Everyone should've received their order of Columbia shirts or been notified of where/how to pick them up by now (follow-up messages will go out the week of Dec. 17) - we hope you enjoy showing off your Extension pride!
We've received questions about how to handle various situations - e.g. what to do for new employees, what if a shirt was the wrong size, can you order a new one, etc. - so we've developed a process to guide you.
The new
online store
will be the primary source for ordering employee Columbia shirts, though exceptions can be made for other vendors when necessary (e.g. if a custom size is needed or someone already purchased a shirt). The online store offers different styles and colors of Columbia shirts, all of which come with the appropriate Extension branding.
We've posted guidelines and resources to the online store page, including criteria and reimbursement procedures, so please review all of the information carefully!