Your monthly news & updates
Laboratory Diagnosticians News Matters
Throughout my career, I have had the great pleasure of working closely with active members of the AAVLD and experiencing the open, welcoming and helpful nature of this organization. I feel extremely privileged to begin a term as AAVLD President.
Readers of this article will probably have different reasons for being members of AAVLD. In the coming weeks and months, it is my goal to learn more about those reasons as well as your thoughts on what we can do to make AAVLD even stronger.
I firmly believe in AAVLD. For me, this organization epitomizes quality, service, inclusivity and innovation.
In terms of organizational priorities, we must continue to identify and implement measures that ensure our financial solvency; increase member engagement and member recognition; utilize more effective communication tools; clearly articulate and effectively message the value of quality to our stakeholders and potential partners; and entrust the new Executive Director to assess the administrative needs of the organization.
The next 12 months will pass very quickly. I welcome your input and I look forward to working with each of you to identify opportunities for growth and engagement.
(405) 744-6623
Keith Bailey Biosketch
November 25, 2018
Keith Bailey DVM, PhD currently serves as director of the Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (OADDL) on the Oklahoma State University campus in Stillwater, OK. Dr. Bailey earned DVM and PhD degrees from the University of Missouri-Columbia and is board certified by the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. He has worked at three university-based veterinary diagnostic laboratories, a state veterinary diagnostic laboratory, and two biopharmaceutical companies. He has been a member of AAVLD for 26 years.
Dr. Bailey coordinates diagnostic cases on a daily basis and is involved in the instruction and training of anatomic pathology residents, graduate students and veterinary students. His primary research activity is collaborating with a team of researchers at the University of Arkansas to develop novel imaging techniques that allow the real-time assessment of the extent and completeness of tumor excision in human breast cancer patients.
Dr. Bailey is a member of the AAVLD’s Accreditation Committee and Pathology Committee. He also serves on the Coordinating Council for the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN).
Don't Forget to renew your Membership!
AAVLD membership is open to any individual interested in animal disease laboratory diagnosis. Memberships run by the calendar year
and membership dues payments are due by November 15th of preceding year to ensure inclusion in the membership directory and receipt of all six issues of JVDI. Note: In order to receive an Annual Meeting registration discounted rate you are required to be a current year AAVLD Member.
Farm Bill Update and NAHLN
The Conference substitute amends the existing NAHLN authority to establish a
program addressing animal disease prevention and management. It further establishes the
National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP) and the
National Animal Vaccine and Veterinary Countermeasures Bank (NAVVCB). The
substitute provides $120 million of mandatory funding for the period of fiscal years
2019-2022, of which $100 million is to be allocated among the NAHLN, the NADPRP
and the NAVVCB. It further provides $30 million of mandatory funding for fiscal year
2023 and each year thereafter, of which $12 million is to be allocated among the
NAHLN, the NADPRP and the NAVVCB. Additionally, the authorization for
appropriations for the NAHLN is increased to $30 million per year for fiscal years 2019-
2023, to remain available until expended. Finally, conforming amendments are made to
the existing authorization for appropriations for NAHLN in section 10409A (Section
Brad Mollet
Greetings Committee Chairs and Members. First I wish to thank you for your dedicated committee work and deliberation during your annual meeting. AAVLD committee work is where members can have a major impact in moving their specific discipline forward in a practical way. The combined activities results in fulfilling our goal of advancing the discipline of veterinary diagnostic laboratory medicine.
So thank you very much committee members for your great efforts. Committee Chairs: We have received many committee reports, but several are still outstanding and are now delinquent. Having reports in is crucial to the cycle of our yearly activities. So for those yet to do so, please submit your committee reports to Reda and copy me, by December 15
. DH Zeman, Executive Director
AAVLD Accreditation Committee Update-CY2018
Submitted by: Tim Baszler and Dave Korcal: Co-Chairs
December 7, 2018
Greetings from the AAVLD Accreditation Committee!
The Committee has been busy in 2018 with “routine” activities maintaining the AAVLD Accreditation Program, and also spending considerable time on continual improvement of the process. There are currently 64 laboratories (42 main laboratories and 22 branch laboratories) across North America (USA and Canada) accredited under the AAVLD Accreditation Program. Another new laboratory was added in 2018, Prairie Diagnostic Services at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Below are some specific highlights from CY2018.
- Accreditation Committee membership changes
- Revision to AAVLD Accreditation Requirements for Accreditation on the horizon
- Auditor training events
- AC Laboratory site visit metrics and evaluation
Accreditation Committee membership changes
Two new members were added to the Accreditation Committee in 2018.
- Beate Crossley, California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System, AAVLD Region 6, Expertise: Virology and Molecular Diagnostics
- Jerry Saliki, University of Georgia Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, AAVLD Region 2, Expertise: Virology, Serology and Lab Administration
Committee membership follows AAVLD by-laws and published Committee SOPs and is considered annually. Potential Committee members are nominated from the Accreditation Auditor Pool with the goal of balancing administrative, quality management, discipline/technical, and auditing expertise. Welcome Beate and Jerry and thank you to their home laboratories for supporting their time invested toward the AAVLD Accreditation Program!
A big thank you to all the current AAVLD Accreditation Committee members for their many volunteer hours implementing the AAVLD Accreditation Program throughout the year. They are truly invested in helping all laboratories with continual improvement of laboratory quality assurance. The current Accreditation Committee Members can be found on-line at
AAVLD Accreditation Requirements Updates on Horizon
ISO 17025:2017
The new version of ISO/IEC 17025, the international laboratory accreditation standard, on which the AAVLD Requirements for Accreditation are based, was published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in late 2017. During 2018 the Accreditation Committee conducted a “cross-talk” comparison between the AAVLD Accreditation Requirements and ISO 17025:2017. It was determined what parts of the AAVLD Requirements for Accreditation need to be revised in order to maintain compatibility with ISO 17025:2017. This compatibility will serve our laboratory client needs for reliable, accurate and universally accepted test results coming from laboratories accredited under the AAVLD Accreditation Program. The major revisions will likely center around ongoing demonstration of impartiality, ongoing risk assessment for a laboratory QMS and more detailed information technology (LIMS and data management) requirements.
A revision of the AAVLD Requirements for Accreditation will be drafted, submitted for comment, and finalized in 2019. In 2020, the AC would create “cross talk” guidelines for laboratories to convert their QMS to be in compliance with the revised AAVLD Requirements and train auditors to audit to the revised AAVLD Requirements. Conducting “in cycle” re-accreditation site visits for compliance under the revised requirements is tentatively scheduled to begin in CY2021.
Auditor Training Events
- Auditor Pool Training: The AAVLD Accreditation Committee provided an all-day laboratory auditing training to the Audit Pool on February 7, 2018 in Las Vegas, NV. There were 48 attendees. The topics covered included site visit procedures, AAVLD Requirements, upcoming ISO 17025 revisions, internal audits and auditing techniques, and writing non-conformances. Overall training evaluations were very positive based upon evaluations showing 95% strongly agree or agree that training met expectations, covered applicable information, provided practical examples, and allowed time for discussion. Auditor Pool training is again being planned for February 6, 2019 in Las Vegas, NV.
- Accreditation Committee Training: On February 5, 2018 the Accreditation Committee participated in auditor training provided by a contracted A2LA assessor and contracted A2LA trainer for ISO/IEC 17025. The training occurred in Las Vegas, NV in conjunction with the triennial meeting of the Accreditation Committee. The topics covered included internal audits and auditing techniques, writing non-conformances, and update newly revised ISO/IEC 17025/2017.
- QA Symposium: The Accreditation Committee in partnership with the AAVLD Quality Committee and USDA/NAHLN provided quality management system training to AAVLD membership on October 18, 2018 during the AAVLD Annual Meeting in Kansas City, MO. There were 130 attendees. The topics covered included: Accreditation Committee updates; Lifcycle of a Corrective and Preventative Action; Responding to an AAVLD Accreditation Site Visit; and Why Quality Assurance System Matters-Real Examples from a Toxicologist. The presentations are available on the AAVLD Accreditation website at
Laboratory Audit Evaluation
- The AAVLD Accreditation Program conducted a total of 12 laboratory site visits in CY2018 (10 full site visits and 2 interim site visit). A total of 9 full site visits are scheduled to date for FY2019 (including 1 new laboratory).
- CY 2018 Site Visit Evaluations: The AAVLD Accreditation Program site visits routinely collect evaluations from audited laboratories of auditors conducting the site visit. The purpose of the evaluations, along with annual auditor training for the Accreditation Committee and Auditor Pool, is to maximize auditing consistency and provide metrics for continual improvement of site visit audits. The table below, showing the evaluation questions and quantitative summary of responses, indicates a high degree of effectiveness and competence of site visit auditors.
The goal of
JVDI in Focus
is to bring attention to an interesting article appearing in the
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
. This month’s focus is on an article in the November issue: “Development of a multiplex real-time PCR assay using two thermocycling platforms for detection of major bacterial pathogens associated with bovine respiratory disease complex from clinical samples” by John D. Loy, Laura Leger, Aspen M. Workman, Michael L. Clawson, Ece Bulut, and Bing Wang.
J Vet Diagn Invest 2018;30(6)
Bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) is one of the most significant diseases of cattle. Bacterial pathogens involved in BRDC include
Mannheimia haemolytica
Mycoplasma bovis
Histophilus somni
, and
Pasteurella multocida
. We developed and evaluated a multiplexed real-time hydrolysis probe (rtPCR) assay using block-based Peltier and rotary-based thermocycling on lung tissue, nasal swabs, and deep nasopharyngeal swabs. The rtPCR results were compared to culture or a gel-based
M. bovis
PCR using statistical analysis to determine optimum quantification cycle (Cq) cutoffs to maximize agreement. The limits of detection were 1.2–12 CFU/reaction for each pathogen.
M. haemolytica
was the most prevalent organism detected by rtPCR, and was most frequently found with
P. multocida
. The rtPCR assay enabled enhanced levels of detection over culture for all pathogens on both thermocycling platforms. The rotary-based thermocycler had significantly lower Cq cutoffs (35.2 vs. 39.7), which maximized agreement with gold standard culture or gel-based PCR results following receiver operating characteristic analysis to maximize sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp). However, overall assay Se and Sp were similar on both platforms (80.5% Se, 88.8% Sp vs. 80.1% Se, 88.3% Sp). Implementation of these tests could enhance the detection of these pathogens, and with high-throughput workflows could reduce assay time and provide more rapid results. The assays may be especially valuable in identifying coinfections, given that many more antemortem samples tested in our study were positive for 2 or more pathogens by rtPCR (
= 125) than were detected using culture alone (
= 25).
) is a not-for-profit organization that provides unique and persistent digital identifiers (iDs) that distinguish researchers from every other researcher, even those who share the same name, for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. By connecting this iD to different research activities and affiliations, ORCID helps researchers gain recognition, simplifies reporting and analysis, enhances discoverability and lays the foundation for trust in a digital research environment…This initiative is creating a permanent, clear, and unambiguous record of research and scholarly communication by enabling reliable attribution of authors and contributors” (SAGE Publications). During the JVDI submission process, authors will be able to connect their ORCID iD to their article submission. Upon publication, your ORCID iD will appear with your article in the print and online versions of JVDI.
Questions or comments?
AAVLD Members/Labs in the news
Dr. David Zeman was privileged to be with a delegation of poultry producers from South Dakota as they presented the Presidential Thanksgiving Turkey to President Trump and family in the Rose Garden at the White House. The presentation was Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and the bird named Peas was pardoned.
Worth Quoting – things to make us think and expand our perspectives
It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
Henry David Thoreau ~
Executive Board Leadership
Director General of the OIE, Dr. Monique Eloit, meets with AAVLD leaders
In Appreciation of Service
The AAVLD is a world leader in advancing the discipline of veterinary diagnostic laboratory science to promote global animal health and One Health.
2018 Thermo Fisher Scientific Innovation Grant Award Winners
Dr. Udeni Balasuriya – Louisiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
A Pilot Project: Rapid Identification and Untargeted Sequencing of Viral Pathogens in Clinical
Specimens Using Nanopore Single Molecule Sequencing (MinION).
Dr. Karen Harmon – Veterinary Diagnostic Production Animal Medicine, Iowa State
Development of PCR-clamping assays for the preferential amplification of wild-type PRRSV
virus in a vaccine-like / wild type mixed infection in swine clinical samples.
Dr. Craig Carter receives EP Pope Award and Lifetime Membership Award from awards chairman Dr. Pat Halbur
Dr. Kristy Pabilonia receives Distinguished Service Award from awards chairman Dr. Pat Halbur
Brad Mollet receives honorary membership plaque from awards chairman Dr. Pat Halbur
OIE Director General Monique Eloit receives honorary membership plaque from Pres. Steve Hooser
2018 Annual Meeting- Kansas City, MO
2019 Accreditation Audit Pool Training
- AAVLD Accreditation Committee Meeting – February 4-5, 2019 Las Vegas.
- AAVLD Auditor Pool Training – February 6, 2019 Las Vegas.
- AAVLD Executive Board Meeting - February 7, 2019 Las Vegas.
- AAVLD Annual Meeting - Providence Rhode Island, October 24 – 28 2019 Providence Rhode Island.
AAVLD Foundation Committee
John Adaska - Chair
Donal O'Toole
Tim Baszler
David Zeman
Christie Mayo
Kristy Pabilonia
Beate Crossley
François Elvinger
Pat Halbur
Brett Webb
Jamie Henningson
Kerry Sondgeroth
The AAVLD Foundation is a non-profit foundation that aims to raise funds for the advancement of veterinary diagnostics through scholarship programs, guest lectures, seminars, awards and research programs. Contributions to the Foundation are tax-exempt 501(c)(3), and can be added to your membership dues.