Smoke & The Effects from Wildfire
We have just been through one of the worst periods of unhealthy air quality. Everyone exposed to it has suffered whether or not they are aware of it. Besides carbon, everyone has been exposed to the chemical byproducts of that which was burned, whether plants, building materials, petroleum byproducts and synthetic compounds. These don't even include the mass of ash and microscopic particles that were breathed in.
People believe that with time they just detox and return to normal. For most this is not true because breathing smoke is like an injury of any kind and as most of you know who have been my patients over any length of time, that I have had to unlock and correct all your past injuries or had to detox you from past exposures like cigarettes and recreational drugs, even 30 years later.
The body doesn't just return to normal from an injury. It compensates and then adapts to the compensation. The adaptation leads to an array of symptoms of which the patient has no idea where they came from. Breathing smoke and ash is like an auto-accident or a fall. It injures the body in subtle ways and the constant bombarding of adaptation impulses from the nervous system lead to deranged function of the muscles and that translates to misalignments.
The founding father of chiropractic said that "misalignments derive themselves from injuries, toxins (smoke in this case), and mental stress". Being adjusted and taking remedies for detox is critical to restore the body to the pre-fire state.
Make an appointment to be cleared of the effects of this fire through an adjustment and pick up a remedy for smoke and another for the lungs. If you can't come in, call for these 2 remedies to be sent to you.
Remember, we have your back in maintaining a future of healthy years.
No one does it better than Wagner Holistic Clinic.