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November 26, 2018
Help ACPE Raise $5,000 Tomorrow on Giving Tuesday!
George Grant, PhD,
Annual Campaign Chair
As the air cools and the leaves fall we count another year on a planet in perpetual motion. In spite of our best efforts, some features of life are beyond our control.  I like knowing that we can expect with reasonable certainty that seasons change.

The work of ACPE is also perpetual and complex.  When I ponder the untold millions of people and values that we attend to, I am heartened and emboldened to make a personal contribution to the health of our industry.  

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2019 ACPE Annual Dues Have Been Mailed
Member and Center dues invoices were mailed last week before the Thanksgiving holiday. This year's billing statement should look similar to last year's but there may be additional items. If you have any questions after receiving your bill, please contact or call Jennifer Rochner, Senior Accountant, at (678) 636-6214 or Zizi Krasteva, Accountant Assistant, at (678) 636-6220.

Who? What? When? Images from ACPE's Past

Do you recognize these folks or the event in the photo above? Send us a note at .
Thank you for your responses to last week's photo! Your answers helped us identify Retired Educators Cameron Byrd and Maurice Briggs at the 1990 ACPE Annual Conference in Baltimore. 
In Case You Missed It
Holiday Toiletry Drive
For the past five years, the ACPE office staff have used the end-of-year holiday season to make a difference in the lives of those in need of extra care and support. Our year-end staff service projects have not only been a time to give back to our local community, but also a time to bond with one another.

This year, we would like to invite all ACPE members to join us in our endeavor! We have decided to host a toiletry drive for Decatur Cooperative Ministry, an ecumenical social service organization less than five minutes away from the ACPE office. 
New National Guidelines Seek to Improve Access to Palliative Care for People Living with Serious Illness
New national palliative care clinical practice guidelines seek to ensure the millions of people living with serious illness, such as heart failure, lung disease and cancer, have access to vital care that can help meet their needs. The guidelines promote improved access to palliative care, which is focused on giving patients and their caregivers relief from the symptoms and stress of serious illness, is based on need, not prognosis, and can be provided along with disease-focused treatment. 

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Curriculum Committee Update
Sarah Knoll Sweeney,
Curriculum Committee Chair
Greetings from the ACPE Curriculum Committee! As your chair and chair-elect, we would like to share a few updates and ask for your help as we move forward with curating curricular resources and best practices for student assessment and evaluation.

Our committee is engaging the challenge and opportunity of our work together with humility and an openness to learning from you. We believe that the best resources we have to draw from are ACPE educators who have developed thoughtful and engaging curriculum and quality methods for student evaluation and assessment.
2019 Annual Conference Call For Poster Applications
You are invited to submit a poster session proposal for the 2019 ACPE Annual Conference.

The ACPE Research Committee invites applications to present research posters at the 2019 ACPE Annual Conference on May 8-10 in Scottsdale, AZ. Applications will be reviewed by the Research Committee and selections will be made by the following criteria:

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Certification Updates
As we move further into using the New Certification Process, we want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of some key aspects.  For even more information, please take the time to review the documents on the New Certification Process webpage and to review the New Certification Process Manual.

Transitioning from the Old Certification Process
Mary Stewart Hall
Commission Chair
Now that we are well into the New Certification Process, we have recognized that it is not only possible, but maybe even preferable, for candidates who are in the Old Process to transition to the New Process.  While the Certification Commission previously stated that those who achieved candidacy had the choice of transitioning to the New Process, the pathway wasn't as clear as it is now, so we are once again presenting candidates with an opportunity to transition to the New Process.

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Theory Integration Presentation Mentors
Over the past few months, we held our first two training cohorts and now have 25 trained Theory Integration Presentation Mentors. As we know our numbers of CECs will continue to grow, we have scheduled our next four cohort groups so that we can train a sufficient number of mentors. If you are interested in becoming a Theory Integration Presentation Mentor, please click here to complete the sign up and indicate which training cohort will work best in your schedule. If you have questions about the mentor's role, please email Robin Booth or Anastasia Holman.
Weekly Highlights
This Week's Reflection
By this time in many residencies, scales have fallen from hearts and eyes in ways that have led to important, transformational moments. Many experiences come as if it was the first time for folks because of how differently we come to see others, experiences, pain, hope, suffering. Here's a poem that captures some of that intensity:
"Temptation" by Nina Cassian

Call yourself alive? Look, I promise you that for
the first time you'll feel your pores opening
like fish mouths, and you'll actually be able to hear
your blood surging through all those lanes,
and you'll feel light gliding across the cornea
like the train of a dress. For the first time
you'll be aware of gravity
like a thorn in your heel,
and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings.
Call yourself alive? I promise you
you'll be deafened by the sound of dust falling on furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes,
and every memory you have-will begin
at Genesis.
As many of us have made our way back over rivers and through woods from family celebrations for Thanksgiving, we were shocked to learn how many young folks have never seen "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving." So to remedy this gross popular culture injustice, we offer the following: 

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving - Full Video
Monday, November 26
* Day of the Covenant - Bahá'í
A celebration of the appointment of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, the son of Bahá'u'lláh, as the Center of the Covenant in New York City in 1912 C.E. Devout followers begin their remembrance the preceding evening and do not suspend work on this day.

Wednesday, November 28
* Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá - Bahá'í
The commemoration of the death of the Center of the Covenant in Haifa, Palestine, in 1921 C.E. Devout followers begin their remembrance the preceding evening and are allowed to work on this day.

Sunday, December 2
* First Sunday of Advent (hope) - Christianity (Western churches)

* Chanukah [Hanukkah] begins (through December 10) - Judaism
The Jewish Festival of Lights commemorates the Maccabean victory over Syrian-Greek oppressors and the recapture and re-dedication of the Jerusalem Temple in 165 B.C.E. Special readings and praise songs focus on liberty and freedom. The eight-candle Menorah is lit at sundown, and gifts are given.
Visit the ACPE website for more information. 
  • No news reported this week.
Visit the ACPE Memorials and Milestones page for more details. Please email to add someone to our thoughts.
This Week's Career Opportunities & Residency/CEC Openings
  • Career Opportunities 
  • Manager, Clinical Pastoral Education, St. Anthony Hospital, Lakewood, CO
  • PRN Chaplain, St. Louis Children's Hospital, St, Louis, MO
Visit the ACPE website for a complete list of Career Opportunities and Residency/CEC Openings.

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Other Happenings This Week
ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care & Education
(404) 320-1472 | Email | Website 

ACPE is the premier, DOE-recognized organization that provides the highest quality CPE programs for spiritual care professionals of any faith and in any setting. We do this through a rigorous accreditation and certification process for centers and educators that provide CPE. The depth of our training enables students to realize their full potential to strengthen the spiritual health of people in their care as well as themselves.