December 2018
Extension online store now available
We’re excited to announce the launch of an Extension online store for employees! The store includes a variety of apparel, as well as promo items like cups, pens, stickers and more, which we'll expand over time. Find details for accessing the store below (university login required).

Local marketing planning initiative gaining steam
We continue to introduce "Building an Effective Marketing Plan" across the state, wrapping up final rollout in the districts in January. We'll begin work with our campus colleagues later this winter, while developing new resources and tools to support your efforts.

Ag chemicals and turf manuals info coming soon
You will soon receive details regarding annual orders for the 2019 editions of the N.C. Agricultural Chemicals Manual and Pest Control for Professional Turfgrass Managers. We will continue to partner with UNC Press to improve the availability and distribution of these printed Extension publications.

In the meantime, you can access the NC State Extension Publications Directory any time, which includes a comprehensive library of Extension publications in digital format. Stay tuned for more info in January.
Guidance on Employee Columbia Shirts
Everyone should've received their order of Columbia shirts or been notified of where/how to pick them up by now (follow-up messages will go out the week of Dec. 17) - we hope you enjoy showing off your Extension pride!

We've received questions about how to handle various situations - e.g. what to do for new employees, what if a shirt was the wrong size, can you order a new one, etc. - so we've developed a process to guide you.

The new online store will be the primary source for ordering employee Columbia shirts, though exceptions can be made for other vendors when necessary (e.g. if a custom size is needed or someone already purchased a shirt). The online store offers different styles and colors of Columbia shirts, all of which come with the appropriate Extension branding.

We've posted guidelines and resources to the online store page, including criteria and reimbursement procedures, so please review all of the information carefully!

Tech Tools | Video Grab Bag Edition
Extension’s own video guru, Simone Keith, shared a few fun, reasonably priced tech tools to help you capture more of what your team does each day.

Where the Boys (and Girls) Are - Teens’ Social Preferences Revealed
Need to market your programs to teenagers? Social media is your best bet. Take a look at what channels our youth are using and consider how social media can bolster your marketing efforts.

  • 95% of teens have access to a smart phone
  • 45% of teens report being online on a “near-constant basis”
  • 85% of teens use YouTube
  • 72% of teens use Instagram
  • 69% of teens use Snapchat
  • Other social platforms including Facebook lag far behind

Source: “ Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018 ” | Pew Research Center
Looking ahead to 2019...
Working with CALS Communications, our Extension marketing team will strive to support your marketing needs and promote the ongoing growth and success of Extension in 2019.

A few items already in the works include a collection of Marketing Templates (Word format); Event Marketing Kits for each district and campus; Social Media Training; and a new Marketing and Communications Webpage that will outline our goals and offer new resources for employees.

Thank you for your tireless efforts to grow our state and improve the lives of North Carolinians!