Submissions must be submitted by Wednesday at 4:00 pm to 
in order to be included in the newsletter. 
~ Sunday Service, June 16, 2019
Nurturing Loving Fathers
We live in a society that has often devalued expressions of love, affection, and nurturing in men.How we can help change this and in doing so help lift up every father and father figure. Presented by Linda Ochi

~ Monthly Touchstone Theme: Transcendence  ~ 
~ Farewell to Rev Kevin ~

Please bring letters, cards, and/or pictures for his Memory Book. I am sure Kevin would enjoy knowing what made a positive difference to you during his ministry,  and remembrance of the good times we had.  Lynda Dorweiler and Char Tarashanti will be accepting cards and letters at the service on Sunday, June 16.  Peace to him and to all of us.  
~ Goodbye Celebration ~

SUNDAY, JUNE 16th, at 11:30AM

Plan to attend Kay and Jack Doggett's,"So long, Farewell" party!
Garden Gnomes

Former Beacon members Michael Marquess and Dave Brimhall were working in the yard some years ago and put out the word to the congregation that they needed some plants (including bulbs) to beautify the front yard. 
Dorothy Rissel and Roseanne Fulcher responded with a bundle of iris rhyzomes. They were perfectly placed and tended thereafter, which is why they provide such a beautiful show, year after year.

Michael & Dave have recently returned to Flagstaff and Beacon after living and working in the Valley for the last couple years. 
Welcome home, Dave Brimhall and John McGregor!
~ REI Building Project Update ~

Our construction schedule has been updated. In order to dig the footings for the new rooms, the electrical line and box had to be moved first and we had  to get a waiver from  the city to bring it overhead, rather than pay a lot of money to dig a new trench across
the alley. We got the waiver, and they are working on the electrical service this week.
This pushed back the trenching and pouring of the footings, which has had a domino
effect on the construction schedule.

Thus, the front door will not be finished for a few more weeks, as we need to have new
footings poured under the doorway before the new doors can be installed. We could do
this separately, and a couple of weeks sooner, but it would cost us a lot to do that. So
we will have the contractor do all the footings at the same time. They will start grading
and digging footings June 20, and pour the footings the first and second week in July.

Please be patient! It is just a few weeks and it will save a lot of money by doing it this
way. We will still be having Sunday services as usual, we just need to continue entering
through the side door.

If you need to check out a key to the building, please see Dennis Spurlin this Sunday at
church, or stop by the office Tuesday through Thursday 10 to 3.

If you need to schedule a meeting or use of the building during the next couple of
months, please check with Carl Taylor or myself to be sure that the construction won't
interfere with your plans.
Theresa deBoer
REI Building Project Manager
~ Religious Exploration ~

We will continue to work on our  activity booklets related to Transcendence.   Check here for weekly updates on activities and resources for both YOU and the kids!
Let me know if I can be supportive to you in any other way!  I am here for you.

All my best with blessings,

Director of Religious Exploration 
Social Justice Allies (SJA)   ~

T he Arizona Legislative Session has adjourned and Governor Ducey has signed the bills of which he approves. And, as usual, Anne Schneider, retired ASU Professor of Political Science, former Dean of ASU'a College of Public Programs, devout Legislature watcher and analyst and-for the last several years--writer/publisher of the UUJAZ (UU Justice Arizona) network Arizona Legislative Alert has prepared her wrap-up of the 2019 session. Always to be found at the top of her remarkable publication is the caveat: All opinions are those of the author.  Still, those of us who have followed the Alert and heard Anne speak value those opinions.  Therefore, in the course of the next few months I intend to share with you, dear readers,  snippets of her takes on this session, beginning with Education next week. To get us started,  here are Anne's words about the session overall...

Some are portraying the 2019 Legislative session as ...a reasonably good one for
social justice policy, taking into account the number of very conservative legislators.
Others view it as a big disappointment (again). Truth is in the eyes of the beholder! Yes,
there are a few silver linings. Yet, the Legislature once again missed huge opportunities
to make progress for improving the quality of life for Arizonans. The 2020 legislature will
be the same as this one, except for resignations if any occur, and we will have the same
governor. Thus, we can expect more of the same except for the possibility that advocates
for social justice public policy will work hard over the summer and fall, as well as in the
2020 session, to persuade more legislators that government can be compassionate, (that)
government can and should do good things that make life better for the people of this state.

Want to subscribe to the Arizona Legislative Alert? It is published weekly during the session to alert progressive social justice advocates to legislation that they might want to support or oppose. When the Legislature is not in session, it is published sporadically. To subscribe, email

The first SJA meeting of the Beacon 2019-20 fiscal year will be Sunday, July 14, following
the service (about 11:15). We'll pick up where we left our conversation with Flagstaff teachers
and Beacon members Carol Hixson and Walt Halaberda, who suggested some ideas about how we can support teachers locally. Other agenda items include: a report on the Somos America program-and-collection in mid-June and former Director of Student and Family Services Deb Harris's ideas (shared with Roz in early June) for engaging students in our social justice efforts.

Beacon members, friends and visitors are welcome!

In community,
Roz Clark, SJA Journalist
~ Chalice Circle ~

Touchstones Chalice Circles are designed to meet our needs for belonging (intimacy) and meaning (ultimacy) by building friendships and providing opportunities to ponder life's questions, small and large, with others who share the common values of our UU Principles. 

Chalice Circle continues to meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month.  Discussion examines subjects as provided in the monthly journal of Unitarian Universalism, Touchstones.  One can download pages for reading prior to our meeting by accessing the website in the weekly e-newsletter. 

To meet the needs of the congregation, we have made attendance open. 

For further information contact Char Tarashanti or Lynda L. Dorweiler
~ Lend a Hand ~

Food Center Meal Service: 4th Wednesday of each month, contact Sue Strobel for more information.
This Month's Share the Plate Partner   ~

For June, Beacon will share the plate with Housing Solutions of Northern Arizona and Sharon Manor. This organization helps homeless victims of violence and their children on their journey out of violence and poverty and into economic independence, safety, health, and self-sufficiency.
Domestic violence is one of the leading causes of homelessness for women and their children in the United States. Local shelters play a critical role in helping families in crisis, but they are short-term in nature.

Sharon Manor is transitional housing for homeless victims of domestic violence and their children. Beyond temporary, emergency shelter, Sharon Manor provides up to 2 years of comprehensive one-on-one case management, group trainings, and safe and affordable housing for residents as they work to rebuild their lives. Since opening, Sharon Manor has helped more than 1,140 victims and their children transition to self-reliance through its holistic program.

Undesignated contributions to this month's Sunday service offerings above $300 will be presented to Housing Solutions of Northern Arizona and Sharon Manor. Nominations for 501c3 agencies can be made through a form located at the bottom of the stairs in the CAC folder.
CAC members are Steven Patrick, Susan Patrick, Susan Strobel, Joanne Parkes, and Lynda L. Dorweiler.
~ UUA Events ~

Wednesday, June 19-23 - UUA General Assembly.  General Assembly is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association. Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend .
~ Beacon Calendar  ~

Worship & Religious Exploration
Sunday, June 16, 2019
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Goodbye Celebration (Doggett)
Sunday, June 16, 2019
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
If you would like to submit a calendar event, send an email to . With all requests, please indicate the following: proposed start and end time of the event, the space/room preferred, and a rough group size. On the occasion of a cancellation or rescheduling of an event, please let the office know in a timely fashion to ensure that your event is correctly represented in the newsletter and order of service. Thank you!
Beacon Office Hours*  ~

Hours  t o be announced
Director of RE, 
Amy Huntereece

Sun: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Wed:  8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Or by appointment 
  Office Manager, 
April Yax

Tues: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wed: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thurs: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Or by appointment


Office Phone (928) 779-4492
~ Unitarian Universalist Seven Principles ~

Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We live out these Principles within a "living tradition" of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from  sources  as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and personal experience.  Learn more at!

~ Beacon Google Group ~

If  you are not on Beacon's exclusive Google group, you are missing out on an important communications link within our congregation. It is useful for spreading information about something going on in Flagstaff, informing others of social action activities, offering an item for sale or to give away, sharing enthusiasm about a book or movie, requesting information or recommendations -- and more! It's simple to sign up! Email our Office Manager, at