The Montana Rural Teacher Project provides mentoring support during the first two years that MRTP graduates are working in eligible rural schools. Rather than waiting to recruit local mentors at the sites where MRTP teachers are placed, the project is building a statewide cadre of highly qualified mentors who can relate to the unique circumstances of MRTP graduates and are equipped to support them from a distance.
With your help recruiting potential mentors, we selected 20 Montana educators from among nearly 120 applicants through a competitive screening process. The resulting MRTP mentor pool is deep: teaching experience ranges from 7 to 32 years, locations span the state from Hamilton to Baker; and accolades include multiple certifications, awards, and leadership roles.
During June, the MRTP mentors will engage with MSU faculty and School Services of Montana (another MRTP collaborative partner) in two weeks of online training enhanced by virtual workshop sessions. We are grateful for support from Montana Rural Education Association who purchased books for the mentors. Eventually each mentor will be assigned to an MRTP graduate for one-on-one grade band and subject area support as well as collaborative planning, peer reflection, and professional learning throughout the school year. We can’t wait to work alongside this amazing group of Montana educators!