Sonoma Water E-News | May 2021
Water Supply Update: Drought is Here. Save Water. 
The Russian River watershed is in a historic drought.
Our region just experienced the third driest water year on record over the last 127 years. Lake Sonoma and Lake Mendocino water supply levels have reached historically low levels. Without additional rainfall, it is critical that aggressive water saving by our communities occurs now. Sonoma Water is encouraging communities to make changes to everyday habits by eliminating water waste and reducing water use by 20%. Every drop saved helps maintain water flows in the Russian River and extends reservoir storage levels.
The Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership has launched a public outreach campaign to encourage water conservation in the North Bay. The campaign prompts residents to save water now and features the phrase "Drought is Here. Save Water," along with simple and effective tips to save water. The Partnership’s website ( is a resource for community members seeking water saving tips.
To help raise awareness of water supply conditions, Sonoma Water is publishing a water supply graphic (below) weekly, to provide a snapshot of the rainfall and water storage for our two main reservoirs, Lake Sonoma and Lake Mendocino. Please stay informed about current water supply conditions as we progress further into the driest time of the year - Summer. Daily drought updates are available online at
Governor Newsom Provides Emergency Drought Assistance to Russian River Watershed
Sonoma Water joined Governor Gavin Newsom at a parched Lake Mendocino on April 21st, 2021 for the announcement of an executive order declaring a targeted drought emergency in Sonoma and Mendocino Counties.

Gov. Newsom expanded the drought emergency declaration May 10th, 2021 to include 41 of 58 counties in California, about 30% of the state’s population.

Sonoma Water and Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Chair Lynda Hopkins said, “Thank you to Governor Newsom for taking action on the drought today and providing our region with immediate assistance. The Russian River watershed and our entire region, including Mendocino, Sonoma and Marin counties, are experiencing a severe drought that has resulted in historically low water storage levels at Lake Mendocino and Lake Sonoma. I look forward to collaborating with the Governor’s Office, state and federal agencies and our local water managers to ensure every tool is used to beat this drought. But the most important tool to implement right now is for every resident to start saving water. There is no water to waste.”

Sonoma Water Director and Sonoma County Board of Supervisor David Rabbitt said, “The drought is impacting not only our municipal water utilities, but also our rural and agricultural communities, including livestock and dairies. Emergency assistance is needed to help our dairies and agricultural communities as this drought continues and water supplies become unavailable from municipal sources as mandatory conservation orders are issued later this summer. The assistance from Governor Newsom and our state and federal leaders is appreciated.”

Sonoma Water Director and Sonoma County Board of Supervisor James Gore said, “Thank you to Governor Newsom and to our partners for helping bring much needed drought emergency resources to our region. We are thankful that Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) was implemented at Lake Mendocino last year, saving 11,000 acre-feet, or about a third of Lake Mendocino’s water storage. Further investment in water management technologies and atmospheric river forecasting across our region and state is needed to ensure innovation remains a priority as we battle this drought and climate change.”

WAC approves a resolution calling for 20% voluntary conservation
The Water Advisory Committee (WAC) to the Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water) adopted a resolution seeking 20% voluntary water conservation from the members of the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership (SMSWP) May 3rd, 2021.

The WAC consists of representatives from eight public water utilities in Sonoma and Marin counties that receive wholesale water supplies from Sonoma Water.

Reducing water use by 20 percent can be achieved by implementing some quick water saving tips, such as reducing outdoor water use and fixing leaks.  We encourage our community to contact their water provider to learn more about water saving rebate programs and tips.

The Water Advisory Committee meets the first Monday of every month. Meetings start at 9:00 a.m. and are open to the public.
Save the Date! Drought Drop By - June 12th, 2021, 9am-1pm at various locations 
Sonoma Water and its partners in the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership encourage all of our 600,000 water customers to continue to save water. To help, the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership is coordinating a Drought Drop By event to support our community in reducing water use by 20%.

Free drought toolkits— including water reuse buckets with high-efficiency showerheads, faucet aerators, digital shower timers, leak detection tools, and informational handouts — will be distributed to participants who drop by on a first-come, first serve basis.

Stay tuned for additional details as we get closer to the date!
Historically dry conditions and increased demands prompt inflation of Russian River inflatable dam
Due to historically dry conditions and increasing needs to preserve water supply, Sonoma Water inflated its rubber dam located in the Russian River near Forestville. The rubber dam is a critical component of the Russian River water supply system that provides naturally filtered drinking water to more than 600,000 residents in portions of Sonoma and Marin counties.

The rubber dam is typically inflated in spring or early summer when demand for potable water increases. When fully inflated, the rubber dam creates a small pool of water from which Sonoma Water draws water for use in four off-stream infiltration ponds. The infiltration ponds help recharge groundwater, which is naturally filtered through sand and gravel and delivered to Sonoma Water’s customers.

The rubber dam is located just downstream of the Wohler Bridge on the Russian River. When the rubber dam is raised, permanent fish ladders provide fish passage and allow Sonoma Water to count the migration of adult salmon and steelhead with its underwater video system located in the fish ladders.

Boaters must portage around the rubber dam, located downstream of Wohler Bridge. Public notices will be posted around the rubber dam warning the public not to recreate on or near the dam. California Department of Fish and Wildlife regulations prohibit fishing within 250 feet of the upstream and downstream sides of the rubber dam.
Join Groundwater Sustainability Agency Community Meetings 
Learn about groundwater in your community and plans being developed now to ensure groundwater is available in the future.

Join a community meeting:
  • Santa Rosa Plain- Wednesday, May 19
  • Petaluma Valley- Wednesday, May 26
  • Sonoma Valley- Wednesday, June 23

Meetings held via Zoom 5:30pm-7:30pm,
Register in advance for your basin event at:
Sonoma Water's Board of Directors Adopt 2021-2022 Water Transmission Budget and Rates 
On April 20th, 2021 the Board of Directors approved Sonoma Water’s Fiscal Year 2021-2022 (FY 21-22) Water Transmission Budget. Recognizing the difficult economic hardships COVID-19 has had on many residents and businesses throughout our county and beyond, the development of this budget has been a collaboration effort from Sonoma Water and water contractors. While Sonoma Water remains committed to operate and maintain the systems in a responsible manner, protect public health and the environment, and comply with regulatory requirements, the costs to meet those requirements continue to increase. The Water Advisory Committee and the Technical Advisory Committee had a unanimous vote on April 5th, 2021 to approve the FY 21-22 proposed budget. 

The total rate increase of 3.47% for the Santa Rosa and Petaluma aqueducts, and 3.43% for the Sonoma aqueduct will fund the ongoing maintenance of more than 100 miles of underground pipelines and supporting facilities. More than 600,000 residents rely on this underground pipeline system for their drinking water. This year several adjustments were made to keep rate increases at a minimum, including reducing expenditures by $3.05 million. Sonoma Water has proactively reduced its operations and maintenance costs by 9% over the past 10 years.

Rates for the water transmission system are determined under guidelines in the Restructured Agreement for Water Supply (Restructured Agreement). This requires Sonoma Water to set rates based on budgeted operations and maintenance costs and past water sales, a calculation between Sonoma Water and its water contractors. The Restructured Agreement also requires Sonoma Water's Board of Directors to approve wholesale water rates by April 30 of each year.

The FY 21-22 budgeted expenditures include:
  • Hazard mitigation projects and capital projects $9.7 million (17%),
  • Operations and maintenance $30.5 million (54%),
  • Biological opinion compliance, water supply planning, and water conservation $11.05 million (20%),
  • Debt service $4.85 million (9%),
  • $8.5 million in offsetting grants, bond proceeds, and use of fund balance.

The county’s cities and regions are served by individual water suppliers. In most cases, a city's public utilities will provide the water service. Other times it will be a water company. Customers can try to call their water provider to see if a payment program or assistance program might be offered. To see a list of local water suppliers Click Here.

Rainfall and Water Storage Update
Current water supply conditions as of 5/10/2021:   
Lake Mendocino Target Water Supply Curve: 86,827 acre-feet   
Current Storage: 36,831 acre-feet (42.42% of Target Water Supply Curve)   
Lake Sonoma Target Storage
Curve: 245,000 acre-feet
Current Storage: 147,804 acre-feet (60.33% of Water Supply Pool)   
Current rainfall conditions (10/1/20 – 5/9/21)   
Average (1894-2020 water years): 35.39”   
Current Water Year: 12.53” which is 37.86% of average   
Santa Rosa:   
Average (1950-2020 water years): 29.42"   
Current Water Year: 12.86” which is 43.71% of average  
Upcoming Events

The Board normally holds its regular meetings on Tuesdays, beginning at 8:30 a.m. and will be facilitated virtually through Zoom.

•May 18, 2021
•May 25, 2021
•June 1, 2021- Special Closed Session
•June 8, 2021

Board Agendas: 

Please visit for additional information on Coronavirus and fire recovery from Sonoma County.

Groundwater Sustainability Agency Board Meetings

Sonoma Valley - May 24, 2021 4pm
Petaluma Valley - May 27, 2021 4pm
Santa Rosa Plain - June 10, 2021 1pm

FOG Fact of the Month
Fats.Oils.Grease. (FOG)

I can prevent my pipes from becoming clogged and causing sewer backups in my house by flushing with plenty of hot water and detergents that “dissolve grease.” 

FALSE hot water and detergents do not dissolve grease – it only pushes FOG further down your pipes where it can stick and build up.
Employment Opportunities

Sonoma Water has job openings for people with a variety of skills and experience.

  • Water Agency Mechanic (Continuous)

  • Water Agency Business Systems Analyst - Extra-Help (Closes 5/18/2021)

  • Water Agency SCADA Technology Analyst (Continuous)

  • Water Agency Engineering Technician I,II, or III (Continuous)

  • Water Agency Maintenance Worker I - Extra-Help (Continuous)

  • Licensed Land Surveyor - Water Agency (Continuous)
Sonoma Water | 404 Aviation Blvd, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 |