WRJ Central District
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Sheilah Abramson-Miles  


WRJ Central District  
Executive Committee 

Alison Auerbach

Immediate Past President
Chair of Nominating and Finance Committees
Sheilah Abramson-Miles

Past President
Vice Chair of Nominating
Sandy Adland

1st Vice President
Lizabeth McOsker

VP Marketing & Communication
Pamela Feldman-Hill

VP Development & Special Projects
Jan Goldstein

Recording Secretary
Shawn Olds

Corresponding Secretary
Jackie Randall

Membership Secretary
Lisa Singer

Laurie Blinder

Bulletin Editor
Marcia Persin
Hilda Glazer
Heinke Lillenstein

Area Directors
E. Michigan - Wendy Kohlenberg
W. Michigan - Cindy Bolokofsky
Southwest - Sue Voos
South - Sheilah Abramson-Miles
Central Ohio - Ellen Half
West - Beth Lande/Sharon Karp
N. Ohio - Marilyn Goldfein
N.E. Ohio - Robin Rosen-Sharp

Affiliate Development - Karen Sim
Advocacy - Hillary Handwerger
World Union/YES Fund - Susan Kaplan (chair)
World Union/YES Fund - Carol Friedman
Speakers Bureau - Rachel Silverland
Website Manager - Hillary Handwerger
Awards - Lisa Kalson
Convention Facilitator - Marci Delson

WRJ Board Members
Sheilah Abramson-Miles
Sandy Adland
Alison Auerbach
Stacey Beyer
Sally Blau
Cindy Bolokofsky
Pamela Feldman-Hill
Hillary Handwerger
Wendy Kohlenberg
Beth Lande
Lizabeth McOsker
Karen Sim
Lisa Singer
Susan Singer

The Central District Speakers Bureau is here to serve YOUR sisterhood!
Shabbat Services
Leadership Development
Torah Study
Area Days
A district speaker can take your event to the next level!
Rachel Silverland
to find out more!



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Happy Chanukah

 Greetings from Our
Alison Auerbach  WRJ Central District President 2018-2020
Alison Auerbach 
WRJ Central District President
Dear WRJ Central District Sisters,
I hope you were able to make it to our fabulous convention! Our theme was "Embrace you Voice: Be Impassioned, Be Empowered, Be Heard." Workshop blocks focused on these areas, culminating in a group panel where we heard from past leaders of Sisterhood, WRJ District(s) and WRJ itself about their journeys and each woman's development finding her voice as a leader.
I met many first timers, connected with old friends, and re-connected with women who are now new friends. We were able to say a sincere "thank you" to Sheilah Abramson-Miles as she moves on to her role as immediate past president (or IPP in WRJ parlance) and showed our appreciation for her leadership and support, past, present and future.
With the captaincy of this ship now passed on I can admit that I am a little overwhelmed by leadership of those who have come before me. All of our past district presidents have displayed strengths that helped our district remain strong. I can't fill their shoes, but I can create my own. I can work on listening to what you want from WRJ and our district. I can work with you to empower the women of your sisterhood, to help them find their strengths, and work on shoring up their weaknesses. We talk a lot about strengths, but we also need to recognize that we're here to help women who don't feel strong become strong and be empowered to move forward. We are here to make sure that they, too, are heard.
To me WRJ has always been a place where I can find support and I have learned my strengths. Where I can be with women who hold my values - uplifting the fallen, freeing the oppressed and giving voice to those who have none. Where, when a tragedy strikes, the response isn't just "What can we do to help?" it's "What can we do to change the situation?". Where we work to put into action our commitment to Reform Jewish values and ethics, supporting gender equality and equal rights regardless of where we stand on the political spectrum.
WRJ is where I can be among women who 'get' me. It is uplifting to be in a space where you are not only welcomed, but embraced. When I am among my WRJ sisters, I am empowered by your acceptance. It is my goal as WRJ Central District President and my personal wish that we all work to create this space and empower each other. That we listen to each other's needs and desires and we work together to accomplish our mutual goals and discover new ones. I admit it is a bit of a balancing act - we each want to be heard, but we also need to make sure we are listening; that we are giving other women the opportunity to be heard, to express their passions and concerns, to help them find their voice.
As we move forward let us all work to make sure we are listened to, and that we too are listening.
Let us all embrace our voices and help other women to embrace theirs.
Let us all be empowered and work to empower other women.
Be impassioned and find women who share our passions.
And most of all, let us all be heard.
Respectfully submitted,
Alison Auerbach 
                   WRJ Central District President
2018 Convention:
Thanks to our Fabulous Speakers   

Eileen Saffran The Gathering Place
Blair Marks
Convention Committee
Committee on Thanks
Journey to Leadership Panel
Kathryn Fleischer
WRJ Central District Convention:
 A View from the Program Chair 
I was very pleased to accept the invitation from Alison Auerbach when she contacted me about a year and a half ago to be a part of her "Twosies" Committee. She was looking for someone to chair or co-chair the workshop programs. I said YES and off we went. Alison and I met mid-way between our homes in Columbus, Ohio at my son's home. He wasn't there at the time, however, as any good mother, I had the key! Alison and I talked all afternoon about what our vision is and how to incorporate the theme - Embrace Your Voice: Be Impassioned, Be Empowered, Be Heard. With colored sticky notes and sharpies, together we created the 3 workshop blocks and the Leadership Panel presented on Sunday.
It was a labor of love, a process which challenged me in many ways. I thought back to what kinds of programs I needed when I first began my sisterhood journey to how to continue to develop leadership skills, and while doing all this, how can I make sure I am taking care of myself. There were lots of phone calls and emails, Zoom meetings and texts with Alison and the committee.
Thank you all for your thoughtful comments at our closing plenary. From you, I heard that you learned about succession planning and how to chant the Birkat Hamazon, how to be audaciously hospitable, how to become a more active listener and better problem solver, that you need to invest in you and your sisterhood in order to grow your membership, taking care of yourself is important so you can take care of others, and how to remember our ancestors through cooking and sharing stories. Social justice is important, and we need to get involved. Join Yammer. WRJ is a powerful way to get things done because we can do more together than individually. We are all sisters and we have each other's backs.
When we have our next convention in Cincinnati in 2020, and you are called upon to help, I suggest you say YES. Take on as much or as little as you are comfortable with. I promise you will receive more than you give. You will feel inspired. You will feel the love of your sisters.
Lisa Singer
Membership Secretary

WRJ Central District Convention:
A View from a First-timer 
Many have heard me say that few things in life give me more pleasure than being in the company of good-natured, intelligent women. This was exactly my experience at the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) Central District conference that took place in Cleveland OH Nov. 9-11. From my first moments at check-in, there was a sense of welcoming and being among friends. Everyone was friendly and eager to bring first-timers into the conversation and spirit of the proceedings. I enjoyed talking with and listening to everyone I encountered. I've never before had that kind of experience in any group situation.
My favorite part of the conference was the leaders' panel on the final morning. Panelists answered prepared, pitch-perfect questions about how they became involved with leadership roles and what prepared them for success. Leaders readily shared their experience, knowledge and caring clearly showing that this is an organization of women that really wants to help women learn the ropes and succeed. The message was, 'You're never alone-you always have someone to count on-we all want to give you the resources and the chance to go as far as you care to.'  What a beautiful expression and reflection of passion, commitment and, yes, love. Irresistible!
I'm very excited about the WRJ's new emphasis on fashioning the organization to fit the needs and interest of each member. It will be challenging to engage in that process. I hope everyone is looking for ways to be a part of this creative process.
Finally, I must say something about the worship services. They were the wonderful glue that held everything else together so beautifully.  Whatever one's level of and interest in spirituality, our three services could speak to each of us. The clergy, members and women of the The Temple Tifereth-Israel were welcoming, accommodating and treated us as if we were temple family.  
In all, this conference proved to be one of the best Jewish experiences I've had since my conversion-a delightful and horizon-expanding weekend in the company of good-natured, intelligent women!  Thank you to all who made it such a success. To everyone able to attend the 2020 conference in Cincinnati-and I truly hope you will!-I will try my best to return or extend the same warmth and welcome that was shown to me as a Central District first-timer. 
Tracy McMullen
Women of Rockdale
Cincinnati, Ohio

Thanks for Supporting Our Convention  
Mitzvah Project  
"I Support The Girls" is the organization that benefited from the Convention's social action project. The sisterhoods collected SIX 55-gallon bags of gently used bras, new bras, and feminine hygiene products that were sent to the Cleveland chapter of "I Support the Girls". They commented that their stock was low because they were meeting so much need. We did good and touched many girls' and women's lives. 
The organization is a grass roots effort that began with one woman's idea that morphed into organizations in many different cities. Check out the website at isupportthegirls.org to learn about this important need. They are always looking for more product and cash donations, and need chapters in more cities. 
Following is a note from the Cleveland Affiliate Director
Dear Women of Reform Judaism,
I cannot thank you enough for the incredibly generous donation of bras and menstrual products to I Support the Girls-Cleveland! We were so overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of the Women of Reform Judaism, and we cannot wait to get everything distributed to those in need. Your donations will be going to the Bishop Cosgrove Center, which is one of the largest daytime drop-in centers for Cleveland's east side homeless population. 
Items such as bras and menstrual products are very expensive and difficult to attain for those experiencing homelessness. Your contributions will directly and positively impact the lives of women and girls in our community by providing a sense of dignity, respect, and improved personal health and hygiene. 
We cannot do what we do without the help of generous supporters like you! The need for these items is constant, and thanks to all of you, together we will be able to help make life a little bit easier for women in the midst of a most challenging situation.
We wish you all the best, and again we thank you for your help!
Have a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving,
Joanna Wyner
Affiliate Director

YES Fund Raffle and Auction  
at Convention
You Won't Believe the Results! 
YES Event at Central District convention 2018
Our YES fundraising at the Central District Convention in November was a GREAT success!! Our raffle of wine and chocolates included 30 donations of sumptuous spirits and confections from individuals and sisterhoods, and our silent auction was filled with specialty items including a Miami condo stay, hand-knit scarves, hand-painted ceramics, and gift baskets. Two lifeline pledges were completed, and three new lifeline pledges were started. These activities, plus individual gifts, gave us a grand total of YES Fund donations and pledges for the weekend of $14,788.00. A new record!!
Many special thanks to those who donated to our silent auction: Sheilah Abramson-Miles, Hillary Handwerger, Liz McOsker, Susan Glazer, Pamela Feldman-Hill, WRJ Central District, and Temple Israel Sisterhood of West Bloomfield, MI. Thank you to the Women of Temple Israel, Columbus, Ohio for the donation of raffle tickets and bags, and to all the women who helped with set-up, distribution and organization of the event: our new YES Chairs Susan Kaplan and Carol Friedman, Susan Singer, Susan Glazer, Marci Delson, Andi Wasserman, Pam Berkson, and all those present who gave so generously of their time, money, and spirit. We are truly stronger together.
Pamela Feldman-Hill
YES Fund Honor Level Sisterhoods
Congratulations to Central District's 11 sisterhoods who reached Honor Levels in YES Fund donations for the fiscal year ending July, 2018:

Chai Honor - $18 per member:

B'nai Sholom Congregation Sisterhood, Huntington, WV 
Temple Adath Israel Sisterhood, Lexington, KY 
Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood, Ann Arbor, MI 
Women of Temple Israel, Columbus, OH
Special Merit - $10 per member:
Temple Israel Sisterhood, West Bloomfield, MI
Roll of Honor - $5 per member
Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood, Carmel, IN 
Isaac M. Wise Temple Sisterhood, Cincinnati, OH
Temple Beth El Sisterhood, Knoxville, TN
Temple Israel Sisterhood, Marion, OH
Temple Kol Ami Sisterhood, West Bloomfield, MI
Women of Temple Shalom Sisterhood, Louisville, KY

2018 Central District Award Winners
WRJ Central District takes great pleasure in announcing the 2016-2018 Award winners, presented at the 2018 Central District Convention. These awards recognize Sisterhoods for their talent, ingenuity and commitment to the Women of Reform Judaism. This year's nominations presented thoughtful and innovative projects and inspiring people. The awards committee* congratulates all the winners and the Deborah honorees.

District Emerging Leader Award
Andrea Weiss, Temple Israel Sisterhood, West Bloomfield, Michigan
President's Award
Large Sisterhood
Temple Israel Sisterhood, West Bloomfield, Michigan
Greenhouse Par-Tea
Small Sisterhood
Temple Kol Ami Sisterhood, West Bloomfield, Michigan
Green for Good
Honorable Mention
Congregation Beth Shalom, Carmel, Indiana
Coburn Place Halloween Celebration
Innovative Programming Award
Large Sisterhood
Temple Israel Sisterhood, West Bloomfield, Michigan
Past, Present and Future - A Celebration of 75 Years of Sisterhood!
Medium Sisterhood
Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, Indianapolis, Indiana
Rosh Chodesh
Small Sisterhood
Congregation Beth Shalom, Carmel, Indiana
BBQ Shabbat at GUCI
Women of Rockdale, Cincinnati, Ohio
Brunch N Learn: Paper Clips
Honorable Mention
Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, Indianapolis, Indiana
Sip, Shop and Schmooze
Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, Indianapolis, Indiana
Women's Seder
Women of Fairmount Temple, Beachwood, Ohio
Why We Chose Judaism
Congregation Shaarey Zedek, East Lansing, Michigan
Donor Luncheon - Keep in Step with Sisterhood
Temple Kol Ami Sisterhood, West Bloomfield, Michigan
Tu B'Shevat Seder
Women of Temple Shalom, Louisville, Kentucky
Sisterhood Shabbat
The Deborah Honorees
    Cynthia Katz, Temple Kol Ami Sisterhood, West Bloomfield, Michigan
                Susan Glazer, Women of Temple Shalom, Louisville, Kentucky
                Amy Chupack, Temple Beth El Sisterhood, Hudson, Ohio
                Laurenda Messer, Women of Fairmount Temple, Beachwood, Ohio
                Amy Micon, Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, Indianapolis, Indiana
                Randa Feldman, Temple Israel Sisterhood, West Bloomfield, Michigan
                Mitzi Goldstein, Congregation Shaarey Zedek, East Lansing, Michigan
                Jennifer Clark, Women of Rockdale, Cincinnati, Ohio
                Dana Becker, Women of Temple Israel, Columbus, Ohio
                Lois Reaven, Sisterhood of Temple Israel, Akron, Ohio
                Isabel Atlas, Congregation Beth Shalom, Carmel, Indiana
                Nancy Fortier, Temple Beth El, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
                Adey Hostetler, Temple Israel Sisterhood, Canton, Ohio
                Lizabeth McOsker, Isaac M. Wise Sisterhood, Cincinnati, Ohio
                Lyn Diamond, Temple B'nai Israel Sisterhood, Kokomo, Indiana

* The 2016-2018 awards committee members: Beth Goldstein, chair; Beth Lande, Susan Glazer, Sue Korn and Pamela Feldman-Hill

Central District Book Club 

Hello Bookgroupies,

The Zoom Book Discussion will be on December 20, 2018 at 7:30 pm via Zoom.The next book for our group will be "A Gentleman in Moscow" by Amor Towles. I have heard nothing but praise for this book. A cousin of mine, not only kvelled over the book, she said the audiobook was excellent-very well read.  

"A Gentleman in Moscow" is the 30-year saga of the Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov, who is placed under house arrest inside the Metropol Hotel in Moscow in 1922 when the Bolsheviks spare him from death or Siberia because of his 1913 revolutionary poem written in university. The relationships he forms with staff and guests, his handling of twists of fate, his moral rectitude and his perseverance to go on in the face of his lifelong imprisonment for being a Former Person make for a compelling tale, beautifully written.

We have plenty of room for more members, so if you want to join the "Club", contact Hillary Handwerger at hillaryh@ix.netcom.com and we will be sure you get notified of the meeting.  Zoom meetings are fun because they are face to face over the internet, but you can also join by just using your phone.
The next meeting will be held in February. I will send out an email to confirm that we can meet February 20th.
Hillary Handwerger

   Save the Date
WRJ Social Justice Conference


  Save the date  
Sisterhood Service Retreat at GUCI 


Looking Ahead
Join Us in 2020 in Cincinnati 

Highlight your sisterhood on our Central District Website,  
Facebook or in Isha L'Isha 
As we start yet another new year, this is a reminder that you have the opportunity to shine a light on your sisterhood and its programs. You can send flyers about your programs to Hillary at hhandwerger@yahoo.com and they will be posted on Facebook. You can also share your successful programs on Isha L'Isha with articles and pictures.
If it's an Area Day, we will promote it on our website. Don't forget to include WRJ Central in your advertising. Have a great 2019.
During our WRJ Award Winning Events session at WRJ District Convention, we talked about some of the inexpensive ways we can make a big splash. Susan Singer, President of Temple Israel, W. Bloomfield, mentioned quite a few, and so did others.
We would like to create a listing on the WRJ Central District Website where we can share these great nuggets of information. I will put it under the Resources page once its created.

In the meantime, I'd love to hear what you might be using for great "give-aways"--  vendors and pricing- that you think work well.
Having some information as well as vendor contact info on great "sales items" such as honey, etc might also be a good idea. So I will accept both-- give-aways and successful sales projects.
Please send information- product, picture if you have it, price, vendor, how did you use it, review, etc  on items that you think would be helpful to the group.
Send it to hhandwerger@yahoo.com 
Hillary Handwerger
Website Administrator 

REMINDER: WRJ Central District now has Zoom
Zoom is a high quality video web conferencing and webinar software. The program can be used in different scenarios: virtual collaboration, online training sessions, online discussions --like book groups (We'll be using Zoom for our Book Group!).
Zoom allows you to chat, share files, and invite contacts to a meeting - all on your Zoom client for PC, Mac, Android and BlackBerry.
Zoom meetings are easy to join and participate in.  WRJ Central now has the capability to have as many as 50 participants at a time in the "meeting". We selected Zoom because it gives us the ability to see each other while we talk, making for a more personal experience and assuring that we know and recognize each other when we get to visit at WRJ Central events.
The designated host for the meeting will send all participants an email that contains information that will let you join the "meeting". The participants will need to download and install the Zoom application. Once you've done that, you are ready to go-for this and future meetings.
What You Will Need:
  • Each meeting has a unique 9, 10, or 11-digit number called a Meeting ID that will be required to join a Zoom meeting
  • If you are joining via telephone, you will need the teleconferencing number provided in the invite. 
To learn how easy it is to join a meeting, check out this video:
See how to use Zoom 
See how to use Zoom
Please submit articles for the next issue of Isha L'Isha 
on or before February 25, 2019

Articles and photos should be emailed to ishawrjcentral@gmail.com