Opportunity for Good:
CoastPride needs volunteers for a Drive-In Movie Night Benefit on Friday, June 18th, 9-11:30pm. The movie is "A Star Is Born," the 2018 remake with Lady Gaga.
Lady of Our Pilar is providing the venue in the field behind the Church. CoastPride needs people to assist with directing traffic before and after the movie. The time commitment is one 45 minute Zoom orientation the night before on the 17th, 7pm, by Julie Mell, movie organizer; and, of course, on the night of the movie. To volunteer for CoastPride's Movie Night Fundraiser, please email Jenny Walter. For more information about these pop-up drive-in movies, visit Beach Break Entertainment's website.
Food for Our Souls:
UUCC First Sunday Service, June 6th, 11am
The Touchstones Theme for June is Care of the Soul. Kai Marks, a UUCC favorite, returns with a sermon entitled: “I’m Familiar with the Works of Pablo Neruda: The Care and Keeping of Your Soul." Fans of “The Simpsons” will likely recognize this line from the episode in which Bart sells his soul for five dollars. What is our soul? And how do we go about caring for it without feeling as if we’ve “lost” or “sold” it? Now, more than ever, we need to nurture a connection with our soul. Sometimes, it’s the smallest actions that impact our spiritual lives the most and the smallest moments that remind us of what we are called to become. Whether you’re longing to discover or recover your soul, join us as we explore ways to connect with the sacred in our everyday lives—and, ultimately, to discover the best in ourselves and in each other. Why? Because when Destiny calls, our soul knows just how to answer.

And when music inspires, we thank our music director Tom Devine.

For the Order of Service, click here. Please join us at 11:00 am Pacific, 2pm Eastern. Gathering and music begin at 10:55 am.

Password: UUseesea
UUCC Joins UUCLC on Sunday, June 13th, 10am
On Sunday, June 13th, Reverend Priya Friday-Pabros returns to UU Community of Lake County to share wisdom from the ancient teachings of Kriya Yoga in a sermon entitled "The Art of Self- Knowing." Rev. Priya is a Senior Kriyacharya (Kriya Yoga teacher) and Spiritual Director in the lineage of Paramahansa Yogananda
and has been offering workshops and retreats on the subject of meditation and spiritual living for over 15 years. Her ministry expresses both through spoken work and
music. She frequently leads devotional chanting events and
workshops. Her joyful presence and practical wisdom are always
inspiring and spiritually instructive.

During these Zoom times, smaller UU churches like UUCC and UUCLC often put in the same production effort as medium to larger UU churches with less volunteer staff and a smaller budget. It greatly helps morale to have more people attend, so please consider joining UUCLC Zoom services on these second Sundays at 10am. UUCLC puts in over 40 hours to produce their once-a-month service!

(start time at 10am)
Meeting ID: 255 020 8121
Passcode: Chalice
UUCC's New "Gallery View" Summer Series
Since April 2020, our stellar production team has brought us 28 amazing Zoom services, and now it's time to give our crew a little summer break.

Starting in June, we'll be introducing a new format for our third Sundays called "Gallery View," a word play off of the Zoom feature of the same name. We've noticed many people who attend UUCC services enjoy the discussion topics in the breakout rooms after the service is over. Third Sunday services in June, July, and August will feature a short 10-minute video, followed by a more interactive community conversation during the service. Other elements of the service will include Chalice Lighting, Announcements, and Joys and Concerns spoken live by participants.

We'll still host breakout rooms after the service is over, which allows us to stay in touch with how everyone is doing. (These services will not be recorded or uploaded to our YouTube Channel.) We're especially excited to debut CoastPride's Intergenerational Interview series with our own new format premiere as we celebrate together Gay Pride Month in June.
UUCC Third Sunday Service, June 20th, 11am
With CoastPride, Bruce Rafnel is filming a series of intergenerational conversations with LGBTQ people.

The plan is to feature the entire series during the 2021 October LGBTQ History Month. The goal is for people to share their lived experiences about LGBTQ history and to learn from each other what today's experience is like. A sample of topics to explore:

  • fears about getting older
  • coming out
  • living with pandemics: AIDS and COVID-19
  • interest in future LGBTQ-themed information or events at CoastPride

Bruce and CoastPride have completed one conversation between a retired dancer and a dancer at the start of their career. They will be sharing a preliminary version of this conversation with UUCC congregation on June 20, 2021. If you are interested in sharing your experiences on this topic, or know someone else who would like to be interviewed, please let Bruce know via email at barafnel@gmail.com.
Joys & Concerns:
One of the ways we weave community is by sharing aspects of our lives with each other, our joys and concerns. For our upcoming service, please email your Joys & Concerns to uucoastside@gmail.com.
Compassionate Caring Committee:
The UUCC Compassionate Caring Committee volunteers are often able to support our members during life events such as post-operative, illness, or can’t go out. Do you need food delivery or an errand run? Are you feeling loneliness, loss, or grief that a call might help?
Please contacuucoastside@gmail.com if you’d like support or if you want to volunteer.  
We Appreciate Your Support:

For supporting UUCC financially, we have two options:
(1) Donate Online
Online donation is easy. At Weekly Offerings, look for the words
UU Coastside Community. Enter your dollar amount, and at Frequency choose either Monthly or One Time. At the bottom of the page, click Continue. Fill in your name, address, phone number, and payment method. Click the box I am not a robot, then click Process. To try it now, click this link, to 
(2) Donate by Check
If you prefer to donate by check, please make your check payable to UU San Mateo, and write UUCC on the memo line. Please mail your check to:

Nancy Palmer
506 Willow Avenue
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-1648
We Need You!
We’re looking for volunteers:
(1) Social Media Coordinator: to manage our twice-monthly newsletter, and upload content to our website and Facebook page. A four-hour commitment every two weeks.

(2) Zoom Session Management: We'd like to train two more people to switch slides during our Zoom virtual services. If you are comfortable working or playing with your favorite computer apps, you'll love learning Zoom's cool features!

(3) Fill our newsletter with the diversity that makes UU stand apart from other faiths. Send in poems, inspirational quotes, YouTube music video links, social action notices, and articles of interest to uucoastside@gmail.com.

Thank you to all who have or continue to volunteer!
UUCC Planning Committee Meeting Highlights
We're introducing a new segment in our newsletter once a month, highlighting some key decisions from UUCC's Planning Committee which meets the third Thursday of each month.
  • Last meeting we discussed starting a Shared Pulpit Class in August with Tovis Page as an instructor.
  • Dave Rokosky was offered a spot for UUCC to attend UU General Assembly in late June, generously offered on behalf of UUSM, and we'll post a summary of his participation in our next newsletter.
  • CoastPride initiated an email to form an Interfaith Alliance with our Coastal churches and synagogue. Of course, as UUs, we are very committed to interfaith collaboration and will keep you posted on any further developments.
  • We continue to mourn the loss of Mo Robinson as a folk guitarist and please contact Tom Devine if you know of another folk guitarist who might fill Mo's very big shoes.
Food for Our Souls:
Unitarian Universalist Coastside Community
Half Moon Bay, California
Bill Heavlin, UUCC Planning Committee
Dave Rokosky, UUCC Planning Committee
Noreen Cooper Heavlin, UUCC Planning Committee
Tom Devine, UUCC Music Director
Bruce Rafnel, UUCC Technical Director