Savannah, GA, Monday, June 14, 2021 - Chromebook devices are now available for checkout at all
Live Oak Public Libraries (LOPL) locations.
There are a total of 32 Chromebooks across the Live Oak Public Libraries system, with two devices available to borrow per library location. LOPL was awarded 25 Chromebook devices as part of the Georgia Public Library Service’s (GPLS)
Libraries Without Walls grant initiative, which is partially assisted with funds from the Library Service and Technology Act through the
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
Per the GPLS grant program, "The funding aims to boost the connectivity needs of our public libraries to better serve their community’s needs." The grant expands digital access by providing individuals with a direct link to technology. Library users are able to checkout a device, which they can then use in the library or at home.
“The digital divide is a big challenge that we face. And this past year, with the focus shifting to greater reliance on virtual interactions, certainly brought more attention to the disparity between those who have access to computers and internet and those who do not,” said Library Executive Director David Singleton. “Live Oak Public Libraries is proud to be a part of addressing this issue with the addition of Chromebook devices in our collection. By lending these devices, the Library is helping to meet the needs of the community through increased access to technology."
Live Oak Public Libraries also offers open access to public desktop computers and high-speed internet. LOPL has 475 public computers available for use across the library system and in 2020, in spite of pandemic restrictions, hosted 173,245 computer sessions and 271,103 wireless sessions. All library locations also offer free Wi-Fi inside and outside of buildings. These services are essential for individuals to be able to communicate with others, search for information, find a job, apply for college, or connect to e-government services.
Libraries support digital literacy so that people can connect to the resources they need. Services will be expanded in the future to include mobile internet hotspot devices for checkout, as well as a gradual return to in-person computer training programs and tech assistance to help customers build their skills in using technology.
Of the 62 public library systems in Georgia, LOPL is third for the number of public internet access devices available to customers. With the addition of these portable Chrome devices, LOPL is projected to rank second among public library systems in the state with technology devices available to the public.
In order to borrow a Chromebook, individuals must be 18 years of age or older and have both a valid library card and valid State identification. Devices can be checked out for a maximum period of three days and must be returned to the same library from which they were borrowed. Customers must also comply with the Library's Computer and Internet Use Policy.
To learn more about checking out a
Chromebook, visit or call your local library.