It's time for a check-up, on our NLCH nurse, Tara Goodloe!
November 2018
Meet our Missionaries: 
Tara Goodloe
Tara Goodloe
NLCH Nurse

How long have you served with NLAI? 
I have been serving at New Life Children's Home for a little over a year.  I made a commitment of 2 years at NLCH, but that number is easily overridden by whatever God decides He wants. 

What has been your favorite/most memorable part of serving at NLCH?
I spent my first Christmas at NLCH last year, and it surpassed all expectations.  The atmosphere is electric.  The kids aren't in school (more fun), the weather is cooler (I'm not sweating), and it is so life-giving to see the kids who have since left, return with families of their own!  

Tara with Sandra at her recent graduation ceremony.
Tell me about a special interaction with or story of transformation of one of the NLCH kids:
One day I found out that one of the boys, who was usually in some kind of trouble, had gone through my desk and taken some money.  This act of hoodlumism was nothing out of the ordinary.  In fact, it was a normal occurrence. 

When he came to return the money to me, it was very hard for him.  Ten minutes of coaxing later, he asked for it to just be the 2 of us, so the other missionary and psychologist gave us some privacy.  I have a lot of love for this boy even though he was a trouble maker.  As soon as the other 2 people left the room, he looked at me with tears in his eyes, handed me the money and said "I'm sorry."  

Nothing compares to some one-on-one time with one of little ones.
It was a real moment of repentance; something he usually never has.  For all the times he had cursed someone out, stolen something, or been vulgar without the slightest hint of regret and thriving off of someone else's pain, that moment of repentance took all of that away and replaced it with hope.  Then I hugged him (something he doesn't let many people do), and fighting back my own tears, told him that I loved him and nothing he could ever do would change that.

How can we pray for you? 
I would ask for your prayers for patience in all situations, wisdom, creativity for new ways to spend time with the kids and teach them about their health and Jesus, opportunities to talk to them about my relationship with Jesus, as well as prayers for safety.