Monday, December 10, 2018  
A Certain Gift
by Kim Villalva
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; 23 and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

--Romans 8:22-25
It's two weeks until Christmas and depending on family traditions, some early Christmas shoppers may begin placing presents under the tree once they are wrapped. Perhaps a mailed gift arrives early. Do you ever have a gift show up before Christmas?

That space beneath our Christmas tree is so inviting, so there sits the wrapped present. We see that it has our name on it. It looks so pretty. So festive. So...appealing...

Okay, be honest. Some of us just can't walk by it each day and not touch it. After all, it is such a lovely gift! Maybe we go ahead and grasp it to get a feel for its shape. And well, since we went that far, why should we not actually hold it?

Oh, how hard it is to be patient! But we are. No one wants to ruin their surprise, right? Plus, seeing our gift set out in advance just gives us more to wonder about. More to dream about. More to hope for. Whatever it is, with absolute certainty we know that there is a gift for us under that tree.

Isn't this the same excitement we feel at the gift of the Baby Jesus that God sent to us long ago? The gift of our salvation sits before us, full of all of God's loving promises. We look upon God's gift amazed at how much God loves us. That through the birth and death of Jesus, we are washed clean and will one day live with God in Heaven.

In the meantime, we wait to fully open and enjoy this gift of salvation. We must wait. And wait with patience. Throughout the waiting, throughout those times of suffering and enduring the trials of this world, we keep our eyes on God's gift before us. We hold on to the wonder at our gift-anticipating that time when our bodies will be healed and whole, when we are reunited with loved ones, when peace reigns, when we get to hear the sweet song of the angels and when we meet our Savior face to face. This is the hope that Paul writes about. It grows as we wait, it drives us forward and it gives us patience to wait for that day when we finally get to open our precious gift.

Think of that day. We lovingly look up at our Father, our hearts pounding with excitement because we have suffered long and yet remained patient. God beams and bids us open His gift. With one pull of the bow, we inhale with glee as we finally...

What it is you most hope for on that day? What is it you hope to see this Christmas? Several gifts may end up under your tree this year, but only one is worth waiting for.
Father God, we know that everything in this world aches to be delivered from pain and suffering, us included. We praise you for giving us hope to carry us along our journey. Amen.
Advent Week Two: PEACE
Advent Kindness Calendar on Monday, December 10, 2018
Bring your Adopt-A-Family gifts! 
Pray for the adopted families and all those in need.
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