Dear Pope John Paul II Community and Friends,

As you are aware, PJP's financial aid, as well as many of our partner schools, is made possible through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program. This program plays a critical role in allowing many students the opportunity to attend a Catholic School regardless of race, religion, or the ability to pay tuition.

I urgely ask that you consider how the lack of this program will impact your family or your child's classmates who also rely on this program. I ask you, our PJP community and friends, to be well-informed so that you can help advocate for House BIll 800 . This legislation will have a direct impact on students' access and success to a high quality Catholic Education.

I share the following message from Mr. Marc LeBlond, Senior Policy Analyst for the Commonwealth Foundation regarding Governor Wolf's opposition to House Bill (HB) 800. Please click onto the hyperlinks as it will provide you the necessary information on HB 800;

As you know, students are unique and one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to their education. The EITC program has been life saving for hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvania students. But sadly, not all kids have that chance. Due to arbitrary caps on tax credit scholarships, 49,000 student application were denied last year! 

House Bill 800 would immediately increase the EITC cap by $100 million, and further increase it by 10% if 90% of tax credits are used in the prior year. Our students are not a distraction. They are precious souls who deserve the chance to thrive in the best school for their needs. "

As President of PJP and parent of three children who attend Catholic School, I am asking for everyone's help!

Students, Faculty, Staff, Parents, Alumni, Partner School Principals & Pastors, and Community members----We need a rally!

  • Within the next 24 hours
  • Call Call Gov. Wolf at (717) 787-2500.
  • Let him know that as a registered PA voter he should do the right thing for all Pennsylvanians.
  • Urge him to sign HB 800 into law.

  • Go online
  • Select Forms
  • Provide your contact information
  • Message Topic: select Education (K-12)
  • Type your message urging Governor Wolf to sign HB 800 into law.
  • Consider using Nathan Benefield's article on why the Governor needs to do the right thing!
On behalf of our current and future PJP students, their families, and our sister/brother Archdiocesan High Schools, I extend my sincerest THANK YOU for considering to devote your time, support, and love for Catholic Education-- today, tomorrow and forever!

Jason B. Bozzone
President, Pope John Paul II High School