Btech has recently become aware of a new trick scammers are using. They are attempting to blackmail people by claiming to have hacked their accounts, and their webcams, and validating their attack by showing the recipient that they have their password.
Below is a sample of the type of emails some people have been receiving:
Do these hackers have real info?
In a way, yes. Scammers are using
passwords and your
email address that had been compromised from one of the thousands of breaches that occur each year. Unfortunately, people tend to reuse passwords for years and with many different sites. Scammers are using this to their advantage.
What can you do to keep safe?
The best defense is preparation. Regularly changing your passwords, creating a unique password, and utilizing a centralized password management system would be an ideal place to start. It's also important to train employees on how to identify suspicious emails, websites, and downloads.
If your data is being threatened, having a
secure backup solution is the first step to protection. In many ransomware cases, there's no guarantee the scammer will release your data if demands are met.
No one can hold your data hostage if you've got a reliable backup solution.
This is another reminder that excellent IT security is a must for your credit union.
Please feel free to contact me at or 626-397-1045 if you have any questions, or if we can help in any way.