The Federation Report
December 14, 2018

In This Issue

From Our Blog:

Properly clean your firearms before storing until next season
Properly cleaning a firearm will help keep it useful for generations. (Photo courtesy: Battenfeld Technologies)

Cleaning a firearm doesn't have to be a chore. With the right tools, it's actually a short, simple process. If you can designate a cleaning station on your workbench, or at least keep your tools organized in an accessible location, the cleaning process will be much smoother, and faster. 
Before you begin the actual process of cleaning, you must take every precaution to ensure safety. A high percentage of firearms related accidents occur while cleaning. By following simple rules, you can greatly reduce the chances of having an accident yourself. 


December 31st is the deadline to submit issues/topics to Resource Advisory Committee Chairs to be considered for any pre-filed resolutions for the annual convention. Learn more HERE.

Save the Date
CFM Annual Convention 

Annual Convention will be March 8-10th, 2019. Registration will open the beginning of January.

CFM Store

New items are available in the 
CFM online store. 

Need a new hat or fishing shirt? View these and other CFM logo items in the CFM online store. 

Fishing shirt

Camo hat

Visit the CFM store HERE.

CFM Platinum Business Alliance

Thank you to our platinum sponsors.

Visit our online Holiday Auction 


Looking for some great gift ideas? Support CFM's conservation mission through our end of the year holiday fundraising auction while getting your holiday shopping done! Auction closes December 17th at 10 am. The auction will automatically extend an item end time by 3 minutes when it receives a bid during the final 3 minutes (max 30 minute extension). Learn more HERE.

Receive this travel mug with your donation of $100 or more 


For 83 years, the Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM) has led the fight to restore and conserve Missouri's wildlife and natural resources. Yet, if history has taught us anything, it is that our work is never complete. Each new year brings different challenges. CFM needs your support as we prepare to continue to work for you in 2019.
Please help us protect Missouri's outdoors with your end of the year donation.
Your donation will help us with our mission,  to ensure conservation of Missouri's wildlife and natural resources, and preservation of our state's rich outdoor heritage through advocacy, education and partnerships.
In 2019, CFM will continue to raise awareness by holding Explore the Outdoors events in five cities. CFM will continue to raise awareness of conservation issues and concerns across our state through different media outlets including social media, podcasts, press releases and our magazine. We will work diligently with the Missouri Legislature to help educate elected officials in their decision to support conservation, natural resources and our parks.
As a sincere token of our appreciation, you can receive the travel mug with your donation of $100 or more.
When considering how much to give, please remember the Conservation Federation of Missouri stands between you and the many special interest groups willing and able to destroy Missouri's magnificent natural resources that we all cherish .
CFM is proud to serve as "The Voice for Missouri Outdoors."  Thank you for your donation and for being a friend of conservation.

Conservation Achievement Awards Deadline December 31

Make a nomination today for your favorite conservationist. Choose one of the following categories. Conserving our air, water, soil, and wildlife resources is an ongoing challenge that requires a continuing commitment by all citizens. Many people have made outstanding personal efforts toward some aspect of conservation, either individually or as part of an organization. Through these awards CFM seeks to give them the recognition they deserve. If you know of someone who has done something special to aid conservation in Missouri, we invite you to nominate them for a Conservation Award. Make a nomination today for your favorite conservationist. Choose on of the following categories. Nominations are due December 31. 

Conservationist of the Year
Conservation Communicator of the Year
Forest Conservationist of the Year
Air Conservationist of the Year
Professional Conservationist of the Year
Conservation Educator of the Year
Water Conservationist of the Year
Youth Conservationist of the Year
Hunter Education Instructor of the Year
Wildlife Conservationist of the Year
Soil Conservationist of the Year
Conservation Organization of the Year

Learn  more  HERE

Affiliate Update