Dear Senior Parents,
Senior student events officially kicked off last Saturday evening with "Sunset & a Movie." It was a huge hit and the students were happy to be gathered with their friends. Our countdown continues to graduation, and we still need help for upcoming events. If you are able to support us by donating or volunteering, we'd greatly appreciate it.
Recap of Upcoming Events and How You Can Help:
June 7 – 11: Hype Week
What it is: Seniors will be celebrated each day with various reveals and activities. "Door Prizes" will be announced daily.
Need: Donations of any denomination for gift cards, products, and giveaways. If you prefer, you can donate funds here.
June 13: Baccalaureate, 3pm at BHS Stadium
What it is: The Baccalaureate Ceremony, hosted by our parent community, is a time of reflection and gratitude dedicated to the students, friends, teachers, and adults that have been part of our Seniors' journey. This outdoor event will feature student performances and guest speakers, including Jeff Lilley, a community leader and former President of Seattle's Union Gospel Mission (invitation attached).
June 16th: Senior Salute
What it is: A special student event with food trucks, awards, and community presenters. The Senior Salute is a time-honored tradition of celebrating the achievements of your peers and the Class of 2021. More details to come.
June 17th: Wolverine Ride at BHS, 7pm
What it is: Buckle up for the Wolverine Ride through campus! Graduates should dress in festive graduation attire (cap & gown, college sweatshirt, etc.) and sit on the passenger side for best viewing and a unique photo opportunity. Consider decorating the family car for the ride. More details to come.
Need: Donations of any kind/any denomination for "Best Decorated Car" prize! If you prefer, rather than donating items, you can donate funds here. There may also be a need for volunteers to help with various other details prior to the event. You can contact us if you would like to be added to the volunteer list.
June 20th/21st: Photo Opportunity on BHS Campus, 4pm - 8pm
What it is: Grab your grad and get your photos by appointment- free of charge! Professional photographers will be available on campus to take a photo of your graduate in their cap & gown along with family members in your household if desired. Digital images will be provided to you for download at no cost. Reservations for photos will be coming soon.
Need: Parent volunteers to help with set-up, check-in, and tear-down each day. Please sign up for a shift here.
June 25th: Graduation at T-Mobile Park, 9am
What it is: More details for families forthcoming from the school including tickets, arrival time, etc.
We are grateful for this community of parents and everything you are doing to make the last few weeks very special for all our seniors.
Cheers to Graduation!
Stephanie Dash and Thien-Di Do
Class of 2021 Parent Advisors