December 2018
It’s hard to believe it’s already December. When driving home from work a few nights ago I saw a number of vehicles with Christmas trees secured to their tops. It reminded me of a couple of things: a) the holidays really are upon us and: b) it’s probably time for me to pick up a tree for our home, too. The clock almost seems to tick a little faster at this time of the year. I think about work projects that will need to be wrapped up soon. And speaking of “wrapped up,” I haven’t even started my gift shopping.

In the spirit of goodwill, there are three gifts I hope you, honored friends and associates, will have this holiday season—and beyond.

May you have peace . Peace is more of an inner disposition than a temporary condition. Finding time for quiet and solitude are helpful, but enduring peace comes from a healthy ability to consistently and skillfully navigate the circumstances in which we find ourselves. It’s not easy—a tall order, to be sure, but one that’s worth the effort. It’s no small thing to have serenity—even more so when it seems counterintuitive during the season’s hustle and bustle.   

May you have joy . The holidays are meant to be a festive and gathering time. Many of us will get together for office parties. Some of us may receive extra time off from work. Whatever the setting, I encourage you to intentionally connect with family, friends, and co-workers to enjoy their company—as they, I’m sure, relish yours! Life is better when we share, interact, and engage. In word and deed, let people know they matter to you. These relationships should be our primary source of joy.

May you have hope . Perhaps 2018 was a great year—personally and professionally. Or, maybe it didn’t quite live up to expectations. Ups and downs are natural as life is, invariably, unpredictable. And the coming of a new year won’t change that. Whatever your personal challenges are, it is my hope you’re able to meet them with optimism. Having a hopeful attitude is critical to our well being. Hope brings resilience, and resilience builds the emotional strength we need to tap from time to time. 

On the behalf of the USF Office of Corporate Training and Professional Education, I want to sincerely wish you and your loved ones a joyful Christmas and holiday season. I look forward to addressing you again in 2019!
Mark Koulianos, Director
USF Office of Corporate Training and Professional Education

Mark Koulianos is the Director of the USF Office of Corporate Training and Professional Education and has spent 20+ years working in the corporate world.  Read Mark's Full Bio
USF Corporate Training and Professional Education