This is the third week of Advent, know as Gaudete Sunday. The day takes its common name from the Latin word Gaudete which means Rejoice. And we'll light the pink (or rose) colored candle on our Advent wreath.
Christmas Flower and Music Donations
You can honor your loved ones on our Christmas Remembrance/Thanksgiving list by making an offering to support altar flowers or our music ministry. Envelopes are in the church or make your offering online. All donations and names are due to the church office by Monday, December 17 to be included in the Remembrance/Thanksgiving list printed in the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day news insert. Contact Lisa Saldamando with questions.
The Nook will reopen at the end of January.
Thank you for shopping with us & supporting the Outreach program.
Are You Ready for Leadership?
The Vestry is the lay leadership of the church. Each year several Vestry members retire after servi ng one or two three-year terms. We are now recruiting Vestry positions. Please begin prayerfully considering if you might be called to serve in spiritual leadership as a member of St. Bart's Vestry. Please direct questions about serving on Vestry to Jim Grandinetti, Ch air of Nominating Committee).  All Vestry nominations should be submitted by January 1, 2019.

Also, we are seeking St. Bartholomew's delegates to convention for Fall 2019. Each year, we elect lay delegates. This is an important role within the church as our delegates vote on resolutions that affect both our church and our Diocese. The November 2019 convention will also elect Delegates for the diocese to General Convention and it will be first convention with our new Bishop. We are seeking four persons who would like considered on the slate. If you're interested or have any questions, please  contact Dan Crane All delegate nominations should be submitted by January 1, 2019.

Get involved in your
faith community
Blue Christmas Services
Wednesday, December 19, 12 p.m. & 7 p.m.
Blue Christmas is a quiet and reflective service which acknowledges the sharpness of the pain of grief and the heaviness of the season of Christmas for so many people. Join us no matter your mood, need or desires. We are all in need of healing grace and can be vessels of healing grace for others. We encourage you to invite someone to join you.
Pageant of Our Lord
April 6, 2019
Cost: $99.00 (checks payable to St. Bart’s) includes: round trip coach, reserved seats for production, lunch on the way, refreshments on the way up and back. Day trip to Los Angeles to see this 34th annual theatrical masterpiece at Rolling Hills Coventry Church. Sign up on the church patio this weekend or contact Jill Henderson, 760-807-8445.

Alpine Europe Tour with Oberammergau Passion Play
May 11-21, 2020
Join Christians from around the world to witness the epic Passion Play in Oberammergau, Bavaria - the event takes place only once every 10 years! St. Bartholomew’s has planned an exciting customized tour including the day and evening Oberammergau experience, and exploring Munich, Salzburg and Lucerne. Only 20 tickets on hold. A deposit is needed by January 2, 2019 in order to proceed. Contact Jill Henderson , 760-807-8445 , for a copy of the itinerary, pricing and details.
Join Us for Midweek Prayer Service
Wednesdays, 11 a.m.
Join our St. Bart’s community in midweek prayer. Halfway through the stress and busyness of your week, come seek out a moment of peace to connect with God. We gather in the sanctuary and listen for God’s spirit. We will take time to intentionally pray through our parish prayer request list and for each student and teacher in our preschool.

Explore your faith
at St. Bart's
St. Bart's Forum offers interesting and timely topics, guest speakers and a chance to explore the corners of our faith and the issues of the day. Join us for an always stimulating conversation. ALL WELCOME!
Birth Narratives Forum Series
Sunday, December 16, 9 a.m., South Parish Hall
Have you ever wondered why the differences in the birth Narratives of Jesus between the Gospel of Luke and Matthew? Did you know that the New Testament contains two Christmas stories, not one. They appear in Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2. They have some points in common. But there are many differences in their characters, plot, messages, and tone. Join the Rev. Bill Zettinger for an exciting and mindful Forum series as we move through Advent and towards the Christmas season, the season of the Incarnation.
A Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
Come Learn about Jesus
Sundays, December 30 & January 6, 9 a.m., South Parish Hall
Come experience this virtual trip to the Holy Land with Deacon Bill Zettinger. We’ll travel to the West Bank and Bethlehem, walk with Jesus down the Via Delarosa, experience Calvary and Mary and Martha’s house. We’ll learn about the Holy City Jerusalem, its history and why it’s so important to Judaism, Islam and Christianity. If you are going on the Holy Land Pilgrimage with St. Bart's in February and have never been, you’ll learn about the sights before seeing them. Even if you cannot Journey with us in February, this visual tour will introduce you to what it is like to be there with Jesus, in Galilee, in the Holy City and to walk with Him on the way to Calvary.
Why Evil Exists
Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., North Parish Hall
No class December 26 & January 2
Why do humans do evil? What is behind "man's inhumanity to man," the troubling fact of human actions that produce suffering and destruction? Is it ultimately a spiritual or cosmic problem? Is it a consequence of social systems or power structures? Or is it some inner deficit of human nature, lurking in the shadow world of our psychology? Why, in the end, does evil exist? Each class includes a short video followed by discussion. Classes are facilitated by the Rev. Bill Zettinger and Bob Capettini. A free will offering of $5 per month is suggested to pay for snacks and beverages. 
Small Group Bible Study
Wednesdays, beginning September 19, 6-7:30 p.m. (Women's Bible study)
Contact Anne Snyder to sign up or with questions.

Fridays, beginning September 21, 7:45-9 a.m., Church Office (Men's Bible study)
Contact Mike Jewett to sign up or with questions.

Sundays, beginning September 23, 6-7:30 p.m., Church Office
Contact Greg Moran to sign up or with questions.
Sunday School - Ages Pre-K-5th grade
Sundays, Education Building
10 a.m. Gather / 10:15 a.m. Lessons Begin
Nursery Care Available
Sunday, 8:30-11:30 a.m., Education Building
Contact the Rev. Mary Lynn Coulson   with questions about Children's Formation.  Learn more about Children's Formation .
Want to be in the Christmas Pageant?
Sunday, December 16, during Sunday School
Sunday, December 23, 12-12:30 p.m.
One of the highlights of the Christmas season at St. Bart's is the Christmas Pageant, December 24, 4 p.m. All children are welcome and encouraged to participate. We'll have costume fittings and rehearsals for the Christmas Pageant on two Sundays during Sunday School, December 9 and 16. A final rehearsals will be held on December 23, 12-12:30 p.m. If you have any questions about the Christmas Pageant, contact the Rev. Mary Lynn Coulson.
Does your child love to sing, or has ever wanted to learn how? Come sing with our children and youth choirs at St. Bart’s! The Junior choir (ages 7-12) rehearses Thursdays 5-5:30 p.m., and Intermediate choir (Ages 13+) rehearses Thursdays 5:30-6:15 p.m. Both choirs also rehearse after church on Sundays 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend. No prior music experience is necessary! We are continuing to evolve the program and give the children the opportunity to develop their musical knowledge, build relationships, and share their love of music with others. Our goal is to build a confident group of young singers who love to sing! Contact Director of Music John-Luke Addison, jladdison@stbartschurch.org, for more information.
For all 6th-12th graders to explore our faith, have loads of fun, and help those less fortunate through service. CREW stands for Continuously Riding the Eternal Wave.
Youth CREW Sundays
Sundays, 9 a.m., Check Patio for Meeting Location
Bible study on the Gospel for the week.
CREW Wednesday
Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m., Youth Room
Dinner, games, fellowship, and faith formation.
Looking Ahead: Youth CREW in Advent
This Advent during Wednesday night Youth CREW, we will be exploring The Way of Love – what is it, and how do we walk it together? Learn more about The Way of Love. We will be exploring this “rule of life” and trying out new practices to orient our lives around Jesus.  
Choral Evensong: Women Composers
Sunday, January 6, 4 p.m.
Our January Evensong will explore music composed by women dating back to Medieval music of St. Hildegard von Bingen, to classical music by Clara Schumann and Fanny Hensel (Mendelssohn), to contemporary music by composers Stephanie Martin, Sarah MacDonald, Eleanor Daley, and many more!

Choral Evensong is often called one of the great treasures of the Anglican tradition. A fusion of the ancient monastic evening prayers (Vespers and Compline), Evensong is a service of reflection, song, and prayer at the close of the day led by the choir. We offer Choral Evensong typically on the first Sunday of each month through June, followed by a light reception. 
ReGeneration: A Contemporary Worship Service
Sunday, January 20, 4 p.m.
Please join us for our next contemporary worship service! Come for an evening of deepening our faith and relationship through praise music, prayer, Eucharist, and fellowship. This will be an engaging service for people of all ages, especially families, children and youth, for whom we extend a special invite to attend. There will be a light reception to follow. All are welcome!
Join a Music Ensemble
Have you ever wanted to participate in the St. Bart’s Music Ministry, or are curious about the program? A love of music and a willingness to learn is all that's required for most ensembles! Please contact John-Luke Addison for more information.
Volunteer at
St. Bart's and in
the community
Joy to the World Lunch: Help us feed San Diego's homeless on Christmas Eve
Monday, December 24
Every Christmas season, St. Mark’s City Heights provides a full day of holiday pampering to 75 homeless members of the City Heights community — breakfast, showers, fresh clothes, and a sit-down holiday feast. This year’s event is on Christmas Eve, and we need your help as St. Bart’s is taking the lead on preparing and serving the meal. We’re seeking volunteers for the following roles:
  • Cooking & delivering turkeys (five total, already donated)
  • Donating, cooking & delivering hams (four total)
  • Donating side dishes — e.g., salads, gravy, cranberries, rolls, butter, pies & whipped cream, hot chocolate, coffee
  • Donating poinsettias for table center-pieces (10 total)
  • Set-up, serving, and clean-up at the event (10-12 people)
The feast itself runs 12:30-2 p.m. on Christmas Eve. All food and volunteers should arrive at St. Mark’s by 11:30 a.m. If you are interested in helping in any aspect of the event, please contact Christine Cowart , 619-857-8881.
Feeding San Diego at St. Bart's
Sundays, 2 p.m.-until food is gone
If you have a minivan, large SUV or pick up truck and are able to pick-up food from our local stores (Sprouts or Target) between 8 and 9 a.m. on a Sunday, please email Lisa Marie Oakes, feedingpeople@stbartschurch.org . You can volunteer as much as your schedule allows - once a quarter, once a month or every week.
Text Giving Now Available!
Forgot your checkbook or giving envelope at home? No problem! Now you can text your gift to St. Bart's. Get out your phone and give it a try.

1. Text the dollar amount of your donation and the fund name to 858-239-0339 . If you don't include a fund name, your gift will go into the General fund. You can see a current list of fund by texting the word "Funds".

Current Fund names: General, Annual Pledge 2018, Annual Pledge 2019, Building Campaign, Christmas Offering, Christmas Flowers, Christmas Music, Haiti.

2. If you misspell a fund name, you will receive a text with the list of current funds with an instruction to choose the fund by the number.

3. If this is the first time you've used text giving, you will receive a link to enter your personal information and credit card. You only need to enter this information on your first donation. If you need to change your credit card information in the future, just text the word "Reset" and your credit card information will be cleared.

4. You'll receive a text confirming your gift.

If you have questions about text giving, contact Kristeen Evans, news@stbartschurch.org .