June 2021
This newsletter contains news and information of interest about
Montana Rural Teacher Project. Thanks for staying informed.
MRTP Mentors launch training in June!
The Montana Rural Teacher Project provides mentoring support during the first two years that MRTP graduates are working in eligible rural schools. Rather than waiting to recruit local mentors at the sites where MRTP teachers are placed, the project is building a statewide cadre of highly qualified mentors who can relate to the unique circumstances of MRTP graduates and are equipped to support them from a distance.

With your help recruiting potential mentors, we selected 20 Montana educators from among nearly 120 applicants through a competitive screening process. The resulting MRTP mentor pool is deep: teaching experience ranges from 7 to 32 years, locations span the state from Hamilton to Baker; and accolades include multiple certifications, awards, and leadership roles.

During June, the MRTP mentors will engage with MSU faculty and School Services of Montana (another MRTP collaborative partner) in two weeks of online training enhanced by virtual workshop sessions. We are grateful for support from Montana Rural Education Association who purchased books for the mentors. Eventually each mentor will be assigned to an MRTP graduate for one-on-one grade band and subject area support as well as collaborative planning, peer reflection, and professional learning throughout the school year. We can’t wait to work alongside this amazing group of Montana educators!
More MRTP Benefits
Recruiting and retaining highly qualified teachers to rural districts takes a team. The MRTP knows many partners make this puzzle come together, including the school leaders and boards who hire MRTP graduates to teach in their district.

MRTP is grateful for the contributions of School Administrators of Montana who are making the Leaders Professional Learning Program available to school leaders who hire MRTP graduates.

Additionally, trustees and board members from these districts are able to take advantage of professional development offered by the Montana School Boards Association.

These benefits are provided by MRTP partners at no cost to the district.

Refer-a-Bobcat = 10% off tuition

The MSU Graduate School is pleased to announce the Refer-a-Bobcat program for licensed educators. This program provides a 3 credit tuition waiver for students referred and admitted to a master’s degree program. For the typical 30 credit master's degree program, this is a 10% discount on tuition!

Is a current teacher in your building retiring in a year and you want to proactively ensure you have a highly qualified educator to fill their shoes? Refer a potential new teacher to MSU's Master of Arts in Teaching program. This program offers applicants with a bachelor’s degree a pathway to complete a teacher preparation program and become a licensed Montana teacher in as little as one year.

The application window for the 2022 cohort opens July 1, 2021.
Elementary candidates begin January 2022.
Secondary candidates begin May 2022.

If you have Class I or II teachers in your district interested in pursuing a master's degree, MSU's Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction is fully online. The program challenges students to take their knowledge of curriculum development and assessment to the next level while providing flexibility for graduate seminars in specific content areas.

Maybe you have a teacher who is interested in becoming a school administrator? Refer them to the MSU Master of Education in Educational Leadership program.
As we graduate one cohort, we recruit for the next.

If you know of prospective MAT applicants, please contact