New! Email Fundamentals Newsletters
We are pleased to introduce our new email Fundamentals newsletters! In 2020, you will receive two issues of the Fundamentals newsletter by mail, and you will also receive six issues by email. This will allow for more timely news and announcements, quick reference links to online tools, and additional opportunities to provide helpful information and instructions.
IMRF Wins Baldrige Award
We are pleased to announce that IMRF is a recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. A Presidential-level honor, the award recognizes exemplary U.S. organizations and businesses that demonstrate an unceasing drive for radical innovation, thoughtful leadership, and administrative improvement.

Click here to watch a video from IMRF Executive Director Brian Collins. 

First public pension fund in the nation to win
IMRF is the first public pension fund in the nation to receive our country's highest presidential honor for performance excellence. Not only are we in rare company among the best of the best in the nation, but this award shows that we are leading the way for excellence in the public pension industry. Of the more than 7.6 million U.S. businesses, less than 1% have received this distinction, with only 115 total winners over the last three decades.

To learn more, click here.
Board of Trustees Update
At IMRF’s Board of Trustees meeting held December 20, 2019, the result of the 2019 Board Election was certified, and a new Annuitant Trustee was appointed. 
Natalie Copper Re-elected Employee Trustee
Natalie Copper, a School-Age Child Care Site Coordinator at Evanston School District 65, ran unopposed and was re-elected to the Board as Employee Trustee. Her new term will run from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2024. Copper has served on the Board since 2010.

William Stafford Appointed Annuitant Trustee
The IMRF Board of Trustees appointed William Stafford as Annuitant Trustee, filling the vacancy created by the passing of Sharon U. Thompson. Stafford is a former IMRF Executive Trustee (2009-2015).

2020 Board Officers
Also at the December meeting, the IMRF Board of Trustees elected the following new Board officers for 2020: 

President - David Miller
Vice President - Natalie Copper
Secretary - Trudy Williams

Executive Trustee David Miller has served on the Board since 2015. He is currently Deputy Executive Director of the North Shore Water Reclamation District. Employee Trustee Trudy Williams has served on the Board since 2016 and is Administrative Assistant for the Fulton County State's Attorney's Office.
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