Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week while we are Physically Closed but Spiritually Open.
Spotlight On: 

June Celebrations with King's Chapel
There's much to celebrate every June at King's Chapel! 

This year, our church is turning 335 years old. King's Chapel wouldn't exist without its members, and we're eager to welcome in our newest members  during our live 9:00 AM Morning Light Zoom Service on Sunday, June 13. Our history program will also be hosting a trivia night for our members on Thursday, June 17 at 5:30 PM. 

June is also Pride Month, where we celebrate the LBGTQ+ community, and our Pride Committee has been working hard to gather our members virtually to celebrate. We hope you'll join us on Friday, June 11th at 5:00 PM for the Pride Month Block Party!

See the blurbs below for details.   
From the Minister

This week in Kenmore Square, traffic was stopped by a large construction truck blocking Beacon Street, slowly inching its way backwards into a narrow space at a building site. White letters emblazoned on the dark truck read: "JESUS. It's better to know him before you meet him. Stop, drop and roll won't work in hell." The truck's owner was telling me: once my life ends, if I don't know Jesus already I'll be toast. 

Isaiah had a different experience, according to the Bible. Isaiah met God, was awestruck by God's glory, and was silenced, aware of his unclean lips. But instead of Isaiah being consumed by fire, only Isaiah's guilt was burned away. The Holy saw Isaiah as more than his sin. So when God needed someone to speak God's words, Isaiah volunteered: "Send me." 

Where could you go, if the Holy freed you of your guilt?

~ Joy
News and Announcements

TONIGHT! | Deconstructing King's Chapel: Reexamining Class, Race, and Gender Through Architecture and Material Culture
Thursday, May 27 at 5:30 PM on Zoom
The old saying "if walls could talk" is especially true at King's Chapel. With over 300 years of history within the walls of the 270 year old church, the building itself provides insight into the chapel's social history. Remnants of the past throughout the building, both intentionally preserved throughout its history or previously removed, inform us about the lives and challenges faced by congregants and members over the previous three centuries.

Join the History Program TONIGHT for this virtual program, during which we will "deconstruct" King's Chapel, exploring themes of class, race, and gender as they are found - or were previously found - in the building's structure and decor.

This program is free and open to the public. Donations appreciated

Photo from the Boston Calendar Offices Closed on Memorial Day

The Parish House and home offices will be closed on Monday, May 31. For pastoral emergencies, please contact Joy

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend!
Virtual Organ Recital Next Wednesday

Next Wednesday, June 2, at noon, Heinrich will play Widor's 6th Symphony in a live-streamed recital from St. Cecilia's in the Back Bay. 

Listen live, or anytime after the show, on their YouTube channel.
It's not too late to donate to the King's Chapel Team! 

How will you commemorate Father's Day this year?  This year, our King's Chapel Team is helping the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute raise money to help families affected by violence as part of the 25th Peace Walk-which this year goes all the way to Father's Day!  This is a great opportunity for you or a loved one to mark Father's Day by supporting an organization that does so much for fathers and other loved ones affected by violence in our community.  

We're 72% of the way towards our goal of raising $10,000 this year... can you help us cross the finish line?
In This Issue
Sunday Services

May 30, Morning Light  9:00 AM on Zoom 
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Skip Lewan, Music
  • Carol Genovese, Lector
May 30, Morning Prayer
Available to watch all day on YouTube 
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
  • Dan Perry, Soloist
  • Ray Hardin, Lector
Scripture:  Isaiah 6: 1-8

Did you miss last Sunday's service? If so, click here to watch the sermon. 
From the Bench
For Memorial Day weekend, the choir will attempt to strike the balance between the mournful and hopeful with The Morning Trumpet, an American shape note song from the Civil War era. As so often is the case with these songs that were often taught by ear from one singing master to the next, there is some question of the authorship, but it is believed to have been written by Benjamin Franklin White. For a different perspective, Dan Perry will reprise his arrangement of Woody Guthrie's This Land is Your Land. 

The organ voluntaries are based on the Lutheran chorale To God Alone on High Be Praised, a great favorite of J.S. Bach, likely because it so closely echoed his personal motto, Soli Deo Gloria. It is considered one of the so-called catechism chorales, as it took the place of the Latin Gloria once Luther started introducing German chorales sung by the congregation in the worship service. 
Upcoming on Zoom

TONIGHT! Deconstructing King's Chapel: Reexamining Class, Race, and Gender Through Architecture and Material Culture
Thursday, May 27 | 5:30 PM 

Minns Lecture: Anthony Pinn: Judas and Making Justice Happen
Friday, May 28 | 8:00 PM 

Bible Study
Wednesday, June 2 | 6:15 PM

Coffee with the Clergy
Thursday, June 3| 10:00 AM
Giving to King's Chapel

Please consider a stewardship offering in a spirit of thanksgiving to help us through this challenging time.  Every single gift in any amount is equally valued and helps enormously.

Prayer Circle 

The King's Chapel Prayer Circle, led by Cynthia Perkins, stands ready to pray for any who request it, in complete confidence.  

To request prayers, contact one of the clergy: Joy or David
or Cynthia Perkins:
Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Communications Coordinator Jennifer Roesch with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5:00 PM.
Need to reach us?

While we are not physically at our offices, you can reach us via email. You can find our contact information with office hours on our website.
History Program for Pride Week - "Let Me Be All Yours": The Romantic Friendship of Charles Sumner & Samuel Gridley Howe
Thursday, June 10 at 5:30 PM

LGBTQ+ people have always existed, though the descriptors and understandings of their identities have changed over the course of many centuries. In the 19th century, same-gender affection often took the form of romantic friendships. These ambiguous relationships allowed friends to form deep physical and emotional bonds with one another, while also allowing lovers a degree of openness in a time in which homosexuality was criminalized. Join the King's Chapel History Program on June 10th at 5:30 to learn about the complex and tumultuous romantic friendship between two members of King's Chapel: Senator Charles Sumner and Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe.

This event is co-hosted by Longfellow House - Washington's Headquarters National Historic Site and presented by Park Ranger Meaghan Michel.
Pride Month Block Party
Friday, June 11th from 5:00-6:00 PM on Zoom

June is Pride Month!  And this is King's Chapel's 11 th year of celebrating Pride with members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies all over the world.  Since there is no Boston Pride parade again this year due to COVID, we invite you to join us for a virtual Pride block party on Zoom:  Friday, June 11 from 5-6 PM.  Register here and come celebrate with us!
Please consider wearing rainbow clothing, beads, stick-on tattoos... whatever Pride regalia you like... someone might win a "Best Rainbow" award! Check local businesses such as  The Garment District,  Boston Costume, or Boomerangs for costumes and accessories (optional but strongly encouraged). 
Save the Date!
King's Chapel's Birthday on June 13, 2021

This year we will celebrate our 335th birthday! Save the date for June 13th where we will also welcome our new members during our Morning Light Service at 9:00AM on Zoom. 

King's Chapel Trivia Night!
Thursday, June 17 at 5:30 PM on Zoom

Join the King's Chapel History Program on Thursday, June 17 for a Member's Trivia Night! Celebrate King's Chapel's 335th birthday and test your knowledge of King's Chapel history during this fun, casual event.

Summer Barbecues in the Garden are Back! First one on June 22 at 6:00 PM

As in years past, Joy and Bob Fallon invite you to join them for BBQs in the Garden.  How wonderful it will be to see each other safely again, in person! They will provide the main course (hamburgers, hotdogs and veggie burgers); all else (salad, beverage, dessert) is potluck.  If you are more comfortable eating food you have prepared yourself, please bring whatever you want. To still maintain distances, we will sit only four per table. If you are not fully vaccinated, we ask you to wear a mask when not eating. 

RSVP to Laura to let us know you are coming, what you will bring, and if you can help with set up or clean up.

Save the dates for the other BBQs: July 22 and August 19!
Small Steps to Greener Living
From the King's Chapel Environmental Action Initiative

Shopping at farmers' markets is a good way to get greener. They tend not to use plastic, they reduce the need for gas guzzling, long-haul trucks, they are a festive way to support the local economy, and the vegetables, picked just yesterday, last a lot longer.

We're Hiring!

After many years as our beloved Sexton, Clark Aitkins will be stepping down soon. We are in need of a new Sexton to fulfill the custodial and light maintenance duties of King's Chapel and the Parish House properties. 

You can read the job description here. If you or someone you know would be a good candidate for this position, please reach out to Gretchen. Thanks!
Looking Back

Pentecost Fun last Sunday

On Sunday our Church School children gathered to celebrate Pentecost and the end of the Church School year with an afternoon of kite-making and mosaic arts and crafts. The sun was shining and the Holy Spirit gave us enough wind to reminds us of our many blessings as we look forward to gathering once more in person in the fall.