Spring 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 2
In Every Issue
Feature Articles
In Upcoming Issues
Recovering and Thriving Post Pandemic - Part 1

The Invisible Impact of an Invisible Threat – Invisible No Longer
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Editor's Letter
2021 has proven to be quite the year already!  Much has happened in the U.S. that many around the world could not have imagined and still find surreal. And with the global pandemic still very much a part of the picture, it is likely we are in for a continued roller coaster ride, especially in healthcare.

I am excited to announce a new standing column in the Wharton Healthcare Quarterly!
David Nash, MD, WG’86 and Emeritus Founding Dean of the College of Population Health (the nation’s first!) at Jefferson University and often called “the father of population health,” has graciously agreed to be the Column Editor of “Behind the Scenes.”

In the 2021 inaugural articles, David will be sharing an inside look at some of the companies with whom he has worked across the nation as well as abroad. Inevitably, the discourse will evolve over time, but to start us on this journey he will be highlighting firms whose mission was made more urgent due to the global pandemic. They have risen to the occasion, overcome barriers, and made some enduring contributions to a brighter future for us all.

Dr. Nash will be focused on either pre-existing unmet needs that were exacerbated by the pandemic, new needs triggered by COVID -19, new approaches to key problems, and even innovations directly tied to the global spread of the virus. He will share the struggles that certain entrepreneurs faced and how they fared in 2020 - through resilience, grit, and sheer good luck or lack thereof!

“There are years that ask questions and years that answer.”
~Zora Neale Hurston

Managing Editor
Contact Colette at: colette@accessinsightmd.com

In Every Issue
The President's Desk
Contributor: Maria Whitman, WG’05

Maria Whitman ends her term as President at the end of June. Learn all that has been accomplished by the WHCMAA under her leadership. We have much for which to be thankful! 
The Philosopher’s Corner
This eclectic standing column features insightful musings, words of wisdom, life lessons, and stepping stones to business success. This month's philosopher is Deepa Shah, WG’16, Senior Vice President of Growth and Development at Connections Health Solutions, a behavioral health crisis services provider backed by Heritage Group. Read more.
Affidavit: Healthcare and the Law - COVID-19 Vaccination: Coming to a Workplace Near You? 

Nearly a year after the coronavirus pandemic exploded, the beginning of the end may finally be within sight.  Novel vaccines have shown tremendous promise, and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) to three. Although state and local authorities have been primarily responsible for the early distribution and administration of the COVID-19 vaccines, availability of the COVID-19 vaccine may soon open up to other distribution channels such as the workplace.  Read more.
Not a Freudian Slip: One Antidote, Once a Day
Contributor: Connie Mester, MPH

If there was one thing you could do daily that could have a tremendous impact on your health, your mood, your relationships, your work, and your overall quality of life, even during these very unprecedented, difficult times, would you do it?  What if this simple act didn’t cost any money, or require a prescription, or any special training or skill set to do? Sound too good to be true.  Well, thankfully it is not.  The act of kindness, “a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others, without having an expectation of praise or reward” has scientific evidence proving its positive impact on health and happiness. Kindness isn’t something new or innovative. And furthermore, anyone can be kind. It doesn’t matter how old you are, your race, your gender, your income, or your occupation. Could kindness be one small antidote we could all give and receive as we move ahead?  Read more.
Downloading Success: Leveraging Empathy - A Game Changer for These Dynamic Times 

At this time fraught with myriad challenges and endless uncertainties, we’ve all been operating under exponential stress for an extended period of time. Both personally and professionally, we find ourselves adjusting as we go and facing an array of emotional ups and downs that seem to have no end in sight.  The overwhelming confluence of issues produces high to extreme levels of emotional and physical stress that deplete our internal resources. This leaves us feeling fatigued and anxious precisely when we need energy and enthusiasm to maintain endurance and develop mental resilience. For leaders, the highest priority during times like these is to be facile, skilled, and courageous enough to address and support colleagues who may be struggling on a number of fronts. Read more.
Mind the Gap: Black Women’s Health Matters 
Contributor: Corinne Toomer, PhD

Black women’s health matters, yes. This is not to say that everyone’s health does not matter. However, I contend that Black women’s health needs a great deal more attention at this time. This is not new; the COVID-19 crisis only exposed the myriad health disparities associated with Black people who have a disproportionately greater chance of dying of complications associated with the disease compared to the white population. The novel coronavirus has also forced us to face the clear opportunity that is before us to focus on improving the health of Black women. I will outline some of the immediate challenges and offer recommendations to work towards attaining improved health for Black women. Read more.
CyberVitals: Stop Blaming the End-User!
Contributor: Vidya Murthy, WEMBA’42 

Unfortunately, blame is pervasive in healthcare and cybersecurity.  It should therefore be unsurprising that a common retort in healthcare cybersecurity is “people are the weakest link.”  It’s true in one sense - healthcare leads against other industries with 31% of cybersecurity-related breaches being attributed to human error. However, the question must be asked, “If we blame patients for not adhering to treatment plans, and we blame people for cybersecurity problems - maybe we’ve built systems that don’t work properly?” 
Now, we are all human, and we all make mistakes. But given how often people fall victims when they’re in the healthcare system, it seems a bit of self-reflection would be beneficial. Read more.
Behind the Scenes: Portraits of Progress for Firms in the Pandemic - MD Clone
Contributor: David Nash, MD, WG’86

How can we overcome all the extant privacy barriers as it relates to sharing personal health information (PHI) and simultaneously get sufficiently detailed clinical data from the bedside to researchers all over the world? The answer? MD Clone.  Read more.
Feature Articles
Should I Stay or Should I Let It Go? Accelerating Partnerships in a Pandemic – Part 1

A recent Merritt Hawkins survey of physicians predicted significant changes in physician practice patterns. In this survey, 66% of physicians reported they would “stay the course,” but 32% planned to change practice settings, retire, temporarily close their practice, or opt out of patient care entirely. As the country adjusts to the “new normal” of living and working with the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare industry, including physicians in practice, looks ahead to a post-pandemic healthcare environment of the future. Read more.
Leadership Can Be Lifesaving in the Fight Against COVID-19


Jay Mohr, WG’91, turns action into impact as the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of New York Blood Center Enterprises (NYBCe), one of the world's largest independent, community-based, non-profit blood centers. The Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute (LFKRI), the research arm of NYBCe, is currently partnering with some of the highest caliber scientists in the world to conduct pre-clinical phase trials for multiple COVID-19 vaccines, to spearhead a COVID-19 serology (antibody) study of testing platforms currently being utilized in the field, and to screen plasma for novel biomarkers to predict COVID-19 responses in patients. NYBCe was the first blood center in the nation to provide COVID-19 convalescent plasma (plasma rich in disease-fighting antibodies that are removed from a person who has recovered from COVID-19).  Read more
Emotional Intelligence and Gratitude  

Dealing with the chaos and complexities of the pandemic has revealed behaviors (and cultures) that either expose the best or the worst of humanity. And nowhere more than in healthcare settings has humanity been tested, prodded, poked, and observed. If ever there was a time to examine and increase your awareness of emotional intelligence, it is now. Read more.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within are those of the authors and editors of the articles and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions or strategies of the Wharton School and/or the University of Pennsylvania, and/or their respective organizations. Publication in this e-magazine should not be considered an endorsement. The Wharton Healthcare Quarterly and WHCMAA make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information in this e-magazine and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.