have recently retired from the TriHealth Hospital System, and have been recognized with Plaques on the Physician Honor Wall at Bethesda North Hospital. Dr. Jack Reuter cared for premature babies at Good Samaritan & Bethesda Hospitals for more than 20 years as a leading neonatologist. Dr. Charles O. Dillard treated patients as an internist at Bethesda Hospitals for more than five decades. Congratulations to Dr. Jack & Dr. Chuck for their compassionate & extraordinary care!

Dr. Chuck Dillard  
Pray with us...

"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. " Philippians 4:6

Pray for our medical mission team heading to Guatemala on Thursday, February 8th

Pray for Pastor Jay Orata and family as they make their preparations to leave Thailand to come to the U.S.A. for our April 12th Banquet

Pray for more volunteers for our Warehouse Ministry! And as you pray, may the Lord be leading you, your church, or your service group to come serve in the Caring Partners Warehouse? If so, please contact Andrew Wienhoff to arrange a time you can come help us sort & prepare medical supplies to be delivered to the mission field. 

CPI Contact Information

Caring Partners International, Inc.
601 Shotwell Drive
Franklin, Ohio 45005
Phone: 937-743-2744 or
Fax:     937-743-2749

Dr. Daniel Love, Chairman
Dr. Adam Reed, President & Director of Missions
Rhonda J. Reed, Executive Director  

Andrew Wienhoff, Director of Mission Resources

Rick Lalli, Director of Ministry Development

Jon & Karen Lambert, Mission Directors
Bill Wienhoff, Financial Administrator

Lauren Cragwall, Mission Coordinator

Kathy Ridenour, Executive Assistant

Web Site  

The Board Members and Staff of Caring Partners would like to THANK YOU for your PRAYERS and FINANCIAL SUPPORT for this ministry. Our PARTNERSHIP enables the Gospel message to be shared throughout the world!
Caring Partners International