What You Need to Know about the 2021
MN Legislative Session Right Now
- The House and the Senate enjoyed long floor sessions in their respective chambers this week, passing their budget proposals in agriculture, transportation, taxes, education, the environment, and more.
- Both legislative bodies are starting to appoint members to conference committees. Each conference committee is typically comprised of five representatives and five senators who meet to negotiate particular budget areas.
- Conference committees will likely begin meeting next week.
- The Legislature must adjourn the regular session by Monday, May 17th.
- MN has the only divided legislature in the country with a Republican-led Senate and Democrat-led House.
- A big, outstanding question remains regarding the impact of federal funding through the American Rescue Plan. We know $2.6 billion is coming to MN, but the State is awaiting guidance in the coming weeks from the Treasury Department on how it can be spent.
- The House Capital Investment Committee passed a $1.03B bonding bill out of committee last week. It currently does not have bipartisan support. A bonding bill requires a three-fifths majority vote to pass it off the House floor to send it to the Senate, which means it needs support from the minority party. For more details about the House proposal, check out this article.
For more updates on AGC’s advocacy efforts and the legislative session, please register for the Construction Advocacy Week events (see info below)
Contact Laura Ziegler, AGC’s Director of Government Affairs, with any questions on the current status of omnibus bill provisions or other legislative issues.
Are you signed up for AGC's Legislative Action alerts?
Click here to get started.
Next Week is National Work Zone Awareness Week
Everyone plays a role in work zone safety! Join in raising awareness of the dangers construction workers face daily in work zones by:
- Conduct your own stand down on Monday (April 26) for Work Zone Safety Training Day, using these resources.
- Wear orange on Go Orange Day, Wednesday (April 28), to provide a visible reminder and to show your support for the families who have lost loved ones in work zone crashes.
- Turn up the volume on NWZAW on Thursday (April 29) during this organized social media day. Organizations, companies, institutions and individuals are asked to share messages and use hashtags #NWZAW and #WorkZoneSafety throughout social media between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. CT.
AGC of Minnesota Construction Advocacy Week: May 3-7
Make your voice heard! Each year, AGC members walk from AGC offices across the street to the Minnesota Capitol to meet with key decision makers and advocate for the construction industry. It’s important to communicate with legislators this time of year as they make key budget and policy decisions. Furthermore, there are possibilities of additional federal funding for our state’s building and transportation infrastructure. Join us as we hear from AGC of America President Bob Lanham on the vital role of member advocacy, and MnDOT Commissioner Margaret Anderson Kelliher on what’s in store in a post-pandemic recovery.
This year is a completely virtual, multi-day event to fit your schedule. This week is also a great opportunity to focus on checking in with your legislators by making your own personal legislative appointments. See below and mark your calendar!
Monday, May 3 (8:15-9:00 a.m.) - "Use Your Voice - Be a Construction Industry Advocate" AGC of America President Bob Lanham will join us to discuss the role of PACs in advocacy. REGISTER
Tuesday, May 4 (8:00-9:00 a.m.) - "Transportation Conversation with MnDOT Commissioner Margaret Anderson Kelliher" REGISTER
Wednesday-Friday, May 5-7 - Members can meet with their legislators virtually, utilizing "AGC's Communication Tools for Effective Advocacy" - tools will be posted online and provided via email.
AGC encourages members to make virtual appointments with legislators during AGC’s Construction Advocacy Week. To find out who represents you, click here or contact your AGC Director of Government Affairs, Laura Ziegler.
We welcome all employees of AGC member companies to join in these virtual discussions and activities as your schedule allows.
Sponsored by
RDO Equipment Co.
AGC 2021 Golf Tournament
Registration is Open
Join us on August 6 at Keller Golf Course in Maplewood!
Get all the details and register here.
Thank you to our Title Sponsor,
Larkin Hoffman!
This Week is Vaccine Awareness Week
in Construction
AGC member My Medical Clinic is offering COVID-19 vaccinations (Pfizer 2-shot series) for employers/employees.
Sign up for appointments here or call at 651-340-1445.
1560 Beam Ave, Suite F | Maplewood, MN 55109
Leadership Blueprint 2021-2022
AGC Minnesota is pleased to announce that the 2021/22 Leadership Blueprint schedule is complete and nominations are now being accepted. Class size is limited to 21 people and applicants must be nominated by their supervisor. The Leadership Blueprint is available to AGC Minnesota members only and will begin November 4-5, 2021.
Please submit a completed nominating form and supporting documentation to Merry Beckmann by June 30, 2021. Successful candidates will be notified no later than August 2, 2021.
Last month's mass shooting in Atlanta inspired protests, vigils and community discussions across the country about the alarming rise in violence against Asian Americans. Join MPR News on Wednesday, April 28 at noon for In Focus: Stopping Anti-Asian American Hate in Minnesota. Tom Crann hosts a conversation with community leaders about what they're experiencing, what's being done in Minnesota, and what more needs to be done. RSVP here.
Become a Culture of CARE Impact Champion & Take
the Pledge
AGC Michelin Fleet Advantage Program
AGC Members save up to 31% on tires
The AGC Michelin Fleet Advantage Program pricing is available at home and on the road, so you can control your tire costs if you are a localized or long haul based operation. Because Michelin knows that you may have more needs other than just truck tires, the Full Line Program will also help in your cost control of other Michelin product lines, such as Passenger Car and Light Truck, Earthmover, Compact Line, CAMSO or Tweel Tires. Learn more
The AGC Michelin Fleet Advantage Program
New CHASE Level 3 Projects
AGC members continue to receive recognition for projects with exceptional levels of safety in the CHASE partnership with MnOSHA.
Two projects recently received Level 3 (highest level) recognition:
Congratulations to The Boldt Company, Parsons Electric, and Harris, for their project at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN. (right)
And congratulations to Benike Construction and Sowles Co., for their project at the Hormel Innovation Center in Austin, MN. (left)
Congratulations to all CHASE contractors continuing to make job sites safer for their workforce!
Click photos for larger versions.
Watch: Choosing the Right Machine - Skid Steer or Compact Track Loader
The skid steer and compact track loader, two popular machines found on just about every job site. But what makes one a better choice than the other?
Take a deep dive into the machines and some of the factors that determine which is the best choice for the situation and task at hand. Learn more
Dennis Howard, Vice President of Equipment, RDO Equipment Co.
Spring Load Restrictions End in South, Central Frost Zones
The Minnesota Department of Transportation will end spring load restrictions (SLR) in the south and central frost zones Monday, April 26, at 12:01 a.m.
Full-summer overweight permits will start in the metro and southeast frost zones at the same time. Spring load restrictions are still in effect in the north-central and north frost zones. Spring Load restrictions have already ended in the metro and southeast frost zones.
MnDOT Announces 2021 State Construction Projects
MnDOT announced over 200 projects for the 2021 state construction program. “Safe, reliable, efficient and sustainable transportation is vital to the quality of life and economic success of our state,” said MnDOT Commissioner Margaret Anderson Kelliher. “Although Minnesota’s transportation needs greatly outnumber available resources, this year’s construction program demonstrates MnDOT’s commitment to making smart investments in our system to better serve all people.”
For a video overview, interactive map, and full 2021 project list, click here.
Your Trusted Resource
Associated General Contractors of Minnesota
525 Park Street, Suite 110 | St. Paul, MN 55103