The Reformed Church of Highland Park
Newsletter February 7, 2020
Dear Church Family,
I am amazed by what we have here, together. This past Sunday, with thoughtful songs, liturgy, a sermon to pull us from the chaos and up to Jesus on the mountain, a testimony from Joel...the combination of it all was just what the doctor ordered to keep us healthy and strong through these challenging times.
As our communion prayer said, we keep coming, again and again, to be served Christ's presence, because we know we need it continuously. I am fed, friends of God, when we are together, regularly, before the God of Grace-receiving the abundance that God has for us.
And when we feast at the table of Christ together our bodies, minds and souls stay healthy. And when we are healthy we can turn our attention to the things of beauty, justice and peace. Because of a healthy prayer and worship life together we can and do make a difference in the world.
I am so thankful, as we enter February, for early 2020 blessings that are flowing out from RCHP. Care and concern for Puerto Rico, ideas for joining Adama and Charles in their work in Sierra Leone, more participation in detention center visits and refugee resettlement work, the burgeoning support for NJ Congregational Center for Cancer Care, Global Grace Marketplace and Cafe expansion, the formation of a new D.I.R.E Legal Services Program...it's all very very good.
And I'm thankful, too, for the ever-growing attention to spiritual growth that I see-through discipleship groups, bible studies, prayer groups and fellowship.
The strengthening of our life together before God makes us ever more prepared to bring the much-needed presence of Christ to bear on the world.
The Peace of Christ to you,
Pastor Seth
Courageous Conversations on Reparations - Honoring Black History Month
February Sunday Morning Adult Education Class at 10:10am in the Parlor.
Led by Nathan Jeremie-Brink, elmira Nazombe, and the RCHP Justice & Mercy Committee.
- February 9 What is reparations?
- February 16 What does reparations have to do with faith?
- February 23 What can RCHP do about reparations locally ? Invited guest Andrea MC Christian, law and policy director of the New Jersey Institute For Social Justice
Wednesday Evening Book Group, 6:30-7:30pm
We are currently reading "No Friend But the Mountains" by Behrouz Boochani. We gather in the social hall to discuss the book from 6:30-7:30pm. If anyone needs a pdf copy of the reading, they can reach out to student ministers Ally Pexa
ally.pexa@ptsem.edu or John Mellison
johnmellison@corban.edu. Folks are welcome to gather early to grab dinner at the cafe.
Book Reading
The Reformed Church of Highland Park is joining with parents, teachers and community members across the country to stand up to state legislative efforts targeting transgender people on February 27, 2020 with readings of one or more books about transgender and non-binary youth including "I Am Jazz," a book by transgender teen and Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation Youth Ambassador Jazz Jennings.
The book reading will be held at 5:30pm on Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 19 South Second Avenue, Highland Park, NJ. After the reading, there will be facilitated groups for kids and adults. For additional information, please contact Kristen Springer at
RCHP Retirees in February
RCHP Retirees Celebrate Hope: Wednesday, February 19th from 11:30am-12:30pm in the Parlor. Pastor Seth presenting Part II: new programs of hope and opportunities for service at RCHP in the coming year.
RCHP Retirees Build Connection: Every Thursday at 12:30pm in the Global Grace Cafe. Carol Perry hosting Retirees Table. Drop by for lunch, connection and conversation with other Retirees.
Questions or suggestions? Speak with Elmira Nazombe or email Carol Turner at
Coffee and Conversation
The next meeting for Coffee and Conversation, a group for LGBTQ folk, will be held on Thursday, February 27th at 7pm in the Quilt Room. LGBTQ friends are welcome to join for refreshments, fellowship and facilitated conversation on a variety topics of interest to the group, including the intersection of faith and orientation and global and local social issues. For additional information, please contact Nicci Spinazzola at
or Renee Burawski at
Mid-day Silent Prayer & Meditation
The sanctuary will be open Wednesdays and Fridays from 12-1pm for silent prayer and meditation. Take a break in your day and stop in for a portion or all of this hour of spiritual renewal and reflection. Prayer and meditation resources will be available. All faiths and traditions welcome.
A Few Unique Opportunities
Justice and Mercy Committee Meeting, February 9th 12:45pm: Most months Justice and Mercy meetings on Thursday nights. If you are interested in seeing what this meeting is about it will, just this week, meet right after 2nd service. Join us in the parlor.
The Thrift Shop Sorting Team needs some serious support! The Thrift Shop is a very important ministry, and right now we need more hands on deck for weekly sorting. Please see if you can join the team for an hour between 10am-Noon. This sorting crew works together on a weekly basis.
RCHP's ministries to Refugees, Trafficking Victims, Unaccompanied Children, Immigrants and R-Entering Citizens is ever growing. If you are interested in going deeper in service to any of these populations please reach out to Pastor Seth at 732-882-3193.
Congratulations to Joel, recipient of the Highland Park Humanitarian Award.
NJ Congregational Center for Cancer Care
Come and Let Us Listen to You
People of faith, like all people, face cancer. We know that the echoes of cancer resound loudly, creating a tone that is felt by multitudes, yet the personal journey of having cancer is experienced in a variety of ways. The newly formed New Jersey Congregational Center for Cancer Care (NJC4) is shaping its mission on how best to help congregations enter the cancer space. As we begin, we are in a season of intentional listening, and we would specifically like to hear the voices of church members who are facing or have faced cancer in your own body. We invite you to join us for a listening session, giving voice to your story, sharing what the scope of cancer care looks like to you, and how we can best be of support as we listen to what the heart speaks.
Tuesday, February 18th at 6pm-7:30pm
(Light Refreshments will be served)
Wednesday, February 19th at 12pm-1:30pm (
Lunch will be served)
Listening sessions will be held at New Brunswick Theological Seminary located at 35 Seminary Place, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.
Please RSVP to confirm your attendance for the date of your choosing to Winter Wiggins by Friday, February 14th to
NJ4cancercare@gmail.com or by phone at 848-237-1795. We look forward to seeing you, and being present with you!
Grace and Peace,
Winter Wiggins, M.Div.
Program Director, NJ Congregational Center for Cancer Care
Churches Improving Communities (CIC)
Nature Hike Schedule
RCHP's nature hike is going strong. Join us, on the first Saturday of the month, for walks in beautiful places around Central NJ. This is a great opportunity to get to know other church families while enjoying God's beautiful creation.
- March 7 - Plainsboro Preserve in Cranbury Township, NJ
- April 4 - Kite Flying at Davidson Mill Pond in South Brunswick, NJ
- May 2 - Pond Skimming at Bicentennial Park in East Brunswick, NJ
- June 6 - Colonial Park Rose Garden in Franklin Township, NJ
Lent 2020
RCHP takes Lent seriously. We understand the ancient tradition of walking with Jesus Christ with even more intentionality than usual during the season leading up to Holy Week. Lent begins, this year, on February 26th.
This year RCHP will explore the theme of "Repair" throughout Lent. We are just defining how we will approach it but all the pastors and a number of the committees are very excited about the direction in which we are heading. This theme seems to have kicked off our creativity!
Watch for future information on Repair Cafe!
Ash Wednesday, February 26th
- Imposition of Ashes: From 7:30-7:45am, and then again from 9:00-9:30am those who want to receive ashes are invited to do so.
- Ash Wednesday Service and Joint Choir: Each year our congregation joins with other area Reformed Churches for this service. This year we will be holding it at First Reformed Church in New Brunswick, 9 Bayard Street. All who would like to sing in a choir made up of all the churches is invited to come at 6:00pm to prepare a song together.
RCHP remembers all those who died in February
and all those who still mourn
The following names have been offered for remembrance in February 2020:
Gottfried Anthonias, Beloved Brother of Kathy Beszterczie, and Beloved Uncle of George Beszterczie;
Elizabeth Barrett, Beloved Mother of Mary Barrett;
Robert Cerrone, Beloved Father of Bettye Chant;
Thomas J. Cotton, Sr., Beloved Fiancée of Melanie Lincoln Potter,
and Beloved Grampa of Ellie Vardao;
Bob Hawkins, Beloved Husband of Helen Hawkins;
Jeannette WhitelawHill Marcal, Beloved Mother of Marcia Marcal Persiano;
Fran Schell, Beloved Elder of RCHP;
Thomas Wilpiszeski, Beloved Brother of Cathy, and Beloved Uncle of Anna Laycock.
If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar,
call Lisa at the RCHP office 732-249-7349.
Happy February Birthday!
2/2- Ketty Sumampouw
2/7- Kimberly Lopez, Rob Roselwicz, Isabella Hoffman
2/11- Barbara Betz, Olivia Estes
2/12- Geoffrey Mackin, Allan Arp
2/14- Cathy Laycock
2/16- Vally Makal, Anthony Adeniji
2/17- Michael Lord, Jillian Lord
2/18- Carrie Peterson
2/20- Emmett Burton
2/21- Lindsay Fisher Stoll
2/22- Helen Hawkins, Sandy Szilagyi
2/23- Diane Fisher,
2/26- Andrea Faust, Sherban Popovici, Steven Varga, Patty Fox, Kate Woodside
2/27- Jose Morais
2/28- Meredith Carman, Mary Diez-McLain
2/29- Nicky Dela-Cruz