25 September 2020

Brought to you by Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story

The NSW Government is introducing new measures to crack down on anti-competitive behaviour and expose speculation in the water market, to address concerns raised by regional communities. Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey said the NSW Government would begin public consultation in November to determine what improvements should be made to our existing water registers.
And staying on water …

New actions to invest in Murray–Darling communities
Support for Basin communities, jobs and economic activity is at the heart of the next chapter for the Murray–Darling Basin Plan, says the Australian Government, as it announces investment of more than $230 million to ensure a sustainable and certain future for the Basin, its people, industries and environment.
The Murray–Darling Communities Investment Package, made up of 11 new actions, will support Basin communities who have endured years of drought, a summer of bushfires and now the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objectives of the package are investing in community resilience and river heath, building trust, transparency and accountability in government, and improving implementation of the Basin Plan. Read more here.

Councils operating regional airports have welcomed the federal government's late addition to regional airport security screening cost offsets, brought about by pressure from the Nationals in the Senate.
Charlie and Julia outside the Garden Room at The Globe Inn. Photo: Michelle Rowe.

Charlie de la Barre de Nanteuil and his wife Julia are standing in the grand ballroom of their new home, contemplating the future. With its dark wooden floors, Georgian green walls and sweeping balcony with ornate wrought iron railings, the elegant space conjures up a bygone era.

It’s always great to see our creative and hard-working Australian producers getting good press promotion!
Small Business Cyber Security Guide
The Australian Government’s Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has published a user-friendly guide to help small businesses protect themselves from the most common cyber security incidents. These happen each and every day to individuals, large companies and small businesses, and can be devastating for your business.
Understanding that owners and operators of small businesses are time-poor, the guide sets out simple measures to implement to help avoid, or reduce the impact of, the most common cyber security incidents. The language is clear, the actions are simple, and the guidance is tailored for small businesses, making it ideal for those learning about cyber security. 
Access the guide here and if you want to improve your cyber security further, there’s more information and advice on the ACSC website
China's status as Australia's most lucrative farm export market is set to be strongly challenged by Indonesia in the next couple of decades, helped significantly by July's free trade deal with our near northern neighbour.
The bitter dispute over the mandatory fitting of rollover devices on quad bikes continues to heat up amid reports two more people have died in accidents on the machines in the past week.=

Four SA councils to-date have confirmed they will apply to be genetically modified-free regions, as the deadline to seek designation from Primary Industries Minister David Basham fast approaches. The Barossa, Mount Barker District, Yankalilla District and Onkaparinga councils will all apply to remain GM-free ahead of the September 30 deadline, with applications to be processed by November 15.
Update: IFAM phase 2 new/extended flight schedule
The International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) is supporting new and/or extended flights from Melbourne to Narita, and Melbourne to Los Angeles and return. 
Eligibility for products supported by IFAM is now determined by a set of principles, including: Australian-made or produced; high value; time-sensitive/perishable; limited shelf life.
View the current IFAM flight schedule and associated information, and submit an EOI to access flights, here.
In addition to IFAM flights, alternative air freight options include domestic network flights, international repatriation flights and international commercial freight only flights. More information here.
Suss out soils at the 2020 AOA Virtual National Olive Industry Conference
Want to know more about soil biology, and how to improve the health of the soil and trees in your grove? Join soil and composting experts John Barton and Andy Gulliver for “The City in the Soil” on day one of the 2020 AOA National Olive Industry Conference and you’ll get all the answers!
The 2020 Conference is going online this year, being held via Zoom from Tuesday, 13 October to Friday, 16 October as four x two-hour afternoon sessions. Each will have a theme covering one of the industry’s current key topics and will feature outstanding speakers, delivering content directly related to olive businesses: 
  • Tuesday, 13 October - Soil management - sponsored by Olivebiz 
  • Wednesday, 14 October - Grove management – sponsored by Olivegrower & Processor
  • Thursday, 15 October - Olives & health – sponsored by the Olive Wellness Institute
  • Friday, 16 October - Olive marketing – sponsored by Modern Olives
All sessions will run from 3-5pm (AEST).
The interactive format provides plenty of opportunity for participant involvement, with Q&A and discussion time built into each session. Both the online format and the event schedule also greatly increased accessibility to the information, with plenty of time to get the day’s chores done then login and take part.
Registration is free for AOA members; for non-members the cost (GST incl) is $33 per session or $110 for the full program – or join the AOA first and attend for free!
Access the full 2020 Virtual Conference program and register here.
Webinar: Using climate data for insights on future production
The relationship between climate and agriculture is complex with the degree of dependency being variable across different landscapes and management practices.
In this webinar, Senior Research Scientist Dr Craig Beverly from Agriculture Victoria will summarise the sources of available climate data (including historical, seasonal projections and future climate scenarios) and share examples of how to use these data sets to support insights for future agricultural production.
Details: Thursday, 8 October @ 12pm AEST (1 hr) – register here.
New Zealand
Pacific Co-operation Foundation chair John Fiso is urging decision makers not to overlook the opportunity to solve the horticultural industry’s looming worker shortage with a very real solution which will also benefit our Pacific neighbours.
Olive fruit fly populations in Spain have developed genetic resistance to a common type of pesticide used to control and eliminate them, according to newly published research from the Complutense University of Madrid.

The rise in diabetic patients in the last decade around the globe is alarming. Diabetes, along with Hypertension, is a silent killer. Apart from allopathic treatment for diabetes, following a healthy lifestyle is a recommendation of most doctors. A healthy lifestyle includes healthy eating habits, regular exercise, or at least walking. Adding olives to the mix can work wonders for an individual.

That’s a pretty strong opinion, but there’s certainly good proof that they’re incredibly good for you.

As the harvest gets underway in Sicily, three of Italy’s main agricultural organizations estimate this year’s olive oil harvest will be earlier and smaller than last year.

One outcome is …

The latest data show signs of a possible recovery for olive oil price at origin in Greece. Local experts point to the advantages for Greek growers that might arise from lower yields expected both in Spain and Italy.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
The year is flying past, and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

21-Sep-2020 By Katy Askew

Princes is leveraging blockchain developments to improve traceability and communicate its sourcing story to customers and consumers. Starting with its Napolina brand – but with plans for a further rollout – the company is working with Provenance to communicate this through on-pack QR codes. We spoke to Neil Brownbill, Italian Products Commercial Director, to learn more.

After being excluded from the first round of the United States Department of Agriculture’s COVID-19 food assistance program, olive growers are eligible for federal relief in the second round.
An earlier olive harvest than normal at Son Mesquidassa.

The olive harvest at Son Mesquidassa, Felanitx, has been brought forward by a fortnight. The earlier start than normal is on account of the impact of the storm at the end of August. Half of the olives were brought down, while the fruit that remained on the trees suffered.

They say they chose to harvest green fruit and achieve a 10% extraction rate rather than the usual 16% to ensure oil quality.
Dan Flynn has announced he will resign as the executive director of the UC Davis Olive Center. His successor’s main challenge will be expanding the center’s financial base.

Many Australian growers will remember Flynn’s dynamic presentation at the Wangaratta National Olive Industry Conference.

16-Sep-2020 By Oliver Morrison

An academic has urged food brands to innovate with carbon footprint labelling after a study discovered a lack of understanding among the general public about the carbon footprint of foods.
What's On

1 October 
Olives NZ Focus Grove Field Day – Northland

2 October 
Olives NZ Focus Grove Field Day – Hawke’s Bay

5 October
Results emailed to entrants, 2020 Australian International Olive Awards

6 October 
Olives NZ Focus Grove Field Day – Nelson

7 October
Olives NZ Focus Grove Field Day – Canterbury

9 October
Olives NZ Focus Grove Field Day – Wairarapa

10 October 
Olives NZ 2020 Conference – Wellington, NZ

10 October 
Awards Dinner, 2020 NZ EVOO Awards – Wellington, NZ

13-16 October 
2020 AOA Virtual National Olive Industry Conference

16 October 
2020 Australian International Olive Awards Presentation

16 October 
Applications close, Olive Wellness Achievement Award

19 October
Results emailed to entrants, 2020 WA Olive Awards – Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition

20 November
2020 National Agriculture Day – Australia


23-25 March
Soil CRC Participants Conference

7-9 June 
Hort Connections 2021 – Brisbane, Qld

October TBC 
AOA National Olive Conference & Trade Exhibition – Devonport, TAS

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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 Olivegrower Communications:
Olivegrower & Processor 
June Issue
Australian and New Zealand
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