December 16, 2019
Dear Friends,

As we work toward fostering the best quality of life for all of our residents, we will continue to make progress on combating substance and opioid misuse and overdose with our New Beginnings Crisis Stabilization Facility. Crisis stabilization is an essential service to provide so individuals in need of a referral for substance use disorder treatment can receive immediate screening and intervention services so that they do not experience a delay in entry into residential or outpatient treatment.

Howard County is seeing progress on the fight against opioid related addiction, overdoses, and fatalities. So far this year, opioid related fatalities are down more than 42% and non-fatal overdoses are down almost 15% as compared to this time last year. We are very thankful to our first responders, social workers, and the Howard County Health Department for their vigilance and determination to combat this epidemic and save lives.

Earlier this year we opened Howard House – the county’s only residential treatment facility for men – and looking ahead we have partnered with Delphi Behavioral Health Group to open the first full residential treatment facility in Howard County, that will specifically reserve space for the publicly insured and uninsured residents of Howard County. These efforts along with our prevention campaigns and substance misuse resources are part of our “Continuum of Care” to help all our brothers and sisters fighting opioid misuse.
This Week in HoCo
Congratulations Mount View Middle School!

I'm delighted that  Mount View Middle School was named a 2019 Blue Ribbon School by the  Maryland State Department of Education. To recognize this achievement, I stopped by Mount View Middle to congratulate Principal Moore and Assistant Principal Hess.

Congratulations to the students, educators, and the entire Falcon community!
New Website Service Portal

Traveling around our community and listening to our neighbors, I’ve frequently heard complaints that our website is too difficult for residents to navigate. Many find it overly cumbersome and confusing to locate information or do online business with the County.

We’ve listened to their suggestions and acted by creating this ‘one-stop shop’ to provide easier and more convenient access to all County information and services. I encourage you to visit the service portal here.
RTA Offers Free Rides This Holiday Season

The holiday season is the time of year when shoppers from around the region discover the diversity and quality of our world-class stores and restaurants. Beginning December 14 th until December 24 th, RTA will be providing free rides to major shopping destinations across the county and all routes the buses serve.

Alleviating traffic is important for our quality of life and is vital to protecting our environment by reducing the number of cars on our roads. Together, we will provide the best services for all our residents and visitors.
Congratulations to The Arc of Howard County Students

I was pleased to attend the presentation of certificates to  The Arc of Howard County students who completed the Making Change Financial Education Series.

Through these important community partnerships, we can ensure every student has the resources they need to stay financially informed.
Celebrating Human Rights

The international celebration of Human Rights is of utmost importance to Howard County. We are committed to eradicating discrimination, increasing equal opportunity, and protecting and promoting Human Rights.

Together, let us work to foster attitudes and beliefs to confirm and re-affirm that all individuals have an equal opportunity to enjoy a wholesome and productive quality of life, free from discrimination.

To learn more about our  Howard County Office of Human Rights, visit their website here.
CEO Tech Roundtable

I was glad to host the CEO Tech Roundtable with  Howard County Economic Development Authority to provide executives with an open forum to share the opportunities and challenges faced within the tech community. Together, we can expand innovative practices to all aspects of our economy. I will continue to engage and partner with leaders to ensure the success of our business community.
Korean Society of MD Year End Gala

I was excited to attend the 47 th Annual Year End Gala hosted by the  KSM 메릴랜드한인회 - Korean Society of MD (KSM). Thank you to First Lady Yumi Hogan and  Seong Baik President of KSM for their leadership. Howard County not only has the highest percentage of Korean-Americans in our great State, but we also embrace diversity, inclusion, and opportunity. I was glad to celebrate the work of KSM and our shared community achievements.

Thank you to Free Bikes 4 Kidz Maryland for providing over 450 bikes for Howard County residents during the holiday season. Over sixty volunteers generously collected and refurbished bikes over the last 2 months so they could be ready to give to families in December.

Thank you to everyone who donated and volunteered. Special thank you to Ted Cochran for leading this important initiative.

For four years, Toys for Tots has provided free toys to thousands of children in Howard County. This year we were proud to serve over 600 families. We are grateful to our Marines who started this important initiative to help every child feel special this holiday season.

Thank you to everyone who donated and all of Santa’s helpers. Special thank you to my Constituent Services team - Kimberly Pruim and Megan Williams, for coordinating this event. Together, we created a jolly holiday for our community!

Each year, the  Howard County Police Department volunteers their time to help dozens of kids in need pick out a special gift for the holidays. Thank you to Chief Myers and Major Mary Levy for organizing the annual Shop with a Cop event. Wishing everyone a happy holiday!

I had the opportunity to meet with Sykesville Mayor Ian Shaw to explore  Town of Sykesville and visit some of the local shops on Main Street.

We stopped at  French Twist CafeA Likely Story BookstoreUnwined CandlesCowboys and Angels Boutique and the  South Branch Park. These community partnerships are important to ensuring that when we thrive, we do so together.
Join My Team

Are you interested in joining my team? The Office of Public Information is looking for a graphic designer/communications specialist. This is an amazing opportunity for creative talents to be shown to a wider audience. If you, or someone you know, are interested, I encourage you to apply here today!
Holiday Closing Information

Howard County Government offices and more will be closed on Wednesday, December 25 th in observance of the Christmas holiday. As there will be no trash, recycling, yard trim or food scrap pick-up on Christmas Day, the County’s holiday "slide” schedule will be in effect the remainder of the week. Also, while County park gates will be open, there will be no staff on duty on Wednesday. And while most Howard County Government offices will be open normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 24 th , a number of Recreation & Parks facilities and the Alpha Ridge Landfill will be closing early. To learn more, click HERE.
Departmental News
Budget Office

For those of you that were unable to join me last Monday, December 9 th for my first Citizens’ Budget Hearing for the FY2021 budget cycle, video of the entire hearing can be accessed online HERE .
Department of Community Resources and Services

With our rapidly growing population of older adults, I am pleased to announce that renovations to our Department of Community Resources and Services' (DCRS) Bain 50+ Center are now underway. The Center's multipurpose and meeting spaces, classrooms, lounge, game rooms, offices and existing bathrooms will be renovated, and two new ADA accessible bathrooms and a state-of-the-art fitness and exercise room will be added to the facility. DCRS does intend to keep the center open with modified programming during this project, which, weather permitting, is expected to be completed by late July 2020.
A long time coming, these renovations will help us meet the increasing demand of services from our 50+ centers. To learn more about this project, click HERE .
This January, the Howard County Commission for Women is hosting a “Women’s Empowerment” speaker series featuring local leaders with expertise on issues relevant to the Commission’s mission to promote the economic, social and political equity of women. On January 14 th , the Commission will host its first topic in the series, “Fair and Equitable Wages,” featuring Kimberly Prescott, President of Prescott HR, Inc. An expert in human resources/employment law compliance and employee relations, Prescott has played an integral part in developing a strong internal management and human resources structure for clients facing organizational change and/or rapid growth.
To register for this FREE event (registration is required to attend), click HERE .
Office of Emergency Management

Our Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is seeking your help to learn more about how natural disasters may impact you, your family, your business and even your pets. OEM has created a survey focused on 13 manmade hazards and 10 natural disasters that could affect our area. Your participation in this survey will help OEM as it updates the County’s Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) plan . The HIRA is an analysis of manmade and natural hazards that have impacted Howard County and the region in the past, or that could impact Howard County and the region in the future. This analysis serves as a foundation for future emergency preparedness and planning efforts. The survey will close on Thursday, December 19 th .
In an effort to organize and deploy community resources in an efficient and timely manner, effectively contributing to each phase of a disaster, OEM has established a new partnership of local organizations – Howard County Community Organizations Active in Disasters (COAD). One of only two in Maryland, Howard County's COAD hopes to provide opportunities for community organizations to get involved to make the community and its members safer and more prepared for threats of all kinds.
This group of 60 participating organizations will meet monthly, focusing on teambuilding, training and coordination activities. To learn more about COAD, visit . If you and/or your organization is interested in participating in COAD, email .
Department of Fire and Rescue Services

Our Department of Fire and Rescue Services (HCDFRS) wants to remind residents why you should water your Christmas tree DAILY . According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), more than 200 home fires each year start with a Christmas tree. And while you may not think that number is high, think about this tidbit from NFPA: when Christmas tree fires do occur, they are much more likely to be deadly than most other fires. In fact, on average, one out of every 32 reported home Christmas tree fires resulted in a death, compared to an average of one death per 143 reported home fires. Protect your family and property this holiday, with these Christmas Tree Safety tips .
When the Christmas is over, or your tree is dry, be sure to recycle it through our Bureau of Environmental Services’ Merry Mulch program.
Donate a car, help train a firefighter. HCDFRS is looking for unwanted cars to be used to help our firefighters train and prepare for incidents involving motor vehicles. If you have a vehicle you’d be willing to donate, please email .
In addition to providing an invaluable training opportunity for HCDFRS, your vehicle donation is tax deductible and even better, we’ll tow it vehicle away for free!
Health Department

The 2019-2020 flu season is here. Have you gotten your flu shot yet? This December, the Howard County Health Department will be hosting a number of FREE walk-in flu clinics at various Howard County Library System branches. For dates and times, visit the Health Department’s “Seasonal Flu Information” website . No appointment is necessary and participants must be older than six months of age to receive a vaccine.
Department of Housing and Community Development

Last week, our Department of Housing and Community Development met with community stakeholders, non-profits and County agencies to discuss needs for next year’s Community Development Block Grants and HOME Investment Partnership funds and the needs of some of the most vulnerable in Howard County. Click HERE for a summary of the meeting from Housing’s consultant, Jon Haglund. 
Office of Human Rights

I invite you to join our Office of Human Rights and myself next Thursday, December 26 th at 5:30 p.m. at the County’s George Howard Building in Ellicott City, for an evening celebrating Kwanzaa . Created by Dr. Maulana Karenga in 1966, this seven-day festival commemorates the African-American people, their culture and their heritage, and celebrates family. I hope you will join us for this family-friendly celebration featuring children's activities, light refreshments, entertainment, education, vendors and more!
Our Howard County Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission is seeking nominations for the 2019-2020 “Living the Dream” award. This annual award recognizes individuals and organizations that promote the teachings and legacy of Dr. King through community involvement. Nominees must demonstrate adherence to the teachings, work ethic and legacy of Dr. King by promoting community involvement among all ethnic groups, regardless of social, economic or religious background, and be committed to non-violence and humanitarian service in Howard County. Applications may be: mailed or hand-delivered to the Office of Human Rights, Attn: MLK 2019-2020 “Living the Dream” Award, 9820 Patuxent Woods Drive, Suite 237, Columbia, MD 21046; faxed to 410-313-6488; or emailed to by NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m., December 30, 2019. For an application, click HERE or call 410-313-6457.
Calling all Howard County students (elementary through high school), I encourage you to participate in this year’s Howard County Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission essay and poster contests . This year’s contest theme embodies Dr. King’s quote, “Racial injustice around the world. Poverty. War. When man solves these three great problems, he will have squared his moral progress with his scientific progress. And, more importantly, he will have learned the practical art of living in harmony.”

For contest rules and how to apply, click HERE . Please note, the contest DEADLINE is 5:00 p.m., December 30, 2019.
To celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King , I, along with the County’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission , invite you to join us on Sunday, January 19 th at Howard Community College’s Horowitz Center’s Smith Theatre ; the reception will begin at 2:00 p.m. and the program at 3:00 p.m. The event will feature performances by diverse cultural groups and recognition of the 2019 Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Living the Dream” award recipients and Student Essay Contest winners.
In addition to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Celebration on the 19 th , we will also be honoring Dr. King on Monday, January 20 th with the County’s annual “Day of Service Across Howard County” project. Volunteer opportunities and trainings include: “The I Can, I Will Create Peace” workshop, Hands-Only CPR and “Stop the Bleed” training and coupon clipping for veterans, among other great opportunities. If interested in volunteering on the 20 th , I encourage you to visit today to sign-up. All volunteers are invited to attend a kick-off celebration that morning at 9:00 a.m. at the Ascend One Building, 8930 Stanford Boulevard in Columbia.
Department of Planning and Zoning

DPZ’s Design Advisory Panel (DAP) will hold a meeting this Wednesday, December 18 th starting at 7:00 p.m. in the George Howard Building’s Columbia/Ellicott City Room to hear the following item:
The DAP process encourages excellence in project architecture and site design to improve design compatibility with surrounding development, to promote revitalization and to enhance property values. For DAP’s Rules of Procedure, click HERE . For questions and/or more information about DAP, contact the DPZ at 410-313-2350 or email .
Did you know that Howard County has a requirement for pre-submission community meetings ? Our development regulations require a pre-submission community meeting be held prior to the initial plan submission to DPZ. Pre-submission community meetings are required for all new residential and non-residential developments, except for County Capital Projects, which hold a community outreach meeting.
If you would like to be notified when a development is being proposed near or around your neighborhood, complete DPZ’s Community Registration Application . When proposed development that requires a pre-submission community meeting falls within your defined boundaries, you’ll receive a notification via email. For questions and/or to learn more about the Community Registration tool, visit HERE or contact DPZ at 410-313-2350 or email .
Police Department

Thanks to the individuals who saw something and said something, and the quick response and expert negotiation skills of officers Cpl. Mouton, PFC Myers and PFC Reed (not pictured), a life was saved last Monday afternoon. Officers were called to the US 40 bridge at the Baltimore/Howard County line, where they found a man standing on the bridge’s edge threatening to commit suicide. Upon arrival, officers were able to secure the man and eventually convince him to climb back over the barrier to safety, preventing a terrible tragedy from taking place. GREAT JOB gentlemen!
If you, or someone you know is in crisis, please contact the Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center at 410-531-6677 (24/7) or text 'HOME' to 741741 (crisis text line).
Gifting a bike this holiday season? If yes, I encourage you to consider registering it with HCPD. Registering your bike with the department can help police return it to you quickly if its ever lost or stolen. Click HERE to register your bike(s) for FREE today.
Police Department Animal Control Division
“Hi, my name is Moses! If you are looking for a four-legged friend this holiday, I think I might just be the pup for you. I am a six-year-old Labrador/Boxer mix. I’m crate trained, house broken and know how to sit, down and shake . Oh, I ALSO know how to hi-five, that’s pretty cool right? I LOVE being with people, am great with children and all around I’m just an affectionate, outgoing, smart and loving boy. Unfortunately, my owner no longer had time for me, so they dropped me off at Animal Control. But that’s, okay because they have some pretty great people here and I’ve made friends. That being said, I’d REALLY like to find my furever home this holiday. So, if you are looking for a four-legged friend to join your family, I’m your boy!
To learn more about me and all my friends here at Animal Control , check us out online HERE or call 410-313-2780.”
This holiday season, the pups at Animal Control have asked Santa for squeaky toys and chew bone’s, while the cats would like some new toys, the reptiles a few heat lamp items and the birds, well, they want enrichments. Help Santa fulfill this wish list during the season of giving, by checking out Animal Control’s Amazon Wish List . The office is also in need of cat and dog food for its food bank to help those in need.
Department of Public Works

The County’s Department of Public Works (DPW) will be holding a public meeting this Wednesday, December 18 th at 6:00 p.m. at Fulton Elementary School , to discuss the first phase of planned improvements to Lime Kiln Road. Phase I will include realignment of a 650-foot section of roadway, relocation of utilities and improvements to existing culvert between 11957 and 12185 Lime Kiln Road. The project is expected to begin in summer 2021. To learn more about this project and/or meeting, click HERE .
Department of Public Works Construction Report

Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance projects. For a full list of previously announced projects, please refer to the  December 9, 2019  newsletter.

  • Bain 50+ Center Renovation (Capital Project C-0335) – Project To renovate the Bain 50+Center’s multipurpose and meeting spaces, classrooms, lounge, game rooms, offices and existing bathrooms, and to add two new ADA accessible bathrooms and a state-of-the-art fitness and exercise room. The County’s Department of Community Resources and Services intends to keep the center open during the project with modified programming. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late July 2020.
To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit . Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email  for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s  website  and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Also, be sure to follow the County’s  Facebook  and  Twitter  pages every Monday morning for upcoming maintenance projects happening that week, weather permitting. On these social media pages, you’ll also find information regarding the county’s  street sweeping  schedule, which generally begin in the months of January, April, July and September.
Department of Public Works' Bureau of Environmental Services

Don’t forget, the upcoming Christmas Day and New Year’s Day holidays are two of the six holidays that affects the County’s curbside trash, recycling, food scrap and yard trim collection program. As there will be no curbside collection on Wednesday, December 25 th and Wednesday, January 1 st , the county’s holiday slide schedule will be in effect the remainder of each holiday week; i.e. Wednesday pick-up will slide to Thursday, Thursday to Friday, Friday to Saturday and Saturday on Saturday (no that last one is not a typo). Wondering what the other four holidays might be that affect curbside collection? They are Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day. To learn more about the holiday slide schedule, click HERE .
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) drop-off days at the Alpha Ridge Landfill have ended for 2019 and while the program won’t resume until April, our Bureau of Environmental Services will be holding three SPECIAL drop-off events this winter. Those dates are: Saturday, January 4 th , Saturday, February 1 st and Saturday, March 7 th . To learn about the County’s HHW program and what items are and are not accepted, visit .
Our Bureau of Environmental Services will once again be offering residents a variety of FREE holiday tree recycling options this season through its “ Merry Mulch ” program. Beginning Thursday, December 26th and continuing through Saturday, January 18 th , holiday trees may be recycled at various drop-off sites throughout the County, including our Alpha Ridge Landfill . Residents with curbside yard trim collection may set their holiday trees out on their yard trim day for collection through Friday, January 17 th . Please note, trees will not be picked up on trash collection days during this time for residents with yard trim collection. All decorations, including tinsel, garland, ornaments, lights, tree stands, plastic bags, etc. must be removed . All collected trees will be delivered to the Composting Facility at the Landfill and recycled into compost and mulch. Thank you for your continued support in helping us keep
thousands of trees out of the landfill, in turn, saving money and the environment.
Department of Recreation & Parks
If you have not done so already, I encourage you to stop by the Recreation & Parks’ Baltimore & Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum to check out its one-of-a-kind Holiday Train Garden , featuring a new-for-2019 LEGO Hogwarts castle display! The train garden, which is free to visit, will be open through January 5 during regular museum hours.
Santa will be making one last appearance in Ellicott City at the Baltimore & Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum this Saturday, December 21 st from noon until 4:00 p.m. So, grab your camera and your child's holiday wish list for this FREE meet and greet photo opportunity. For more info, call 410-313-1945.
Join Recreation & Parks Trips & Tours this January 11 th for a once-in-a-lifetime evening with Diana Ross and the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center. From her early days as the leader of The Supremes to her landmark solo career, Ross shaped the sound of popular music and has inspired countless celebrities, musicians, artists and young dreamers. Click HERE to purchase your tickets today.
PARK GATE CLOSURE: Starting December 1 st , the gates to Cedar Lane Park’s east area , located off MD 108, will be CLOSED for sports field renovations. While the gate to the east area will be closed, park goers may still utilize the playground, basketball court and tennis courts, accessible from pathway from the park’s west area. Weather permitting, the work is expected to be completed and east area gates reopened on or about March 15, 2020.
Department of Transportation
RTA riders, here is a holiday gift for you! In the spirit of "Ride, Shop, Be Jolly," RTA is providing free rides to major Howard County shopping destinations and all routes the buses serve now through December 24, 2019. This is the first time we are providing this free, unlimited service during the holidays. 
In addition to getting into the holiday spirit, we hope to also be more environmentally friendly this holiday season by reducing the number of cars on the road, improving congestion and safety. By taking advantage of this offer, you will not only save money, but reduce the stress of having to find a parking spot or deal with holiday traffic.
I hope you’ll join me in taking advantage of public transportation this holiday season and into the New Year. To learn more about RTA routes, bus schedules and this holiday promotion, visit today.
Together with the Downtown Columbia Partnership (DTC), our Office of Transportation is developing a new Downtown Columbia Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDMP). T he purpose of TDMP is to identify strategies that reduce the number of trips made, move more people in the same amount of roadway space, and spread the travel demand across more hours of the day to take advantage of space and capacity. Some of the s trategies and benefits being explored are pre-tax or subsidies for taking public transit, real-time information on bus arrivals and departures, shuttles to/from transit and other key locations, carpool and vanpool programs, opportunities for telework and alternative work schedules. Let us know what you think, by participating in our TDMP Stakeholder survey now through January 6, 2020.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
November 29 through January 5 - Baltimore & Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum Train Garden

This holiday season, the model trains are returning to the Baltimore & Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum. Free for all ages, LEGO® trains, plus N gauge and O gauge models, will be on display. Open during museum operating hours, click HERE for more information.
November 30 to January 1 - Ellicott City Volunteer Fire Department Open House and Annual Holiday Train Garden

Ellicott City Volunteer Fire Department ’s annual holiday train garden event is back for its 22 nd year. Admission is free, but donations will be accepted. The Department will also collect new, unwrapped toys for children in need November 30 th through December 20 th . Toys can be dropped off at the Train Garden or any Howard County Fire Station . For dates and times, visit .
December 2 through January 3 - Holiday Train Garden at the Gary J. Arthur Community Center

Visitors of all ages are invited to come enjoy an interactive exhibit of accessories and sounds provided by train enthusiast Dennis Moore. The layout features four continuously operating trains through an eight by eight-foot scenic garden. Train garden open during center operating hours .
December 18 - Lime Kiln Road Improvement Project Public Meeting

DPW public meeting to discuss the first phase of planned improvements to Lime Kiln Road. Phase I will include realignment of a 650-foot section of roadway, relocation of utilities and improvements to existing culvert between 11957 and 12185 Lime Kiln Road. The project is expected to begin in summer 2021. To learn more about this project and/or meeting, click HERE .
December 19 - Health Department Rabies Vaccine Clinic

Howard County Health Department, in cooperation with the Animal Control and Adoption Center, will host its monthly local vaccination clinic to protect your pet from the rabies virus. County residents are invited to bring their dog, cat or ferret for a discounted vaccination the 3 rd Thursday of each month. Click HERE to learn more. 
December 25 - Christmas Day Closings

Howard County Government offices will be closed on Wednesday, December 25 th in observance of the Christmas Day holiday. There will be no trash, recycling, yard trim or food scrap pick-up on Christmas Day; the County’s holiday "slide” schedule will be in effect for the remainder of the week. For a full list of what County Government offices and local affiliates are CLOSED on the 25 th , click HERE
December 26 - Drop-In Opioid Overdose Response (Narcan) Training

Join in the fight against the opioid epidemic by learning how you can help save someone’s life from an opioid overdose. The first Tuesday and last Thursday of each month, the Howard County Health Department offers FREE Opioid Overdose Response Program (Narcan) trainings between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m., on a drop-in basis, at Health headquarters. Simply show up and Health department employee will teach you how to administer Narcan, the opioid reversing medicine. Click HERE to learn more.
December 26 - Kwanzaa Celebration

Join our Office of Human Rights and myself on December 26 th at 5:30 p.m. at the County’s George Howard Building in Ellicott City, for an evening celebrating Kwanzaa . Created by Dr. Maulana Karenga in 1966, this seven-day festival commemorates the African-American people, their culture and their heritage, and celebrates family.