December 12th, 2018
Hello friends!

As we juggle lists and make plans it is important to remember to enjoy the pleasure of practicing generosity in this season of gift-giving.   
Here at the store we offer you products that are inspiring, beautiful 
and made with respect for the environment,  for the people who labor for their creation and the culture of origin. 
Holiday music is everywhere so the selection this month fits with the Twelve Days of Christmas...

Twelve stocking stuffers

Eleven well-tuned wind chimes

Ten pretty pendants

Nine Fair-Trade bracelets

Eight Maine-made mittens

Seven edgy earrings

Six scented candles

Five sparkly snails

Four Alpaca scarves

Three wise words

Two inspiring books

and....                     One perfect party poncho

This insightful book is rich with invocations, mantras and blessings 
Here's an excerpt: 

Open your heart and allow the gift of generosity to flow through you.  Cheerfully share all that you possess with those in genuine need, without desire for return, knowing in confidence that all that is given in love will be replenished a thousandfold.  Be a messenger of Source, relieving the pain and anxiety in others whenever possible through sharing... the more you freely use the gift of generosity already present in your heart, the more enriched your own life will become.

This is the reverse side of the card at the top,  one of the deck of 60 cards to light your path, whether you want to find romance, keep all your relationships fresh and fulfilling, or simply understand that you are deeply loved, right now. 
Notes from the Universe on Love and Connection by Mike Dooley

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Thank you! 

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